Monday, August 20, 2007

Little Clarkie is not so little anymore

Where to start? First off, the weekend was a total whirlwind. Drew and I cannot believe we were there and back in 2 1/2 days. It really flew by. Great to see everyone. I CANNOT believe how big Lucas and Oscar were and how much like Dad Lucas looked. I thought the wedding was great and Lucy and Clark really seem madly in love. Sorry again Magoo and Lyd. The video was a total bust. I have never wanted something to be so perfect in my life and I was obviously devastate that it didn't work out the way I wanted it to.

Drew enjoyed seeing everyone. He really made an effort and I just love him to pieces. It meant a lot to me that he came with me and we are better than ever.

I saw Bourne Ultimatum yesterday and that movie is bad ass. I love all those Bourne movies. Lots of work now that my intern has returned to school. I am so excited to go home in two weeks for Labor day and see more of everyone. Carrie and Andy are coming, too. Lots of love.

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