Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Perry's visit/ Indy 500

I'll send more pics so you can see the weekend in full but as you can see above, Perry enjoyed his trip to the midwest. We battled weather all weekend which was a drag but we made the best of it. I think I gained 5 pounds from eating just crap for 3 days. We even stopped at a Steak and Shake on the way home. I'm going to make myself go to yoga at least 3 days this week.
We had a jam packed weekend and I am beat. Drew grew out his facial hair all week and then shaved off just the chin so he had 'handle bars' and it was super trashy and hilarious. Perry seems to be killing it at work but is still warming up to Boston. Not quite his town but he is trying to enjoy. Drew and I will see him again when we go to the wedding at Martha's Vineyard in 3 weeks.
Love to all.

1st Boat Date

I took a half day on Friday and met Chaz for lunch at this great spot on the Chicago river. Drew pulled his boat up to the restaurant and met us. too. After lunch, Drew and I took the boat out for a cruise and had a lazy afternoon date floating around and just hanging out. It was really great. I think he looks so flippin' hot in this picture!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Alex was in town.

She had a busy weekend with her boyfriend so we could only have a drink. But it was great to catch up. We are off to Bolinas tonight to celebrate Justin's birthday. xoxo, L

Friday, May 25, 2007

That is hot! Have fun with Perry this weekend.

What could be hotter...

...then getting picked up from work by boat? I am so excited. Today, I am going to lunch with Chaz at this great place on the Chicago river and then Drew is going to swing by and pick me up on his boat and we are just going to cruise around for the afternoon together because i got a half day today with the holiday (yippie!)

Perry gets here tomorrow. The weather looks like rain the next two days which is such a bummer. I want to show Perry what Chicago can be like in the summer. We head to Indy 500 on Saturday night. I am sure there will be some funny pictures from that. Perry, Andy and Drew are all buddies so I am excited to get them all together.

Drew and I entered a new level of intimacy as I slept on his bathroom floor last night sick (like mexico sick) from something I ate. We are laughing about it today but, boy, am I tired.

Love to all. Enjoy bed rest. I bet tivo is your best friend.

Happy Friday

Well I don't know about you all, but I am ready for the weekend. Tomorrow is Justin's birthday and I am taking him on a "free adventure". That is what we are doing for our birthdays this year. So I've got a great day planned tomorrow and everything is free. I can't wait. The weather has really cooled off here, unfortunately, because we are going to an outdoor wedding on Saturday night. The wedding is for our most alternative friends so it should be interesting to say the least! They are putting a traffic light on our block (which is a good thing because there are always accidents at that intersection) BUT I have been waking up to jackhammers every morning AND they work on the weekends. Plus, our next door neighbors are adding on to their second story so we've got the hammers going as well. Lovely.
Justin gets home today. He got some medicine and is feeling better after his health scare. Stay on the couch Lydia! Love you guys! Lucille

Thursday, May 24, 2007

General Beatty has me on bedrest!

Just checking in from my post on the couch. Mom and Dill have me on mandatory rest so I decided now was the time to blog. Mom has been unbelievable. We would have not made it the last week and a half without her. We are all overtired, but doing great. Spencer is precious and the kids have been great. Mom is yelling over to me that she is so sorry Clark and Lucille, that she is not home. I really do appreciate you letting me have her like this. I know it has been a really long time since you have seen her Luc and I really appreciate it. I have not done very well physically after this one so it is great to have someone so efficient around to get us moving and who can make sure we get everyone where they need to go when. And who can cook. She made homeade fried chicken. Did not know she made fried chicken, but man was it good. You have to request it.

The weather is incredible here and the deck is coming along. Glad you have been on the boat lizzy. Luc, I looked on the Plantation Shop website, but the coral lamps aren't on it. When I get back on my feet and out and about I will take a picture of it for you and post it so you can see.

Love to all.

I love it

I love bold colors and patterns like that and I think it would work with the rest of your house. Are you constantly redecorating your apartment? You need a house!

The beard pic is so funny. I have been on a ticket buying binge. got my tickets to Martha Vineyard and Napa (x2) so all set for summer.

Love to all. Lyd, know you have your hands full but send an update when you can!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Beard & What do you think?

Here is Justin with a beard. I thought you two would get a kick of this. I am thinking of making pillows out of this fabric for my sofas. What do you think? Too strong? I know it's weird, but that's why I kindof like it. Let me know your thoughts. Hope you feel better Lyd. Stay in bed and rest up.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Cute Pics!

Great Photos Lyd and Lizzie. Thanks for posting! Alex comes this weekend. Justin's birthday is on Saturday. We're going to a wedding. The weather has been beautiful lately. xoxo, L

Fun weekend with Simone!

Monday, May 21, 2007

So Precious!

I am so glad you guys are having fun. Keep the updates coming!

Sweet Boy

Hello everyone,

We had a great, but tiring weekend. Spent the whole time on the deck on all the furniture Dill and Mom went to get. Thought I would write a quick note to say all is well here. We are all exhausted, but hanging in there. Mom is extending her stay again, thank god. Not ready to be on my own yet. Love you all.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Happy Friday All

Well, I went to a really fun concert last night. I worship this band keane and they were awesome and Kelsey went. After we went to the Green Mill which is a famous big band bar and all the guys were hitting on kelsey and Phil Mickelson (sp) was there so I thought of you, Lyd. Simone comes today and I am so excited. I am wearing a blue and white outfit and drew says i look like a j crew ad. Love to all. Finals are over. Yippie

Thursday, May 17, 2007

weekend guests

He shaved! There is a God. Wow does it look better and feel softer. And now I've got him back. Finals are over and I've got someone to go to the movies with :) Life is good. How 'bout Dad the rescue hero? This weekend is bay to breakers. We're getting costumed up. We've got guests staying with us all weekend - Justin's college friend and girlfriend. I love Jim so looking forward to it. He's so cute. Work is starting to get much better. We hired a new bookkeeper and she's the new sheriff in town. She's putting some overdue structure into the business. This weekend we are going to take the cable car down to the Ferry Building for the farmer's market and if the weather is nice enough head out to the beach. Hopefully our guests will like that. Then Saturday night is Jim's birthday so we're getting all Justin's old college friends together to celebrate. I'm excited for Mom to come home. I haven't seen her in months! I'm getting back into wedding planning. On June 3rd I'm meeting with a wedding planner at Mom's. We'll see where that takes us. But Mexico is definitely still on the radar screen. Hope everybody is doing well. Love, L

Monday, May 14, 2007


Congrats Lyd!!! Post a pic!

Lucille, your place looks amazing. You're making me hate mine....

Love to all

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My apartment is looking so cute!!

i am loving the orange red. now i just need those coral lamps lyd! justin just pulled out those little wood models out of storage and i've fallen in love with them. their arms and legs move so they can be in different poses. yes, i am bored waiting for my guests to get here. hurry up people!!

Dinner Party!

I am having a dinner party tonight for 5 friends. As usual, I'm am already for dinner but the guests aren't going to be here for 1.5 hours. Why am I such a early person!!?? It is a curse I tell you. Three of the people that are coming I've never met before so it should be interesting. Mom wants me to meet some Houston people that just moved here and my friend Caroline has invited two people who just moved here also. They just got engaged and the guy is about to start his residency at UCSF. Justin is in the library tonight but we only have three more days until he is done. Woo hoo! And three more days until he shaves his beard!! Lyd, send us photos! Love everybody. Hope the Chicago weekend is going well Lizzie.


Congratulations on baby Spencer! I hope that you and Dill are both recovering today : ) I can't wait to see photos. I hear he is beautiful! Great job Lydia - I hear it was quick. I REALLY hope I got the quick baby genes! Justin and I love you both and we are really excited for you.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hi All,
Sorry I've been so silent lately. I haven't been busy so no excuse really. We had our three year anniversary this week. We had a delish dinner at a place called Coco 500. The food was so good. I loved everything. They gave us free champagne and put candles on our dessert, so that was fun. Justin got me a tortoise shell watch and some gold earings with little ivory balls that are wrapped in these kindof gold leaves. He has never bought me jewelery so I was gushing big time to encourage this behavior in the future! I got him a professional shave appointment and a nickel plated shaver that holds mach-3 razors. He has a beard right now. I was making a serious statement with that gift - get rid of the damn beard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to shop for a car this weekend. I am not looking forward to it. I HATE cars and computers and cell phones. I am really thinking MINI right now but have to figure out if I can afford it. It would be a great city car but not so practical for work. So we'll see.

Justin is done with finals on Tuesday. Yippee!!! I am having a dinner party for some friend of mom's from houston's son. I invited all of my conservative friends.

Hang in there Lydia. Love everybody. Happy friday. Have fun at the christening. Wear the hat!!!!
Is the blogger dying a slow death? Where you at Magoo and Lyd?

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hump day

this has already been a long week. i went to nora jones last night and she is better live if you can imagine such a thing. She is truly talented. Drew and I were in the second to last row of the entire theatre. It was cute though because that was my valentine's day gift and even though he doesn't have much money he tried to doing something special (even though he has a huge crush on her and wanted to see her, too). I am just so torn weather or not to wear my big hat to the baptism. thoughts here? too diva?

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Well, did anyone else celebrate Mexican Indepedance yesterday? I certainly did. For Derby de Mayo, I wore a t- shirt with Mexico's flag on it and I wore my big black derby hat. It was a big hit. Last night, we went to Chaz's for dinner. Carrie, Andy, dad, drew and I. The house looks great. I love his yard and he has all his own herbs growing and I am so jelous. I wish I had my own herbs. Dad made a mint jullip for Drew. it was fun. he certainly has his hands full with those kids. Wow.

Just at the coffee shop working and drew is studying. He is across form me right now and he looks hot with his scruffy beard that he is sporting rt now. We are going to go on a run laterby the beach. I suck at running but whatever.

Mom comes this week with Micheal. I am going to have a dinner party on Friday night with Mike, mom, Drew, Andy and Carrie. Something simple like tacos or something. They have to leave early anyway.

Lyd, hope bed rest is treating you kind. That projection screen sounds so awesome.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Hi All,

I am packing up tonight to head up to Portland for my friend's 30th birthday weekend. I've never been to Portland so I am looking forward to it. Justin is in the midst of finals right now so it's good timing so he can have the apartment all weekend to study. Hopefully it won't rain up there. My boss has been aggravating lately. I really don't think she knows how to run a company and that's frustrating. But it just motivates me to have my own company one day. It will be nice to get out of San Francisco and have a little R&R with some friends. I haven't put any work into trying to find a new car -but I am desperate to get one. The jeep is making all kinds of weird noises these days. I saw Bobbi Lee today Lydia so that was weird. I used to see her a lot but I haven't seen her in awhile. I saw my therapist yesterday - love him! He is into the quick fixes and no psychobabble. There is a great antique show in St. Helena so I am bummed to miss it this weekend. There is going to be some interesting stuff. xoxo, L

Thanks Magoo!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

woo hoo!

Congratulations Lizzie! Your website is VERY official. And from your bio you sound VERY important. Plus your photo is gorgeeoso. You're playing in the big leagues now! Now hurry up and make all the money so you can buy and we can decorate your new stellar pad.

It's official!!!!!!!!!

We closed today. WhoHoo!!!!!!!! Even though I only have 3%, it's still equity! I am so excited!!! Check out my website: www.talentdrive.com Now we just need clients!!!!