Thursday, November 15, 2007


I would hate for the blog to die so let me breathe some life into this thing. First of all, Lyd, I am sorry I forgot to call on hte kids' bdays. I am glad they liked their presents but I feel awful especially since everyone was so sweet to call on Oscar's bday. Anyway, we won't forget again. Lena spent last weekend in NY with her friends. Funny enough, and I swear it is true, the fact is that it is easier when you have the kids on your own. They behave much better. It is bizarre and certainly counterintuitive. Perhaps it is just because they know that if Dad is taking care of them, they better behave. LOL. Oscar loved his birthday. Swedish tradition is that you wake the children up with a cake and candles and then they open presents so we did that and I went to work late. That night we went to a local family restaurant with some neighborhood friends. It was great. His party is this weekend. Surprise, it is a pirate party. Everything has to be pirates right now. It should be fun. The house is coming along. I owe you guys pics. I tore everything out. It looks bare but it looks better without that overgrown hedge in front. Problem is that it is too late to put the new hedge in the ground so now I have to wait til Spring. That was stupid. Chris comes next week for a visit. Kristi has invited us all to her house which is always great. The next day we are taking the kids to the circus and Saturday Chris and I are going downtown for a night out. Other than that, no plans. I finally got off a present to Clark and Lucy. They are going to love it. I also finished my last Christmas shopping today. Psyched! A record. A world record! Now I just have to get our Christmas cards out before February and I might even convince myself for a moment that I am responsible. LOL. I love you all. Happy Holidays! They are almost here.

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