Lyd, it was so great to see you and your friends. I thought they were all fantastic but especially liked Brook. She is so fun. I think Justin enjoyed meeting Southern women. He was impersonating their accents all weekend. We're going to try to buy our tickets to Atlanta tonight.
The hike in Marin was beautiful. We ended up at this German social club/brewery which has a beautiful view of the headlands. My friend was having a birthday party there. We pulled out the scrabble board and played for a few hours. So that was fun. I get really competitive when I play that game.
My friend Marie is visiting this weekend. We just shopped around for a few hours and afterwards, I stopped and got my makeup done at Benefit. Tonight is date night; I wonder if Justin will even notice! He'll probably say something like, 'what did you do to your face?' Guys are so clueless.
My boss gets back from Africa this week - which to be honest, I am not really looking forward to because things are going to pick up again. But I guess that is fun, too. I went to this cool restaurant in the mission this weekend - they play foreign films outside on the patio wall with sub-captions. So you eat yummy food and watch foreign films. It felt very retro, edgey.
I can't wait to do my niece/nephew birthday shopping. I love shopping for clothes for them. Chaz and Lyd, if your kids have any special requests for birthday gifts, let me know...
Lizzie, I hope you have a great time in Chicago this week.