Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Oh where to begin

Halloween started off with a bang. The kids were so fired up yesterday. Baker was a football player at school and a ghost at night. Mary Rowe was the Cookie Monster at school and the prettiest Cinderella ever at night. She even slept with her tiarra. They trick or treated and had a blast, but then all hell broke loose. Note to parents, if your kids don't normaly eat candy, let them warm up for a few days prior to Halloween!! At midnight, Baker woke up throwing up everywhere and continued to until this morning. Yuck. He eats chocolate as candy, but everyone gives disgusting nerds and laughy taffy out and that stuff will kill you. So he was home from school today. Dill is in Canada so we are just hanging out the rest of the week. Looking forward to Baker's last t-ball game this weekend and to having friends over on Sat. night. Baker's b-day party is on Monday. Yippie. Dill and I might be more excited than he is. Can't decide what to put on my pizza when I make it. I hope to leave able to throw the dough in the air. Will send pics. Love to all.

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