Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Birthdays and Babies

Happy birthday to my sweet Baker. Can't believe he is 5. He can't either. He freaked out over the new Razor scooter we got him. He has been using Dill's old one. Thanks Luc for the pants, they fit him great. And Chaz, he will probably wear a hole in the baseball net. Thanks. He asked for Chinese food tonight so we are just going to order in. Dill is in NY until tomorrow. Then Uncle Kevin is opening up a Wildfire Rest. here tomorrow night so we are looking forward to taking a couple of friends to the opening and seeing him. Should be great. Had my big Paranatologist screening today and the baby looked great, but they could not tell the sex. Oh well. We have to wait another 6 weeks until I go back. The kids are dying to know. Gearing up for Mary Rowe's birthday next. Her party is on Monday and should be really cute. Dill is making her a Curious George cake. Lucille, you should be a travel writer. After we read your description of Clark's new town, I was ready to move there! I am sure they loved your visit. Looking forward to Thanksgiving. Especially now that I am feeling better and the thought of food is not quite so putrid! Love to all.

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