Monday, October 30, 2006


I woke up last night around 3:30 am and walked to the fridge and pounded a couple Kraft singles. Reading the blogger, I am starting to see what everyone outside our "circle of trust" sees- A family obsessed with food (with a focus on cheese of course), I love it!!! Wow, a nice day here in Chicago. I had dad, Chaz, lena and the kids over on friday night for dinner. My peppercorn pork chops were pretty spicy but all and all it was ok. I made these gorgonzola au gratin potatoes that were bomb. Lyd- love the corsage. Do you have a pic? My big news is that I finally bought a bar table and stools. They are getting delivered tonight. Dreamy Drew was up in Harbor Springs this weekend and he brought me back pounds and pounds of fudge so I stuck it in the freezer to bring up on Thanksgiving. His brother is in town tonight and I am making the three of us dinner and we're going to sit at my new table! Busy, busy week. My phone interview with children's memorial is tonight. I really hope they pick me for their board. love to all.

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