Monday, October 02, 2006

Sooooooo Tired!

Sorry I have not blogged lately. It has taken everything in me just to keep my eyes open. Don't know how Mom had Clark in her late 30s. I was a lot perkier with Baker. Busy week this week. Have about 30 people coming to the house for our Children's Healthcare kickoff meeting on Wednesday. My big 35th is tomorrow so we are doing an early family dinner at Houston's before Dill flies up to NY tomorrow night. I also have to somehow finish my homework for my class Thursday. I am taking an 11 week class called Motherwise and love it. You are going to die I know, but it is a bible study surrounding Women's issues and the bible. It is very interesting and not at all thumpy. I have a lot of friends in the class and it has been interesting reading. I have never even read the bible, so it is quite a lesson. The kids are great. We still have not told them yet. Think we will wait for my 9 week sonogram on Monday. If that goes well we will tell them. They will die. Baker especially. I will be without my car for another week so the convertible is still our mode of transport. Great for carpool. The kids just jump out. Thanks for everyone's concern. It was scary and random, but I am fine. One of those things that would have had a dramatically different outcome if I was 1/2 inch to either side. We asked Dill's doctor friend Eric Bernstein once when he was working in the Emergency Room what he felt the difference was in who he saw live or die and he said a 1/2 an inch. It is so true. If you think of how many times in life you just lucked out. Lucille, congrats on your job stuff. Sounds great. I have never been to that club, but have always heard how nice it is. Were you talking about Uncle Wayne? Was he in California? Also, your "What about Brian," show starts next week. I only saw the season finale last year and loved it. Lizzy, how is Chicago? Drew? Love to all.

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