Friday, October 20, 2006


shawbangMy babies. It is 2:30 a, and I must have eaten something weird because I can't sleep and have Salvador Dali dreams! What a birthday I had. I love each of you for your calls and precious voices. Lizzy, can't wait to chop chop and to put a fab pic of you in the gorgeous frame. Lyd, the weather is supposed to get cold again on Monday so I will be snuggled up in the heavenly throw, can't believe you found another one, especially since it isn't leopard print or something crazy, I love it and the great picture and the t shirt! Where did u ever find that. I t is a perfect fit and will wear it to my next 10s match. Darling Justin gave me a beautiful book on fine linens which I have given as a gift to others but never bought for myself. I think I will actually read it and not just look at the pix because I am very interested in the subject. Chaz, I know u will be unhappy to know that your gift isn't here yet, but don't worry, it will probably arrive tomorrow. Ami and I went to see a horrible movie( in an otherwise perfect birth day) called Half Nelson, be sure to NOT see it. We said we would have walked out and gone to a bar but we didn't drink!!! Luch w/ Rue and pals was really fun. New place called GO Fish, really good. I am incredibly grate for each of you. You make me proud each day because of the fine, reponsible dutiful, loving people you are. When I would say to Mother, when you all were little, "it is just almost sick and painful love love these kids so much" she would always say " it is nothing compared to how much yu love them when they are older". And as always she was right. When you are lucky enough to live to see your children grown all the love is magnified through the unique sense of feeling pride. Not only have I been lucky to have beautiful, smart and athletic children but I also feel a pride of a job well done because of the people you are. Thirty eight years it has taken and I wouldn't trade a millisecond. And I hope there are many milliseconds to come because as you all know, for better or worse, I'm never finished!!!Momma

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