Thursday, November 30, 2006


Last night, I went to Justin's sister's 30th birthday and Justin's step-mom told me that she missed me! And she was really nice to me. AND Justin's step-sister actually acknowledged that I exist and even asked me how I was doing!! Truly bizarre. I went home and was very happy, but then realized I can't get too excited because the next time I see them, they will probably go back to normal. But it was nice to have a drama free night where everybody was just nice. It was a great party. I can't wait for my 30th.

Glad you liked the card Lyd! I was inspired after our weekend in Atlanta to get some cards out and actually had a good time doing it. I sent cards to people I haven't seen since college..etc. Kindof fun.

This weekend I am helping Clark celebrate his birthday by going to a Raiders game. I hope I live.

Love everybody!

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