Last night, I went to Justin's sister's 30th birthday and Justin's step-mom told me that she missed me! And she was really nice to me. AND Justin's step-sister actually acknowledged that I exist and even asked me how I was doing!! Truly bizarre. I went home and was very happy, but then realized I can't get too excited because the next time I see them, they will probably go back to normal. But it was nice to have a drama free night where everybody was just nice. It was a great party. I can't wait for my 30th.
Glad you liked the card Lyd! I was inspired after our weekend in Atlanta to get some cards out and actually had a good time doing it. I sent cards to people I haven't seen since college..etc. Kindof fun.
This weekend I am helping Clark celebrate his birthday by going to a Raiders game. I hope I live.
Love everybody!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Movie Stars
Oh my god Luc, just got your Christmas card and you both look like movie stars!!! My sucky, boring white one should be here in a couple of days.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Well, things have died down here after a very fun week of family, football and food. I think I probably gained 10 pounds, but it was all well worth it. Mom, Mike, Lucille and Justin were all great. Baker is mourning the loss of his new best friend, Uncle Justin. Very sad. We are now in full Christmas mode. Getting the tree this weekend and have just finished doing the outside today. Lots of lights and of course our lit of reindeer, Petzel is out in full glory. Lizzy, you missed a mean carrot cake cook-off. Both were so good. All food was amazing actually. Baker has the church choir concert on Sunday so we just got in from choir practice. He is really excited. Should be really cute. It is still boiling hot here, but is sapposed to be cooler this weekend. I want cold weather. I know it is even hot in Chicago. I swear global warming is out of control
Monday, November 27, 2006
Football mania
Hands down, I watched more football last week than EVER. Very entertaining. Thanksgiving in the midwest was good. It all started with the annual Turkey Bowl football game that has had me so soar for days. Drew, of course, had 3 touchdowns and is hooked. The food was good but we had a small group this year which was kind of weird. The vibe was way more mellow this year. Grandmother looked great. She was all smiles. I watched Da Vinci Code and I have got to say that I REALLY liked it. I also finally saw Brokeback Mountain. I thought that Heath Ledger did a really good job showing his 'manlove' skills, LOL.
Feel bad for me, I am off to ORLANDO (ugh) on Wednesday AM for a conference at Disney World. Good place to buy my nieces and nephews xmas gifts though. Love to all.
Feel bad for me, I am off to ORLANDO (ugh) on Wednesday AM for a conference at Disney World. Good place to buy my nieces and nephews xmas gifts though. Love to all.
Friday, November 24, 2006
HappyThanksgiving everyone! We had quite a feast last night. Two carrot cakes, two pumpkin pies and an apple pie all for 6 adults. Justin got so sick of everyone hassling him about not being able to eat cheese that he decided to put a stick of butter in his mashed potatoes to get everybody off his back. Funny thing is, it kindof worked. Baker and mary rowe are pretty cute. They are jumping on the trampoline right now. Mary Rowe is holding on for dear life to the side on the trampoline as Baker tries to double bounce her. I think I can actually remember those days. Mike and Lydia are playing tennis and I think I am going to go for a walk around memorial park. We leave early tomorrow morning. Ugh. Don't want to leave yet. Hope everybody had a great day!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Best Dinner Party Ever
Well, I gotta say, my dinner party was a huge success on Saturday. Braised short ribs with a vegetable puree and Parmesan risotto brought the house down for 10 guests. It was so tasty. Friday I went and saw Borat. Was pretty fun. Yesterday was Oscar's b-day party. Man, the Chicago Children's museum is SO cool. I mean, screw the kids, I'd hang out there any day! Chaz was all decked out in video cameras and still cameras and looked like super dad. It was really cute. Lena looks like a rockstar and made me feel like I need to get my butt to the gym, hair salon and tanning salon asap. Looking forward to thanksgiving at the Brown's. It's a small crowd this year which is weird but seeing grandmother ought to be great and I am really happy that we are sans susan and crazy katie! love to all!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I know what you mean
Lizzie, it's funny to read your blog because I went through the exact same thing. I was asked to be on the board of a homeless shelter for battered women, something I really wanted to help out with. I attended some of these meetings and quickly realized it was less about helping the people and more about social gatherings and showing off about who you knew and how much money you could raise. It ended up that you never got to work with the people and it just didn't feel as good as if you volunteered. Anyway, I wrote them a letter too and 'respectfully declined'. Probably a good decision Lizzie. Better to volunteer to help children learn how to read.
I went to the Children's meeting and it was just a meeting! We didn't find out. But something happened- I sat there and listened to everyone and took a good look at myself and decided it wasn't for me. Yesterday morning, I wrote the head of the board and withdrew my application. I guess I realized that the kids on this thing weren't really my crowd. It was real stuffy and pretentious and I didn't want to get all wrapped up in that. I slept on it and talked to Carrie about it and made a decision. I think I did the right thing and Carrie and I are going to try to get involved with something else. I would like to do something with literacy.
Anyway, work BLOWS but what else is new. I am going to see Borat on Friday night with Carrie and Lindsay and then Saturday I am having an 8 person dinner party. On the menu: Braised Short Ribs and Parmesan Risotto. Sunday is O's birthday party. That should be fun with a hangover!
Last night I was at Shaw's and Ty Pennington from Home Makeover walked in. Lyd and Luc you both would of died.
Looking forward to a (small) thanksgiving at the Brown's and seeing Grandmother. Love to all.
Anyway, work BLOWS but what else is new. I am going to see Borat on Friday night with Carrie and Lindsay and then Saturday I am having an 8 person dinner party. On the menu: Braised Short Ribs and Parmesan Risotto. Sunday is O's birthday party. That should be fun with a hangover!
Last night I was at Shaw's and Ty Pennington from Home Makeover walked in. Lyd and Luc you both would of died.
Looking forward to a (small) thanksgiving at the Brown's and seeing Grandmother. Love to all.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Again, worth the wait
Chaz, love the update. All about quality not quantity. Love it. Glad Oscar had fun on his big day. My last party was yesterday. Brought cupcakes to Mr's school. She relished in her birthday. Baker was indifferent about his, but MR was the queen of the hop and lovin it!!!! She had to sleep with all of her presents in her bed. A little difficult seeing as one was a princess scooter with a basket and bell! Very cute. So now I am done with birthdays and incredibly fired up for next weeks visitors. Love Thanksgiving. Hate how so many people skip it. There are actually a couple of houses near me that are decorated for Christmas already. Terrible. Lucille, congratulations. It sounds like a huge success and from what you told me that the BCC is desperate for a little decorating help. Good job. Also, Mom is going to freak when she reads about your Dyson. She is desperate for one but concered about the clean up. Do explain for her.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
We rocked it
We absolutely rocked it. We had our presentation at the Burlingame Country Club today, which I have been so nervous about for the last week or so and it truly couldn't have gone any better. I am just elated today and feeling so happy that I made the decision to move into design. It can be very rewarding at times and today was one of those days. You work so hard on something and grind through the details and then one day you get to see it all come together and see everyone respond positively to it and it just feels great. Lizzie, I imagine you feel this when you present your ideas as well. This was the first project that was "mine" and well, I guess I am just really looking forward to many more to call my own.
To celebrate....dancing with the stars. Does anybody else watch this and can't help but dance around your house during the commercials? Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it.
Chaz and Lyd, it sounds like you two have been having so much fun with your little kiddos. I wish I could have been there to celebrate with your precious babies.
Hope everybody is having a good week so far.
To celebrate....dancing with the stars. Does anybody else watch this and can't help but dance around your house during the commercials? Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it.
Chaz and Lyd, it sounds like you two have been having so much fun with your little kiddos. I wish I could have been there to celebrate with your precious babies.
Hope everybody is having a good week so far.
An Update
Hi everyone! Well, today is Oscar's birthday. The Swedish tradition is that you sing Happy Birthday and have the cake in the morning. Needless to say, Oscar was thrilled. Nothing like a sugar high to get the day started. I start every day that way with my coffee. He has not opened his gifts but I did set up his train table last night. It is so cool. He was so excited when he saw it this morning. It just made my day to see the joy on his face. I called from work a couple of hours later to hear that he had systematically destroyed the whole track layout I had done for him. He is not much of a builder. More of a destroyer at this point in time. He has a set of blocks and I will sit him down to build a house or something and no sooner than I have two blocks assembled he is smashing it to pieces. The onset of the terrible twos I guess. Tonight we are going to have Costco lasagna. Oscar's favorite. He can eat half of one of those things. That is if I have eaten more than half myself. If you haven't tried one. Go pick one up. They are awesome. No other plans for his bday. His big day will be the party on Sunday. There are 25 people coming and it should be really fun.
I leave on Friday for the Notre Dame vs Army game with Dad and his crew. It should be fun. Dad is staying til Sunday but I have to come back after the game so as to be home for O's bday party on Sunday.
Next week we leave for Boyne. The weather has been awful which means of course that they should be open for skiing early this year. I guess that is the upside. We really like it there and are looking forward to it. We might try to get O on skis but it is probably still a little early. If he were born in summer, he would be good to go but the extra six months is probably key at this age. Still, I might let him try.
Lucas is doing great and is so adorable. It is strange to say but he has a great sense of humor. Lena and I discussed more kids recently but are going to hold off a bit. Obviously we don't have too much time to spare but Lena just had a check up where the doctor said she should not worry about any difficulties and that she was very healthy.
We have been looking at houses in Wilmette most weekends. Saw another one I liked this weekend but am not prepared to bid on it if our current place is not on the market.
Not much else going on. We have found out that we will be on our own here for XMAS. We might make plans but right now the plan is to have our own XMAS. We'll see. Daddy is not feeling to rich right now knowing what the holidays always cost.
Much love to you all and Happy Holidays a little early.
I leave on Friday for the Notre Dame vs Army game with Dad and his crew. It should be fun. Dad is staying til Sunday but I have to come back after the game so as to be home for O's bday party on Sunday.
Next week we leave for Boyne. The weather has been awful which means of course that they should be open for skiing early this year. I guess that is the upside. We really like it there and are looking forward to it. We might try to get O on skis but it is probably still a little early. If he were born in summer, he would be good to go but the extra six months is probably key at this age. Still, I might let him try.
Lucas is doing great and is so adorable. It is strange to say but he has a great sense of humor. Lena and I discussed more kids recently but are going to hold off a bit. Obviously we don't have too much time to spare but Lena just had a check up where the doctor said she should not worry about any difficulties and that she was very healthy.
We have been looking at houses in Wilmette most weekends. Saw another one I liked this weekend but am not prepared to bid on it if our current place is not on the market.
Not much else going on. We have found out that we will be on our own here for XMAS. We might make plans but right now the plan is to have our own XMAS. We'll see. Daddy is not feeling to rich right now knowing what the holidays always cost.
Much love to you all and Happy Holidays a little early.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Lucille, I would blow off school and just go into vacuum sales. You've already sold me and I have hardwood floors!
Well, let the countdown to Prague! I was at Boarders yesterday and I got a travel guide and it looks beautiful. It is INSANE how CHEAP this place is. I'm talking 30 bucks for a 4 star dinner and night at the opera. Needless to say, Alex and I are going take this city by storm! All xmas shopping will be done there so that should yield some interesting gifts.
Big news, I am officially going to Colorado before xmas (Dec 20-23) to stay with Drew and his family. They live in Boulder so I am just SO excited to go back to my college town! We are going to go up and ski two days at Vail together and Drew got us a hotel at the Vail Cascade which is swanky so I am just so pumped. Can't wait to get on the mountain. I leave for CA from CO and then return back to Chicago only to hop on another plane to meet Drew in NYC for 5 days and 4 nights for New Years! So, I think that the holidays will be a blast.
Love to all.
Well, let the countdown to Prague! I was at Boarders yesterday and I got a travel guide and it looks beautiful. It is INSANE how CHEAP this place is. I'm talking 30 bucks for a 4 star dinner and night at the opera. Needless to say, Alex and I are going take this city by storm! All xmas shopping will be done there so that should yield some interesting gifts.
Big news, I am officially going to Colorado before xmas (Dec 20-23) to stay with Drew and his family. They live in Boulder so I am just SO excited to go back to my college town! We are going to go up and ski two days at Vail together and Drew got us a hotel at the Vail Cascade which is swanky so I am just so pumped. Can't wait to get on the mountain. I leave for CA from CO and then return back to Chicago only to hop on another plane to meet Drew in NYC for 5 days and 4 nights for New Years! So, I think that the holidays will be a blast.
Love to all.
Well my life just changed.
I got a Dyson vacuum cleaner! I have a three room apartment and I have been vacuuming for the last four hours. Seriously. This thing does it all. I cleaned my bedroom and the entire canister filled up dirt (I know, gross, but my other vacuum cleaner didn't clean very well). My carpet looks brand new and now all of the sideboards are clean and all of the window sills. It even has an upholstery cleaning piece so I put that sucker on and cleaned up the couch. Then I sucked out all the ashes in the fireplace. This thing even dusts. You put the duster piece on and go around the house sucking up all the dust. It's a good thing Justin is not here because I've had some serious OCD all day long. But man, my place is spick and span. Lydia, if you don't have one of these things, you have to get one. They are worth every penny.
It is truly pathetic that that is the highlight of my weekend. But other than that, I have been stuck in bed with tonsilitis, which is unfortunately making it difficult for me to breath. I have a big presentation for work on Tuesday. I am really nervous and just want it to be overwith. Can't wait for it to be Wednesday. Lyd, hope the birthday goes well. I went to Elsabet's 9th birthday party today and had a blast. Love hanging around kids - so fun. Hope everybody has a good week.
I got a Dyson vacuum cleaner! I have a three room apartment and I have been vacuuming for the last four hours. Seriously. This thing does it all. I cleaned my bedroom and the entire canister filled up dirt (I know, gross, but my other vacuum cleaner didn't clean very well). My carpet looks brand new and now all of the sideboards are clean and all of the window sills. It even has an upholstery cleaning piece so I put that sucker on and cleaned up the couch. Then I sucked out all the ashes in the fireplace. This thing even dusts. You put the duster piece on and go around the house sucking up all the dust. It's a good thing Justin is not here because I've had some serious OCD all day long. But man, my place is spick and span. Lydia, if you don't have one of these things, you have to get one. They are worth every penny.
It is truly pathetic that that is the highlight of my weekend. But other than that, I have been stuck in bed with tonsilitis, which is unfortunately making it difficult for me to breath. I have a big presentation for work on Tuesday. I am really nervous and just want it to be overwith. Can't wait for it to be Wednesday. Lyd, hope the birthday goes well. I went to Elsabet's 9th birthday party today and had a blast. Love hanging around kids - so fun. Hope everybody has a good week.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Feelin Groovy
It was a perfect fall weekend. It was snowing leaves and the kids loved it. T-Ball is over so we did not have to rush around everywhere on Saturday so we just hung out, played outside and watched football. We are gearing up for Mary Rowe's Birthday tomorrow. We can't wait to give her the Princess Scooter and the game system that Mom is giving her. She is going to die. Tomorrow is her birthday party at the park. She picked a Curious George theme so Dill just finished making her cake in the shape of a monkey. He really got his gay on for this one, it is incredible. He has been baking a lot Mom so you better watch out for your Carrot Cake bake off!!! It is sapposed to be 70 degrees and sunny so perfect for a party at the park. Cannot wait until next week for all of our Thanksgiving visitors. The world has seemingly moved on to Christmas, but I love Thanksgiving. It gets no lovin. Lucille, I am all about symmetry so I love that room. Love the double mirrors. God love the second tri-mester. I feel like a new person. I can walk and talk and function like a full blown, living human being. Love to all.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Magoo- that place looks great. Lyd, happy birthday to Baker, sounded like a good one. No real news here. Planning all my holiday travel today so that should be fun. I can't believe that I'll be going to Prauge in 3 weeks to see Alex! That will be a blast. Love to all.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
After Photo
Birthdays and Babies
Happy birthday to my sweet Baker. Can't believe he is 5. He can't either. He freaked out over the new Razor scooter we got him. He has been using Dill's old one. Thanks Luc for the pants, they fit him great. And Chaz, he will probably wear a hole in the baseball net. Thanks. He asked for Chinese food tonight so we are just going to order in. Dill is in NY until tomorrow. Then Uncle Kevin is opening up a Wildfire Rest. here tomorrow night so we are looking forward to taking a couple of friends to the opening and seeing him. Should be great. Had my big Paranatologist screening today and the baby looked great, but they could not tell the sex. Oh well. We have to wait another 6 weeks until I go back. The kids are dying to know. Gearing up for Mary Rowe's birthday next. Her party is on Monday and should be really cute. Dill is making her a Curious George cake. Lucille, you should be a travel writer. After we read your description of Clark's new town, I was ready to move there! I am sure they loved your visit. Looking forward to Thanksgiving. Especially now that I am feeling better and the thought of food is not quite so putrid! Love to all.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Stupid terrorists
I just had to check my overnight bag at the airport b/c I had my toiletries in gallon size zip locks instead of quart size. There are few perks left in travel these days.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Oh my god
Justin just showed up with:
romantic comedies!! the breakup, failure to launch and must love dogs!!
Star magazine AND US weekly
soup and cornbread
My sick day just got A LOT better!!
romantic comedies!! the breakup, failure to launch and must love dogs!!
Star magazine AND US weekly
soup and cornbread
My sick day just got A LOT better!!
I woke up this morning and am feeling so sick. Everybody from work had strep throat last week so I think I got it. I am really bored. We don't have cable, the net flix movies I got in the mail this weekend are crappy (king kong and some boxing movie with robert dinero) and my head hurts. So I have decided to online shop for Christmas gifts in bed all day today. Email anything you want - otherwise get excited for some surprises. I found this great site called that helps you come up with ideas. Surfing yesterday was faboo. 70 degrees and a calm day out on the ocean. We mostly just sat out on our surfboards and soaked up the sun. Lots of love.
Wine and dine

First off, Lyd I am really sorry to hear that things have been so tough for you. Each day sounds like a struggle. I hope that things start looking up for you. Lucille, you get the good sister award. That was a serious effort to see Clark's "double-wide".
All is well here. Saturday night, Drew and I got dolled up and went to Geja's Cafe. It's a really old restaurant in Old Town that serves fondou and great wine. It's a three course meal and takes about 2 1/2 hours. We had a really great table; a booth tucked away in the corner. Yesterday, the entire city of Chicago watched the Bear's lose to Miami. There goes our undefeted status!
Leaving for Boston in the AM for a quick trip. Will get to see Fisher and Parker for a drink so pumped about that. I have one cocktail and one black tie dinner this Fri and Sat. One is for Drew's school and the other is for a charity that my work contributes to. Looking forward to getting all dressed up. Love to all.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Clark's Place
Well I just got back from Reviera, CA - the town Clark calls home. They've got quite a pad that is complete and decorated. I am most envious of the washer, dryer and dishwasher, the parking place and the beautiful view of the lake. The house is a "doublewide" but Lucy and Clark have managed to make it look and feel like a home with a beautiful fall wreath on the front door and many other cute details. Clark went hunting a couple days ago for duck, so we had some delicious duck for dinner. We went wine tasting and I was surprised to find out the wine there is pretty good. We bought and split a case of wine for $60 - $5/bottle! Clark's town feels a lot like St. Helena 20-30 years ago. It has walnut and peach orchards all over and the smell in the air is a mixture of walnuts and harvest. It smells a lot like Big Tree Rd. actually. The town has a knitting store and a craft store and there is one really good restaurant (that even has sushi!). It took me three hours to get there from San Francisco, but it was worth the trip. The lake they are on is very large - people go wake boarding a water skiing there when it is warm out. If you had a wetsuit, you could be on the water year-round.
Justin is taking the afternoon off and we are about to head out surfing. We haven't been in awhile and it's a beautiful day today. I told him he needs to take more breaks from studying for his sanity! So I am making him take 3 hours off today.
Lydia, I am glad that you are feeling better. Justin's Mom had Carter when she was 46. Can you believe that? Justin says he had to help push his mom when she walked up SF hills because she was so exhausted and drained she couldn't make it up the hills. Lizzie, how was your fondu dinner? Sounded delish! Love everybody
Justin is taking the afternoon off and we are about to head out surfing. We haven't been in awhile and it's a beautiful day today. I told him he needs to take more breaks from studying for his sanity! So I am making him take 3 hours off today.
Lydia, I am glad that you are feeling better. Justin's Mom had Carter when she was 46. Can you believe that? Justin says he had to help push his mom when she walked up SF hills because she was so exhausted and drained she couldn't make it up the hills. Lizzie, how was your fondu dinner? Sounded delish! Love everybody
She's Alive
Lord help me, I think I may be feeling better. I am now starting my 2nd trimester and I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel. Baker and Mary Rowe were so easy. I always thought I was just mother earth who could just wiz through all my pregnancies and then just plop them out in the rice fields, but this one has proven me wrong. In fact, it has just kicked my ass. I would love 4 children, but unless our 4th comes from China or some other far off land, it is not happenining. It won't be coming out of this body! I am too old. All hail Mom for having Clark at 37. Crazy woman. So my advice for you youth, have your babies young. The good news is that I am still not showing. Ahhhh, enough whining. Have a good week.
Friday, November 03, 2006
shawbangI AM Dr. Laura I thought. What a chock to find out there really is another! Love the pix of your apt Lizzy and the babies. They look so much alike and are both so beautiful. Lyd, sound like Halloween night after the trick or treating was a nightmare. We used to mete it out over many days. It is so nasty here. We are going to B. Streisand concert on the 13th and plan to leave about the 15th for our drive to Atlanta. Should be fun. I have my knitting project ready and good books on tape (cd). Ami and Spencer are going to NYC to see Perry. They have never been to NYC and are excited.
Spencer has a wine tasting/show there. Love, Momma
Spencer has a wine tasting/show there. Love, Momma
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Oh where to begin
Halloween started off with a bang. The kids were so fired up yesterday. Baker was a football player at school and a ghost at night. Mary Rowe was the Cookie Monster at school and the prettiest Cinderella ever at night. She even slept with her tiarra. They trick or treated and had a blast, but then all hell broke loose. Note to parents, if your kids don't normaly eat candy, let them warm up for a few days prior to Halloween!! At midnight, Baker woke up throwing up everywhere and continued to until this morning. Yuck. He eats chocolate as candy, but everyone gives disgusting nerds and laughy taffy out and that stuff will kill you. So he was home from school today. Dill is in Canada so we are just hanging out the rest of the week. Looking forward to Baker's last t-ball game this weekend and to having friends over on Sat. night. Baker's b-day party is on Monday. Yippie. Dill and I might be more excited than he is. Can't decide what to put on my pizza when I make it. I hope to leave able to throw the dough in the air. Will send pics. Love to all.
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