Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
I woke up last night around 3:30 am and walked to the fridge and pounded a couple Kraft singles. Reading the blogger, I am starting to see what everyone outside our "circle of trust" sees- A family obsessed with food (with a focus on cheese of course), I love it!!! Wow, a nice day here in Chicago. I had dad, Chaz, lena and the kids over on friday night for dinner. My peppercorn pork chops were pretty spicy but all and all it was ok. I made these gorgonzola au gratin potatoes that were bomb. Lyd- love the corsage. Do you have a pic? My big news is that I finally bought a bar table and stools. They are getting delivered tonight. Dreamy Drew was up in Harbor Springs this weekend and he brought me back pounds and pounds of fudge so I stuck it in the freezer to bring up on Thanksgiving. His brother is in town tonight and I am making the three of us dinner and we're going to sit at my new table! Busy, busy week. My phone interview with children's memorial is tonight. I really hope they pick me for their board. love to all.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
I got your back Luc
Ok, I just counted and we have 5 cheese graters and if you include the cheese grating function on our Cuisinart, we have 6!! We definatley make up for your shortfall Luc!!
I did it.
I couldn't stand it anymore. Living in a house with no cheese finally got the best of me. So I decided to make the cheesiest dish I could think of last night...a four cheese mac and cheese with lots of heavy cream. To my astonishment, I realized as I started to prepare the dish that....I don't own a cheese grater!! And this was the first time I had ever noticed this!! A Shaw with no cheese grater. Maybe I was adopted. The dish was Mmm Mmm so dairylishious.
I'm off now to my friend Will's to help him paint his apartment. I am absolutely not in the mood, but I am sure it will be fun. Love everybody.
I'm off now to my friend Will's to help him paint his apartment. I am absolutely not in the mood, but I am sure it will be fun. Love everybody.
Great weekend
Where to begin. We had a great weekend. It started in Friday night when Dill and I went to dinner at Bachannalia, the best restaurant in Atlanta. It has a price fix menu and you are served 4 courses as well as apertifs throughout. I started with the escargot which was amazing. I then had beef tenderloin served over swiss chard. I then had a butternut squash soup that was by far the best thing I have ever tasted in my life. I then had a cheese dish of shaved Ellajay cheddar cheese served with shredded green apples, toasted walnuts and a yummy dressing. Finally, I had fried pumpkin pie icecream. Oh my god it was amazing. It was fun dressing up and was so nice. Dill brought me a corsage which was precious. Baker had an amazing friday night as well. He went to his first sleepover at Brooke's house. He made it the whole night and was sad when he got home on Saturday. I can't believe he is old enough for sleepovers. Mary Rowe loved being with the babysitter herself. So a great night for all. Baker then rocked in his t-ball game yesterday and then we just hung out last night. I went out this morning and bought a crock pot, yes I said it, a crock pot. I am slaving and cooking as we speak. Who knows what this will taste like. Just threw in 8 things this morning and am supposed to just leave it alone for 8 hours. Go figure. Chicken, veggies etc. As you can imagine, our fam is very fired up for Halloween. Many parties all prior to Tuesday. We bought 17 bags of candy last year and still ran out, so we are really prepared this year. Love to all and hope you are well.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
shawbang: Come on Home!
shawbang: Come on Home!He Babies, No kitty yet for me. I have decided to wait until I get to Atlanta for Thanksgiving because there is a huge cage free shelter there and it looks like they would have great choices. M is still in Texas but will be home manana. I am playing bridge tonight. Watached 40 Yr old Virgin but really didn't like it that much. Too much buildup I guess. Weather is GORGEOUS!!!! I love all of you Momma. e, come west my child!
Birthday Mania
First off, Lizzy, I know sometimes choices are frustrating, but I think it is great that you see the possiblity of adventure in your choices. You can do anything. Heck, you should sign up for the next Apprentice. I decided that you are way too smart for the Bachelor. I am on to the Apprentice for you! Lucille, I am so jelous of all the beautiful things you are getting to see. That is so fun! Mom said you had a great time going through fabrics over the weekend. We can't wait until you and Justin come. The four of us are going to challenge Mom and Mike to Trivial Pursuit on Thanksgiving night so get ready to Whoop them!! We are in major birthday party mode here. Baker's is going to be awesome. We are taking 7 of his friends to our favorite little pizza parlor and they are letting each of them make their own pizza's with anything on them and cook them. Then we are just going to get a roll of quarters and let them go to town on the video games and then eat Superman Cake. Mary Rowe is going to have a curios george party and I am having two little 5th grade girls in the neighborhood come and help do the hair, makeup and paint their nails. Should be precious. Hope all is well.
Come on Home!
I say be one of those ritzy people that 'winters' in California. It would be so so fun! We could hit up Tahoe in a serious way. Do eeeet.
Last night I went to the Fall Antiques Show and wow what an event! I saw some truly incredible things. There was a pink diamond antique jewelery stand that was out of control! There were stunning tapestries and an incredible silver exhibit. The antique furniture was so unique and just so fun to look at. The people watching was over the top. Everybody was dressed to the nines and glittered up in their best jewels. I can't wait for next year!
This weekend I am helping a friend paint his apartment and we are decorating it up! It is going to look so much better when we are done with it. Can't wait.
The weather has been gorgeous here lately. Our fall is our summer I think. Love everybody.
Last night I went to the Fall Antiques Show and wow what an event! I saw some truly incredible things. There was a pink diamond antique jewelery stand that was out of control! There were stunning tapestries and an incredible silver exhibit. The antique furniture was so unique and just so fun to look at. The people watching was over the top. Everybody was dressed to the nines and glittered up in their best jewels. I can't wait for next year!
This weekend I am helping a friend paint his apartment and we are decorating it up! It is going to look so much better when we are done with it. Can't wait.
The weather has been gorgeous here lately. Our fall is our summer I think. Love everybody.
False Alarm
Sean's proposal for the changes in our department has been rejected mostly b/c it was too expensive. It is VERY frustrating to work for a marketing company that won't invest in its own marketing department. Thus, i have some serious decisions to make. I can either A: Stick it out until March and leave for Sean's new company, 2) Quit in January when Sean leaves and spend my winter in Napa or 3) Quit and find an interim job here, in Chicago. I have meetings next week with three people to weight these options and get second opinions. One of those people being Kevin Brown. I'll keep you posted. Never a dull day in corporate America! The upside of things is that my dreamy boyfriend is taking me to see the screening of Warren Miller's new movie 'off the grid". Nothing like a ski video to wash away the blues.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
shawbangHi Babies, well I have looked at over 100 cats and still haven't picked one. May go over to Sonoma today and see what they have. M is in Texas, 1 city per day type trip, so I stayed here. Gorgeous Fall weather. Weekend was perfect w/ Lucille, Justin and Clark ( Lucy kind of evaporated one us) but we all had a wonderful time. C went to the Raiders game on Sun. I'll give an aleert if I find a kitty. I love all of you for your loving wishes and beautiful gifts for my bday. Kisses, Momma
No Shed no Smell
Satchmo is a black miniature Schnauzer and is totally hypoallergenic. He does not shed even a tiny hair which is why we chose the breed. He is 20 pounds full grown and precious. They come in grey, black or black and white. Highly recommend them. I am in major birthday party mode trying to plan the kids parties in the next 2 weeks. Baker has decided on a Superman theme and Mary Rowe's is Curious George. Should be cute. Dill is baking the theme cakes for both so it should be really cool. My scanner is not working so I can't scan the sonogram. We get another one on November 8th where we will find out the sex. The kids are convinced it is a girl, but I think it is a boy. They are so excited. Sorry about the U-Haul, but am glad that you got your stuff back. Can't wait to see pictures of the print hung. It is really cold and fall like here. Love it. Even made chili and built a fire yesterday. Love to all.
I thought i was never possible......
.... but I actually made a sauce last night was too rich for me. I got aggressive and made lobster tails. The sauce I made with it was a Harvarti dill cognac cream sauce. Whoa. This was varsity.
Lydia- WHERE ARE YOU??? Can we get a sonogram pic already!?!
Lydia- WHERE ARE YOU??? Can we get a sonogram pic already!?!
What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about?
I can't believe your U-Haul got towed! I'm so glad that everything didn't get stolen. How does the print look up on your wall? I want to see pictures! I got a nice email today from my pen pal, Drew. Such a cutie.
This week is the Fall Antiques Show. Really fun week. Lots of the showrooms have fun parties and on Wednesday we head over to Fort Mason to hear talks about antiques from different places and different eras. I'm excited to learn more about this stuff.
I went home this weekend to see Mom for her birthday. It was 85 degrees and hot. We planted some flowers...eerrrr, well mom did and I watched; we did some sewing and mom showed me some of her latest stellar knitting couture. I made cookies and they were terrible. Out of practice I guess. We also watched the movie Flight 93 which is surprisingly worth seeing. Oh, and it was pet parade weekend. Boy do I want a pet now. Lydia, is your dog hypoallergenic? What kind is he/she?
This week is the Fall Antiques Show. Really fun week. Lots of the showrooms have fun parties and on Wednesday we head over to Fort Mason to hear talks about antiques from different places and different eras. I'm excited to learn more about this stuff.
I went home this weekend to see Mom for her birthday. It was 85 degrees and hot. We planted some flowers...eerrrr, well mom did and I watched; we did some sewing and mom showed me some of her latest stellar knitting couture. I made cookies and they were terrible. Out of practice I guess. We also watched the movie Flight 93 which is surprisingly worth seeing. Oh, and it was pet parade weekend. Boy do I want a pet now. Lydia, is your dog hypoallergenic? What kind is he/she?
Monday, October 23, 2006

This weekend was off to a strong start. The oyster fest was a blast. Met up with the whole family and Simone was visiting me from NYC. Saturday, we went to a great lunch at this place called Orange (Magoo you would looooove). Then, Carrie took me to the blackhawk's game and greektown for dinner. As you can see, our seats were RIGHT next to the players bench. It was such a treat! Here comes the buzz kill... I rent a Uhaul to go up north and pick up the massive print from Kristi. After we leave her house, Drew and I make a MASSIVE run to Sam's club. I bought so much food it was a little outta control. We pack up the car and head to his place to drop off his stuff first. We take the first load up and come down and the Uhaul is G-O-N-E. Okay, just try to imagine this. It was in the back alley of his place, NEXT to the freight elevator with hazards on, upstairs for 10 minutes MAX and it was just gone. We thought it was stolen for sure. We called the towing numbers on the signs and they said they didn't have it. Oh yeah, my wallet, phone, purse, $500 of Sam's club goodies and the print are all in the Uhaul. So, we call 911. We had no idea what to do. We could hardly breathe. Finally, I just said that it's just "stuff" and shit happens. Then, I decided to give the towing place another call just to be positive. You can imagine how helpful and intelligent they are. Turns out she just saw a Uhaul get pulled into the lot! So, Drew and I hop a cab to where Jesus lost his sandals and pick it up. A nice $250 detour. It was the biggest BUZZ KILL ever. Who tows a Uhaul?!? Anyway, We unpacked that sucker and dropped it off as quickly as we possibly could. So, that's my story. Hey, at least is wasn't stolen....
Friday, October 20, 2006
Oysters, Sunshine and Boogie
Well, tonight is the 18th annual Royster with the Oyster street festival. Man, this thing is a blast. Shaw's crab house hosts this block party rager with live music, catfish sandwiches- the works! Chaz and I have a good crew coming and Dad, Kristi, Kev and Cousin Zach will be there, too. It's sunny and about 55 degrees so weather is on our side. My friend Simone is here from NYC so her timing is perfect. Love to all.
shawbangMy babies. It is 2:30 a, and I must have eaten something weird because I can't sleep and have Salvador Dali dreams! What a birthday I had. I love each of you for your calls and precious voices. Lizzy, can't wait to chop chop and to put a fab pic of you in the gorgeous frame. Lyd, the weather is supposed to get cold again on Monday so I will be snuggled up in the heavenly throw, can't believe you found another one, especially since it isn't leopard print or something crazy, I love it and the great picture and the t shirt! Where did u ever find that. I t is a perfect fit and will wear it to my next 10s match. Darling Justin gave me a beautiful book on fine linens which I have given as a gift to others but never bought for myself. I think I will actually read it and not just look at the pix because I am very interested in the subject. Chaz, I know u will be unhappy to know that your gift isn't here yet, but don't worry, it will probably arrive tomorrow. Ami and I went to see a horrible movie( in an otherwise perfect birth day) called Half Nelson, be sure to NOT see it. We said we would have walked out and gone to a bar but we didn't drink!!! Luch w/ Rue and pals was really fun. New place called GO Fish, really good. I am incredibly grate for each of you. You make me proud each day because of the fine, reponsible dutiful, loving people you are. When I would say to Mother, when you all were little, "it is just almost sick and painful love love these kids so much" she would always say " it is nothing compared to how much yu love them when they are older". And as always she was right. When you are lucky enough to live to see your children grown all the love is magnified through the unique sense of feeling pride. Not only have I been lucky to have beautiful, smart and athletic children but I also feel a pride of a job well done because of the people you are. Thirty eight years it has taken and I wouldn't trade a millisecond. And I hope there are many milliseconds to come because as you all know, for better or worse, I'm never finished!!!Momma
Thursday, October 19, 2006
shawbangHi my angels, thanks for all the loving b=day wishes. It is a GORGEOUS day here. I colored my hair this morning, darker and it looks pretty good. Am going to lunch w/ some pals so I'll be interested in their response. Lizzie, you are such a rock star. Congrats!!!!! M is in Sf yesterday and today but will be back in ti,e for dinner w/ Ami and Spencer. My renter has moved out so guess I will actually have to decorate the place. I want to spend $2 and have it look fab. Quite a challenge. Have to go now. Love u allllll, Momma
Happy Birthday Mom
Lucille and Justin, I am freaking out over your survivor card. What an amazing and thoughful idea! You have to tell me how to put a video on. Happy Birthday Mom, hope this is your best year yet. Lizzy, as I told you the other day, that is just amazing. You are on a wonderful life track with love and work and I am so happy for you.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
That is such exciting news! Good for you for throwing yourself out there. Hot Shot! You are well on your way to being on the cover of Fortune magazine. Keep it up sistah!
Love you and just bragged to all my co-workers about you!
Love you and just bragged to all my co-workers about you!
Big news
Hi all-
Great to have everyone participating!
Well, I have big news. As I have mentioned over the last two weeks, work has been tough and there has been some serious changes. I took a risk last week that I thought may get me fired but instead I have been promoted. In approximately two weeks, Sean will transition to the Chief Marketing Officer for our entire firm and I will be the Chief of Staff for our global marketing department. In addition, our contracts will end anywhere between March-June and they have agreed to release me to Sean if I chose to go with him when he starts his new venture and terminate my non-compete if Aquent is a minority investor.
As you can imagine, I am feeling very excited and over-whelmed. Details like travel and compensation will be ironed out in the next two weeks.
Thanks to you all for your support over the last several months as I have pieced myself back together.
I hope you all have great weeks and great weekends. I love you all.
Great to have everyone participating!
Well, I have big news. As I have mentioned over the last two weeks, work has been tough and there has been some serious changes. I took a risk last week that I thought may get me fired but instead I have been promoted. In approximately two weeks, Sean will transition to the Chief Marketing Officer for our entire firm and I will be the Chief of Staff for our global marketing department. In addition, our contracts will end anywhere between March-June and they have agreed to release me to Sean if I chose to go with him when he starts his new venture and terminate my non-compete if Aquent is a minority investor.
As you can imagine, I am feeling very excited and over-whelmed. Details like travel and compensation will be ironed out in the next two weeks.
Thanks to you all for your support over the last several months as I have pieced myself back together.
I hope you all have great weeks and great weekends. I love you all.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Downer Week
Hey All,
Man this week has been tough. My boss's mother passed away very suddenly yesterday. She is holding up pretty well so we are all just waiting for her to lose it. I'll just be happy when we are two weeks away from now and everything won't be so fresh. We are only an office of four so when someone's going through something tough, we all feel it.
I went to Sonoma for the first time ever this weekend. It's actually really beautiful there. We went hiking around the Jack London State Park and played tennis at my friend's house.
Justin's schedule is really busy lately with this first semester of law school. I think once we get through this, we'll be in good shape for the rest of it. The first semester is a little tough. The light at the end of the tunnel? Skiing in Sun Valley after Christmas. Justin's aunt Frannie lives there who I LOVE and she's been trying to get us to come visit. Apparently, she's an awesome skier. I've never been to Sun Valley so I'm excited.
Mom I love that you're back on the blog. Your blogs are always entertaining. Can't wait for your birthday weekend. See you soon!
Man this week has been tough. My boss's mother passed away very suddenly yesterday. She is holding up pretty well so we are all just waiting for her to lose it. I'll just be happy when we are two weeks away from now and everything won't be so fresh. We are only an office of four so when someone's going through something tough, we all feel it.
I went to Sonoma for the first time ever this weekend. It's actually really beautiful there. We went hiking around the Jack London State Park and played tennis at my friend's house.
Justin's schedule is really busy lately with this first semester of law school. I think once we get through this, we'll be in good shape for the rest of it. The first semester is a little tough. The light at the end of the tunnel? Skiing in Sun Valley after Christmas. Justin's aunt Frannie lives there who I LOVE and she's been trying to get us to come visit. Apparently, she's an awesome skier. I've never been to Sun Valley so I'm excited.
Mom I love that you're back on the blog. Your blogs are always entertaining. Can't wait for your birthday weekend. See you soon!
Monday, October 16, 2006
We are rollin now!
Yippie Mom, welcome back. Because of your efforts Mom, I promise I will finally watch the Bachelor tonight. Dill is out of town so I won't have him teasing me the whole time. It is rainy and cold here. Love it. Martha is coming tomorrow afternoon and I am selling pumpkins at the pumpkin patch all morning for Baker's school. It is sapposed to pour down rain and be freezing so it should be rather unpleasant. Love to all.
Where did the weekend go?
Mom- Good to have you back! Now, all we need is to get Clark on board and we'll really be rolling! Chaz, you should take up mom on her offer; sounds like a great idea for a get away! All is well here. Was up in Kenilworth this weekend which was great. Got to catch up with the browns, see the matthews and acquire some new things for my house that I am pumped about. I sent an ofoto album of apt pics, sorry for the delay! I have a really busy week and my travel starts back up soon. I really don't like traveling a lot in the winter because the are always weather delays. Drew and I will be doing thanksgiving at the Brown's but I will be coming home to CA for xmas. Love to all.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
shawbang I'm back! finally fiured out my password. Love reading all this stuff. Chazie, why don't you and Lena come out and leave the kids w/ us and go to Carmel or Mendocino or somewhere. Have talked to M and we would love to do it. I'm actually capable of this although I know all of you probably have doubts. Ever wondered how you made it to adulthood? HUMMMMM, looks like you were cared for on my watach. Think it over. Can't wait for Thanks and all the projects. Sooooo fun. We have had a quiet weekend after our visit with Bob and Linda. Tennis and bridge start tomorrow. Wish Bush II wold get out of Iraq. Just read a terrific called the Yacoubian Buidling, a novel set in Cairo now. Great writer named Al Aswany. Also just finished Special Topics In Calamity Physics which was unbelieveable. The story isn't that great but this young woman's talent for writing is over the top. Worth reading if only for her analogies. I'll be a better contributor. I love my babies. Momma
We went with Doug and Kim to Ecco for dinner last night and thought of you Lizzy. We got those pulled pork stuffed peppers that you got among many other things. I had a whole plate of mixed olives. Yummy. Doug and Kim were asking about your love life and so pleased that you and McDrewy were still an item. All is well here. Another great fall day. The kids and I went to church this morning and are just going to hang out and watch football today. Dill is going to cook a big dinner tonight. He got Cindy of Mustard's and Cindy's Backstreet Kitchens, cookbook and it looks amazing so he is going to make something out of it. Dill is headed out to Denver tomorrow and the kids and I are looking forward to Martha coming in for the week to save the day. Baker had an amazing baseball game yesterday. He was up at bat twice and had the coach pitch to him instead of using the tee. He hit it both times and was amazing. It was really excited and he was really proud of himself. I am great. Feeling much better and starting to get really excited about the baby. I was thinking of you Lucille, because I am doing a scrapbook for this baby as a babybook. It is so fun and is going to be awesome. I will make you write in it when you are here for Thanksgiving. Mom said she may be getting a kitty today. Fun stuff. Chaz, thanks for the update. I know it is hard. Dill and I have NEVER gone away without the kids. Only separately, not together. I think we are going to Mexico in February and that will be the first time. I love you all.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Lydia, I almost fell out of my chair about the olive surprise. Classic, I can just picture you with your feet up pounding those things down. You need to whip one up and post it on the blogger. Chaz- good update and thanks for the boyfriend approval. He's on a role! I have had a helluva week. My company is going through some serious restructuring that is effecting everyone and it's a weird and scary place to be but I'll survive. Tonight, I am making dinner at Carrie's house for her boyfriend, she and Drew. Tonight's menu is veal chops, roasted tomatoes and red potatoes. An easy dinner that should still taste good. Then, we are all going to watch these turtle races at some dive bar and then go to the foundation room at House of Blues and rock out. Saturday morning I should be in terrible shape for my visit up north but still really looking forward to it. I'll take pics of the place this weekend. Love to all.
OK. Chicago weather sucks. I don't mind winters but snow in early October. Give me a break. This happens every year. Fall comes and is gone in three weeks. Sure does sound like everyone is keeping busy. We have been too. Boy was life a breeze with only one child. Two is just a different ball game. Doesn't take a rocket scientist really. If I am playing basketball in a 2 on 1 game, I am not two worried about falling behind. Make that 2 on 2 and you are either playing man to man or zoning up. If one of you is out and the game is 1 on 2. Forget it. You gonna lose. Anyway, enough complaining. We have house guests this weekend. Friends of Lena's from her job. 7 people staying in our loft. That should be interesting. I am happy that we didn't move on such short notice but times like this sure do make me wish we had a home. That house we were looking at is still on the market and indeed has gone down in price. Who knows? Maybe it will still be on the market in the Spring. We have been spending weekends in Michigan and are headed back next weekend too. I found this place that rents these little cabins. It isn't too fancy but it is really fun and the kids love it. Work is fine though I could use a break. I feel like every vacation I have been on for two years isn't a vacation. Once Lucas is older and we have a nanny we can trust, Lena and I have to go somewhere by ourselves. Even if it is just a weekend. We have never done so and it just isn't fair. OK. I said no more complaining. Sorry. Lizzie is back as everyone knows. We had a nice time that one night we went to the party. Felt like a rock star showing up in a Bentley with Lizzie beside me. You guys should see her work a room. Very impressive. I stood in awe. Met her boyfriend later that night too. He is great. Lizzie, it seems you are finally over the dating a bunch of jerks phase. Sorry to say that. It really is a compliment. Hope to see my other sisses before too long. We are due for a trip to Atlanta sometime Lyd. I love you guys. XOXO.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Oh yes, I remember the Olive Surprise Days, the Fresca days and the whipped cream from the can days. I also remember the gelato in Virginia Highlands - Paolo! When we are in Atlanta, I want to take Justin to that little neighborhood. So cute. I bet it's gotten even cuter too. It's getting chilly here - crisp and blue skies. I can't believe tomorrow is Friday! This week flew by. I have completely bagged the work-out idea. Went to two boot camps and could barely walk for two days so I have lost all motivation. Can't wait for Survivor tonight. Justin's friend Yul is doing well and it's fun to watch how they portray him. No big plans for the weekend. Justin is feeling behind and wants to really focus this weekend. I think I might head to Sonoma with my friend Josh Wilson and his girlfriend Lauren (who by the way I set up and now they are dating - it's been two months - good stuff. My only successful match making effort. I'm about 1 and 10.)
Love everybody!
Love everybody!
Olive Surprise
Ok, much to Dill and probably Lucille's shagrin, my Olive Surprise craving is back. For those of you not familiar with this culinary delight, it is comprised of: A toasted Everything Bagel with olive cream cheese, sliced green olives on top and then olive juice poured over the top. I, as Lucille can attest, ate this when I was pregnant with Baker and am right back on it. Wonder if it means I am having a boy. No longer have a cold which is a good thing. Getting very fired up for Halloween. Dill carved pumpkins with the kids, pirate ones. Very cute. I will take a picture of them tonight when they are all lit up and post it. Especially fond of the eye patches the kids put on them. Mary Rowe wants to be Cinderella and Baker wants to be a ghost. I might be a ghost with him. Looking forward to going to dinner with Dill in Virginia Highlands on Saturday night. The rest of the weekend will be filled with lots of park time, t-ball and football watching. Ok, and I admit it, major Nascar viewing on Saturday night.... GO JUNIOR!!!! Sorry, had to get that out. Can't believe it is snowing in Chicago. We are having the quintessential fall weather today. Amazing. Maybe the cold spell will finally kill the bird sized mosquitoes we have flying around! Love to all.
Snow in Chicago...?
Yup, you heard me right. It snowed this morning. Bye, bye fall :-( Lyd, hope you are feeling better. Off to my big party for Children's Memorial hospital. drew is my 'arm candy'. I have been officially nominated and now I just have to get accepted. Fingers crossed!
Monday, October 09, 2006
The pictures are amazing Lucille. When Dill and I lived in SF we had that awesome roof on Cervantes and we would watch the Blue Angels from there. So cool. Baker has seen them here a few times because there is a huge Airforce Base here so the practice flying. Lizzy, the food looks great. He is probably head over heals now! All is well here. Except I have been on my death bed for a week with a cold. Went to the doctor today and had a good ultrasound. Excited about that. Dill's trip to Denver got cancelled today so he is here all week so that is a big help. Sorry to be boring, but I am too tired to have witty or interesting updates. Hopefully I am on the mend.
Mondays suck

Love the action shots from fleet week. I would love to go home and see it for myself sometime. I never want fall to end. The weather looks great everywhere. I am trying to join the children's memorial junior board so i am working on my application and I have interviews on Thursday night. So cross your fingers. Kelsey comes home this weekend for fall break so I'll be headed up north to hang out with the crew. Other than that, my week is pretty mellow. Laundry and still unpacking. Have a good week.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Blue Angels

First of all, Lizzie, you sound so happy!! and we are just thrilled that you've found a great guy who really appreciates you.
This weekend has been beautiful. The Blue Angels are in town so we threw a small party up at Justin's Dad's apartment. The view from there is incredible so it was a treat. Today is Justin's Godson's birthday so we are heading to that in an hour. Here are some pics from the party. Lyd and Chaz, you should come visit the weekend of the Blue Angels because your kids would LOVE IT! It is so fun.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Drew's first dinner
Well, last night was 'date night'. I made Drew his first Shaw dinner. On the menu? Peppered filet with a port, cabernet, blackberry jam reduction sauce. Roasted garlic mashed potatoes with Gruyere and rosemary. Wilted spinach with pine nuts, golden raisins and lemon. It all tasted great. After that, we went to see "The Departed". Wow. We loved it. It was really great. Then we went to Webster Wine Bar and got a glass of wine and went home. It's a really pretty day today and we are at this great coffee shop. he is studying and I am working on my marketing plan. Tonight we are going to dinner at a great French place called Marche and tomorrow night we are going to see the scissor sisters. So, everything is going really well and we are having lots of fun. It is nice to be here, in Chicago. Once my apartment is done, I will post pics. Love to all.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Happy B-Day Lyd!
Lyd, all my love to you on your big day! I hope you enjoy it sans Dill. I absolutely loved your Napa pics, looks like you had a ball. BTW, you look HOT!!!
Magoo, sounds like you have been keeping very busy! I would love to see Elizabeth and Wanyne, it has been so long! Fall has been so pretty in these parts. The weather has been heavenly.
Well, not gonna lie, the move was intense but I made it. Bare with me b/c I must gush over the fact that I have the greatest boyfriend in the world who has single handedly done everything for me. Brought me 'welcome home' flowers, built all my bookcases and chef station, moved all my things, returned my truck and now he wants to start painting! I love dating a 'fix it' guy. Dad met him on Sunday and just loved him. Said he is his favorite of all. Yeah!
Once the place is put together, I will post pics. Living in NYC has really jaded me b/c I feel like I live in a mansion! Taking Chaz to a party tomorrow and looking forward to seeing him.
Love to all!!! Have a great day Lyd!
Magoo, sounds like you have been keeping very busy! I would love to see Elizabeth and Wanyne, it has been so long! Fall has been so pretty in these parts. The weather has been heavenly.
Well, not gonna lie, the move was intense but I made it. Bare with me b/c I must gush over the fact that I have the greatest boyfriend in the world who has single handedly done everything for me. Brought me 'welcome home' flowers, built all my bookcases and chef station, moved all my things, returned my truck and now he wants to start painting! I love dating a 'fix it' guy. Dad met him on Sunday and just loved him. Said he is his favorite of all. Yeah!
Once the place is put together, I will post pics. Living in NYC has really jaded me b/c I feel like I live in a mansion! Taking Chaz to a party tomorrow and looking forward to seeing him.
Love to all!!! Have a great day Lyd!
Happy Birthday Lydia!
I hope you have a fantastic 35th birthday! I am thinking of you and wishing you all the best.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sooooooo Tired!
Sorry I have not blogged lately. It has taken everything in me just to keep my eyes open. Don't know how Mom had Clark in her late 30s. I was a lot perkier with Baker. Busy week this week. Have about 30 people coming to the house for our Children's Healthcare kickoff meeting on Wednesday. My big 35th is tomorrow so we are doing an early family dinner at Houston's before Dill flies up to NY tomorrow night. I also have to somehow finish my homework for my class Thursday. I am taking an 11 week class called Motherwise and love it. You are going to die I know, but it is a bible study surrounding Women's issues and the bible. It is very interesting and not at all thumpy. I have a lot of friends in the class and it has been interesting reading. I have never even read the bible, so it is quite a lesson. The kids are great. We still have not told them yet. Think we will wait for my 9 week sonogram on Monday. If that goes well we will tell them. They will die. Baker especially. I will be without my car for another week so the convertible is still our mode of transport. Great for carpool. The kids just jump out. Thanks for everyone's concern. It was scary and random, but I am fine. One of those things that would have had a dramatically different outcome if I was 1/2 inch to either side. We asked Dill's doctor friend Eric Bernstein once when he was working in the Emergency Room what he felt the difference was in who he saw live or die and he said a 1/2 an inch. It is so true. If you think of how many times in life you just lucked out. Lucille, congrats on your job stuff. Sounds great. I have never been to that club, but have always heard how nice it is. Were you talking about Uncle Wayne? Was he in California? Also, your "What about Brian," show starts next week. I only saw the season finale last year and loved it. Lizzy, how is Chicago? Drew? Love to all.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Family Weekend
Man have I seen a lot of family this weekend. Started with Justin's Dad's 10-year anniversary on Thursday night which was a fab dinner under the Golden Gate Bridge. They are still very in love so that is nice to see after so long. Justin's Dad wrote a heart-wrenching poem and everybody gave great toasts. Then last night, Mom & Mike had the Clarks, Clark & Lucy and the Goodchild's and Wayne and Elizabeth for dinner. Wayne's daughter Elizabeth is ADORABLE. Probably the best kid I've ever met. She's so smart, funny, confident, pretty and just nice. Wayne has done a great job.
I got assigned a big job for work -- the Burlingame Country Club!! We are redoing their ballroom and their formal sitting room. We are so busy right now that Cheryl has decided to give the entire project to me, although she will have to approve all of my ideas. I'm pretty pumped about this, but also fairly nervous. It's great advertising for us because there are over 500 members and they will all see my/our work. Good stuff!! We also officially got a job doing the President of Visa's home on Broadway. Business is good.
I went to the pumpkin patch today and got some cute little pumpkins for the dining room table. I spent this morning packing away my summer clothes and bringing out the big sweaters. We are officially into fall.
Lizzie, did you make it to Chicago?? That must have been a nice reunion. Lydia, are you okay? I heard you got in an accident! Sounded really scary. Yikes. I hope you're okay.
Lots of love to everybody. Happy Fall!
I got assigned a big job for work -- the Burlingame Country Club!! We are redoing their ballroom and their formal sitting room. We are so busy right now that Cheryl has decided to give the entire project to me, although she will have to approve all of my ideas. I'm pretty pumped about this, but also fairly nervous. It's great advertising for us because there are over 500 members and they will all see my/our work. Good stuff!! We also officially got a job doing the President of Visa's home on Broadway. Business is good.
I went to the pumpkin patch today and got some cute little pumpkins for the dining room table. I spent this morning packing away my summer clothes and bringing out the big sweaters. We are officially into fall.
Lizzie, did you make it to Chicago?? That must have been a nice reunion. Lydia, are you okay? I heard you got in an accident! Sounded really scary. Yikes. I hope you're okay.
Lots of love to everybody. Happy Fall!
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