Friday, December 16, 2005


Man, work was BUSY this week but I was able to get my ducks back in a row. Still yet to buy one xmas gift, I have a feeling I'll be shopping electronically this year...However, been listening to Elvis like a madman! Off to the doctor for my weekly check-up and re-fill of happy pills. Day 17 and feel fat as a cow! Oh, well! Tomorrow night, I am going to a party with some co-workers that will have over 500 people and you HAVE to wear something festive so I think I am going to buy an elf costume that should pair nicely with my rockin' December tan! I really like the girls I work with, they are all so much fun. Things with the man remain hot and heavy. Speaking of hot...fingers crossed for sunshine and tennis in California this week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.