Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Clark and Lucy surprised me last night in SF. We all headed out to dinner and had a nice time, except we got locked out of my apartment (big surprise), where his keys and, oh no, his cigarettes were, so Clark had to break in with a credit card. That made me feel real safe - must start using top bolt in future. I told Clark about our blog and he had no idea what I was talking about. Somebody should send him the link if they haven't already, especially so he can get all of the birthday well wishes. Justin opened his Christmas present last night (I couldn't wait); it was a BIG hit. Lizzie, your party sounds incredible - you must take photos. Lyddie, you reideer is adorable and Mom, thanks for listening last night. I'm a little sad about Arrow - I guess Clark was kindof a deadbeat dad. Who'd you give him to?

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