Dec 30 Well I have spent the last 2 days going back and forth to Sf to take care of Lucille who has had a terrible flu and ended up in the emerg room. She is better and Justin is home but sick also. We are having floods and storms, can't get to town. The Foeger's are here for New Year's. We are having smoked duck gumbo for dinner. Clark!!Where are you call me!!! No thank you's needed for me, love to all, Momma
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Good Riddance 2005!
Well, I was not a big fan of 2005, so I am extra excited about 2006. Dad is whipping up Tempura Shimp, Cracked Crab and Lobster spread for dinner tonight to ring in the New Year. That is pretty much how we have eaten every night. If Dad doesn't find a new wife soon, I think Dill will marry him. The Trampoline is by far the best thing that Santa could have ever brought. Both kids love it as do I, except for the fact that it makes me Pee Pee when I jump high or laugh! Mom, you will be happy to know that we hooked the Tivo back up yesterday so we are back in the no Ad world. I am working feverishly to get organized by tomorrow to start the New Year off on the right foot. Only about 6 sets of sheets left to wash, 50 pictures to print and put in albums, 2 baby books to write in as if I had been doing it all along and Christmas decor to put away. Wish me luck. At least I will be doing it all with a little bit of Crabmeat in my fat pie hole!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Dec 28
Loved reading everyone's entries today. Learning a new language, huh Clark! Great story. Quiet today, nasty weather, but good fire and good book, Anna Karinina for the 3rd or 4th time. Went to Pride and Prejudice last night. It is a must see because EVERY tiny little detail is truly, authentically "of the period", every piece of cloth, furniture etc. Really spectacular, plus just England and its beautiful stately homes and lush countryside make it all worth a go. Clark, M and I will be needing some wood soon, how soon will yours be available to buy? Let us know. Perry broke up w/ Christine. Edward leaves for Chilie day after tomorrow for 4 months. I miss my babies and love u all, Momma ps: Lyd, you know I call February the fat, white month because I'm always so fat, no sun, no tennis and can't even look in the mirror after a bath.!!!!
Where are my fat pants?
Well, I think we have all eaten consistantly for a week straight. Time for fat camp. The Dill crew left today so it is just us and Dad. Which of course means lots of fun and definately a whole lot of stinky foods in the Fridge. Starting to think of those dreaded New Years Resolutions. I am sure when I pull out last years, I can just re-list them. God knows I didn't lose 20 pounds and am not at all organized! Love to and Clark, keep your fanny in your pants.
Where is winter...?
Well, I am just amazed at the weather I have returned to- sunny and 40 degrees. The city is empty and it's really nice. No line at Starbucks, got a seat on the subway and an empty office that I can play loud music in all day. I hope everyone had a great holiday. California was perfect. Lucille and I had fun together, I played tennis with Mike and mom and I cooked up a storm. Lucille told me that when I got off the plane yesterday, to treat it like it was my first day moving to NYC. So, that's what I am doing. I feel re-charged and excited to be here. Love to all.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
day after boxing day
Well, all is surely quite around here. M took E to the 6am evans bus then met me and Amizaetta for coffee. Came home and got Lucille for her return to Sf. She is going shopping. Got the house in order, washed, ironed, changed sheets, payed bills, wrote thank you's and tonight we are going to see Pride and Prejudice w/ Amizetta then out to dinner somewhere. It is cold, rainly and nasty, good football weather. I love all my babies. Momma
The Day After
Hi Everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. After a frantic week last week, we left Friday morning for Michigan. After a 6 hr drive, we went straight to the restaurant where the Brownz always eat on the 23rd. It was terrific. We ate in the wine cellar where there were two other tables. One was quite large (maybe 20 people) and they had paid for a musician to provide entertainment. Oscar couldn't hold still after the car ride and they had no high chairs so he was running around the place and dancing. That is his new thing. Dancing. It is so cute. On XMAS eve we went skiing for most of the day. I think I told you all that Lena and I gave each other all new ski equipment. They had day care so Lena and I got to ski together. The conditions were awful but it was great. We had seafood that night and opened some presents. The next morning we had smoked salmon and opened more presents. Everyone then went skiing for the afternoon. They didn't have day care on XMAS so we had to take turns but it was still fun. That night we had a nice dinner and then went to bed because everyone was so tired. We drove home yesterday and then opened up our gifts. Thanks everyone for the kind gifts especially the gifts for Oscar and Lena. That was sweet. I am back at work today and busier than I thought. I am trying to arrange for another skiing vacation for my birthday which falls near MLK weekend this year. I am thinking Banff but am really just looking for a decent deal. The resorts are expensive that weekend. We have no plans for New Year's but that's OK. I hope everyone is doing great. Much love.
Ladies Day Out!
Today is our annual Ladies Day Out. Martha takes Caitlin and Me shopping and to lunch for the day and Dill and his Dad watch the kids. It is my one time a year I get a lamb sandwich at Brazzerie Le Coz. Yummy. It is 61 degrees and sunny today so it will be a big day for Jumping on the tramp. I think I am going to create some tramp workout. I seem to be sore after I jump so maybe there is big money in an excercise video?? Lucille, I will need you to be my jumper since you have a good Yoga type body. I am unfortunately a bit more of the gymnast variety!!! Love to all.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Crazy Christmas Grandpas
The WORST Christmas Present Ever Award Goes To...
Merry Christmas from St. Helena
Merry Christmas to all! This is Lizzie writing under "momma" as I wait for my bacon , egg and chez sandwich that magoo is making for our small group this year. The weather was great here up until this morning so my hopes of tennis have deminished. We have had a slow start but so far, I've been pimped out in pearls, lace and cashmare. Rough! The Clark's are coming over tonight for dinner and magoo and I are hiitting up the outlets for some sale shopping tomorrow. Lilly is a VERY happy dog now that she reins again with out Arrow. Mike is all teched out with his new "nano" iPod. Love to all.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Bomdiggity Dinner
270 West Lane flew in a personal chef from Manhattan AKA Lizzie. The menu for the evening will excite your taste buds, they will be dancing on your tongue, even if only read. To start: butternut squash soup with carmelized pears and black walnuts. Main course pork tenderloin marinated in olive oil, garlic and rosemary with roasted asparagus and mashed potatoes with carmelized onions, bacon and cream cheese. But there's more. I whipped up a fine batch of chocolate chunck brownies to pair with Michael's eggnogg. Then we are playing a hardcorde game of Scattegories. We wish you all were here! Lizzie and I should be doing cartwheels in the living room by midnight...
Friday, December 23, 2005
spreading the word
Hi Clarkie,
Lizzie and I got home today and we walk around town spreading the word. We ran into Claiborne, who is thrilled and says congratulations. We saw Chris Miller and she's so happy too. Lizzie called every single friend in her cell phone and I think I did too. Allison Holmes is so excited. Damn Gina, my friend from college is beside herself. I am sure the ring is gorgeous. I remember Lucy saying that she wouldn't care if it was a string around her left finger, she just loves you so much. I did a lot of wrapping today. There are a lot of presents under the tree considering that it's just me and Lizzie. We are going to play Trivial Pursuit tonight. I'm sick and feel really poopy, but hopefully we'll put up a good fight. Elizabeth is in serious Detox mode. She just went up and down the stairs 50 times. I miss you all! Love to everyone.
Lizzie and I got home today and we walk around town spreading the word. We ran into Claiborne, who is thrilled and says congratulations. We saw Chris Miller and she's so happy too. Lizzie called every single friend in her cell phone and I think I did too. Allison Holmes is so excited. Damn Gina, my friend from college is beside herself. I am sure the ring is gorgeous. I remember Lucy saying that she wouldn't care if it was a string around her left finger, she just loves you so much. I did a lot of wrapping today. There are a lot of presents under the tree considering that it's just me and Lizzie. We are going to play Trivial Pursuit tonight. I'm sick and feel really poopy, but hopefully we'll put up a good fight. Elizabeth is in serious Detox mode. She just went up and down the stairs 50 times. I miss you all! Love to everyone.
re big news
I'm calling everyone w/ the big news and all friends are so happy for you both but many say they can't wait to meet Lucy. Clark, M is trying to fix my phone buecause sbc repair won't come out until 12/30!!!! So if he can't fix I'm up a creek. So EVERYONE call on M's line 965-3655!!! E and L are on their way up. I just made chick salad. Clarks are coming here for Christmas dinner and everyone is helping. E&L are making dessert. I wish every one of my babies and their families and loved ones were here together. If I could just find an oil well we could pull it off! I keep trying! Momma
Ok, I am dying
Ok, goosebumps. I am on the verge of tears. So happy for you. Clark, I don't obviously have to ask Who or Why? But, what about Where and When?
Clark, you are so damn cute, I can't STAND it!!! Lyd, first off, hats off for starting this blog business. The Shaw's are SO 21st century. "Hey, Elizabeth, how did you hear that Clark was getting married?" One may ask... "From my family's blog..." Love it! Clarkie, have the time of your life. You sound so happy and I am just thrilled that your life has taken the direction it has. We miss you at home but you are in our hearts.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
the big news
Clark, I kept your secret!!! Now we all need ALL the details. More about Mick and Roz, your conversation, what he said to Lucy, what you said to Lucy, what is the ring like. Hey, we are mostly girls here and we need lots of info to hash over., we are all soooo happy for you because we think Lucy is perfect and we love her family and want her to feel part of ours the way you do of hers. I have a new daughter and the kids have a new sister. What could be better PLUS my mammogram was clear so I'm good for another 6 months anyway. Life is good. All love, Momma
Dear Lucy, you definitely need your own site on our blog!!! We love you and are so happy! Your other Mother
Dear Lucy, you definitely need your own site on our blog!!! We love you and are so happy! Your other Mother
Oh My God!!!!!
Clark, I could not be happier or more proud of you. We love Lucy and are so happy for her to be in the family!!!
Almost There
Yesterday was the last day of school so Baker had his Christmas Concert. No major tears this time, he instead just sat frozen and precious throughout. Murphy's law seems to make it that of about 100 children, he was placed right in the front row and totally exposed to 100s of waving and grinning Mom's, Dads and Grandparents. Lucille, wish you were here today to help with our two batches of Christmas cookies. Dad comes tonight and the Dills and Caitlin come tomorrow. Dill just realized it was Christmastime this morning so he is running out to do his Christmas shopping with the other men of the earth. Tomorrow night we are doing Fondue night then going to Church and friends for Christmas Eve. Every year we have the annual lighting of Hanover West, our neighborhood. Every house puts out 16 luminarias when it gets dark on Christmas eve. It is beautiful. I am missing all of my siblings and thinking of the years of all sleeping in the same room on Christmas Eve. Love to all.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Day 2...

I walked 48 (yes, 48) blocks home last night from Midtown to SoHo in the freezing cold but kept a good attitude by reminding myself that I was seeing new parts of the city along the way and jumping in and out of stores for last minute x-mas shopping. On top of that, I had my iPod so I had a good soundtrack playing the whole time. Off to CA in the AM. Can't wait to leave the chaos and get some R&R...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Wow, NYC is a zoo and that's all there is to it. Yesterday, I was a little out of it and failed to read the news, turn on the TV or listen to the radio, so this morning I had NO idea that there was a subway strike. Called car service and they laughed in my face, walking is not an option unless I wanted to get to work at noon in heals, cabs were a mess, I have no idea how and where the buses run and I almost just sat on the corner and cried. Thankfully, I asked a man for help and we ended up flagging down a ca and splitting it with two other people. Phew! There are only 2 of us that have made it to the office so far... It's 10 degrees and people are running, biking, rollerblading to work and the streets are packed and it's just chaos. The longest strike in NYC lasted 11 days in 1980. Hope this one doesn't last that long!!!
Monday, December 19, 2005
lost in Angwin
sorry I have been out of the blogger loop!!! I've been doing all the finish work on back knitting projects w/ some tecnique help from Lyd. all is good here except weather. M and I spent ALL day Sat making a 2 year batch of chutney everyone will be happy to know, then on Sun we made a big batch of smoked duck gumbo from some duck JR had killed and smoked. SOOOO good. Tomorrow I am going to a lunceon at Auberge that Marie is giving then Wed am supposed to play 10s and bridge but the tennis is looking iffy due to rain. I'm trying to plan my "go make the condo rentable/ stayable" but don't seem to have any great ideas on how to do it REALLY on the cheap and have it look great. I have been going on Craig's list for Hou but it isn't as big a deal there yet. I feel like I am just out of college and have my first apt except I've never gotten out of college!! That is on my to do list. Love and xxx000xxx's, Momma
The stockings were hung....
Bring it on Magoo!
You are going down sister! And in straight sets, too! Unlike San Fran, New York has been really warm and I was all over the city this weekend. On Saturday, Lindsay and I went for a "POWER WALK" and went to see ground zero. It was a very emotional experience. I also went to a Christmas party in New Jersey that was a total bust but it was nice to get out of the city and try something new. I found my favorite restaurant in the city. It's called the Country Cafe and the man and wife that own it are the two greatest people on earth. You feel like family and that you are eating meals in your own home. I can only imagine that Baker and Mary Rowe are on crack as xmas nears...I am very excited to go to California. Work should be slow this week which will be nice. Still no smoking.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Man, work was BUSY this week but I was able to get my ducks back in a row. Still yet to buy one xmas gift, I have a feeling I'll be shopping electronically this year...However, been listening to Elvis like a madman! Off to the doctor for my weekly check-up and re-fill of happy pills. Day 17 and feel fat as a cow! Oh, well! Tomorrow night, I am going to a party with some co-workers that will have over 500 people and you HAVE to wear something festive so I think I am going to buy an elf costume that should pair nicely with my rockin' December tan! I really like the girls I work with, they are all so much fun. Things with the man remain hot and heavy. Speaking of hot...fingers crossed for sunshine and tennis in California this week!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. We finally got our tree up last night. It is a beauty. We are a little light on ornaments but I like the idea of collecting meaningful ones over time as opposed to going out and buying a bunch. Basically, we have a tree in the middle of our living room with lights on it. I was up late last night trying to get our Christmas cards done. I am not that pleased with them but they are going to have to do. When you choose to always do your cards yourself, there are going to be some disasters along the way. I fear this may be one. I am going out for beers with some guys from work tonight. About time, I went out with the boys from work for a few. Lena and I don't have any plans for the weekend besides finishing up our decorating, shopping and cards. Sunday night some friends from Sweden who are moving back soon are coming over for dinner. Tuesday night Lena and I are going to dinner with two other couples that we hang out with a lot. Not sure when we are leaving for Michigan but we are leaning towards Friday. I think we will return on Monday. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
T-10 Days

Yes, the countdown is in full swing. Headed out today for the final gifts. A trampoline, Potty Elmo and a Treasure Chest. Tramps now have huge nets on the side so children can no longer get homemade dimples. Although, I bet Chaz would say it was the best thing that every happened to him! Looking forward to a week of tons of Christmas parties and fun. Still have not gone ice skating. Hoping to this weekend. Had a great visit to Santa at the Festival of Trees last weekend. Nobody cried, or froze up and the list was very clear. The very underated Mrs. Clause was there too, love her.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
12 degrees and sunny
Well, NYC sure is brisk but the sun is still out so you can stay pretty motivated indoors looking out. Still beaming after Chaz and Lena's exciting news. Looking very forward to a great Christmas (and warmer weather) in California. Thanks to all for your gifts for my b-day but I am yet to get most of them b/c they are all at the fedex office and I need to go pick them up this weekend. I am going tanning after work to keep up with my Puerto Rico jump start. There have been some repercussions for my impulsiveness but I'm getting myself back on track just as quickly as I derailed. Love to all.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Thank Heaven for Little Boys!!
Bring him on. The more little boys the better. Love my Girl, but boys are easy. Any name thoughts? Congratulations!
It's a Boy!
God help me but it is true. The doctors say everything looks fine. I can't imagine what it will be like with two young boys around the house but the more I think about it the more excited I get. At least we have a whole lot of hand me downs. We are gonna have some great camping and fishing trips one day and can nearly field a basketball team. Boys are cheaper too at least until they start wrecking cars. Of course, I think we are still in the market for a girl which means 3 children so until you reach a dozen, they ain't cheaper. Oh well, we'll survive one way or another. Gonna be crazy in this Shaw household in not too much time. Visit at your own risk and bring lots of patience.
Hi All. Thanks for the invitation Momma but it is really an economic matter at this point. Lena wanted to go to Scandinavia for at least a short visit over the holidays and we cannot now turn around and come to CA. Sorry. We are simply looking forward to a nice family Christmas and some time playing in the snow. Lena returned yesterday. Oscar was very happy to see her. We took a long walk to get the kinks from the flight out and then had dinner and went to sleep. Today she has her amnio which made her feel awful last time. This will also tell us what sex the baby is though we won't know for a couple of weeks. Tomorrow she has her fingerprinting for her green card. We still haven't gotten our tree so we need to take care of that. We also have some more shopping to do. No other plans really until Christmas comes. This weekend I went out on Friday with my friend from Webb. He does what Dad used to do with databases and has offered Dad temporary employment helping him on a database project. That was nice of him. They are getting along well. Sat night I went to the Aerosmith concert at the United Center. I tell ya: that guy is a rock star. Unbelievable. And, he has to be nearly 55 years old. Our tickets were the best in the house and I just sat in awe at this guys sheer energy. Lenny Kravitz wasn't bad either. In fact, he was great. I hope everyone is having a nice holiday season. Love to all.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Happy Birthday beautiful Elizabeth. Sounds like this is the dream b-day of all time....sun, fun and love. Doesn't get any better than that!!! Last night we went to the Meadowood Xmas party for members. Was absolutely fabulous. Had dinner w/ Rue and John after. Chaz, what weather you guys are having, it is all over the news. How can you even go outside. It is probably gorgeous though. I know you will be happy to have Lena back. Wish you could come here for Xmas. We have room, only E and L will be here so PLEASE consider it. This could be a more sane visit. I love all my babies. Momma
It's 9am and I have been in my bathing suit for over 12 hours...
Well, by now you all have heard that I have been whisked away to Puerto Rico for my birthday weekend. After a fat, first class flight from JFK to San Juan (with lots of cocktails!!!) we have landed on the most beautiful island with 85 degree and perfect weather. We both checked into our hotel with our wallets and that's it so we have been buying our clothes, toothbrushes, etc along the way. We look like total tourists and you should see the outfits we are sporting. Scott's decked out in Tommy Bahama and I am wearing the cheasiest swim suit you have ever seen. Today, we are renting a kayak and playing in the ocean. Tonight, we are going to a restaurant on the beach in the old part of San Juan and then going on a hike in the rainforrest tomorrow afternoon. Last night I salsa danced for hours and at midnight, Scott had the band play "Happy Birthday" salsa style and we danced in the middle of the floor alone and everyone watched and applauded. It was amazing. I love my life. Cheers to all. I am crazy.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Well, we got a quite a storm here in Chicago yesterday. Today is beautiful though. Looks like we are in for a very White Christmas. Lena and I were planning on spending Christmas in Chicago but it seems that noone else is so we have decided to accept K&K's invitation to go to Harbor Springs. Despite being 4 months pregnant, Lena wants to ski and I think it will be fun for Oscar to play around in the snow and go sledding. Yesterday, Joanna, our babysitter, locked herself out of the house with Oscar inside when taking the trash out. I had to leave work and go home to let her in. Oscar was of course unfazed. When I opened the door, he was sitting in the middle of the floor in a pile of trash with a big smile on his face. Dad is taking care of him today though I might leave work early to go take Oscar to play in the snow in the park. We have not been doing much in the evenings besides making big and delicious dinners and watching "guys" movies. Of course, we have watched the Big Lebowski twice too. Dad is going to babysit tomorrow night while I go to the Aerosmith concert with some guys from work. I don't really like them that much but the tickets were too good to pass up. Lena is on her way to London as I write and is due back on Monday. Pat and I have to make a quick trip to NY next week to meet with a hedge fund. Hopefully, we can hook up Lizzie but it looks like it might just be a day trip. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Thanks for the ideas for a gift for Baker, Lyd. So cute. He is a good boy. Love you guys.
Major expectations
I expect one mac daddy blog out of Lizzy after this one. Wow. I kept the kids out of school today so we could have a hang out day. Dill's good friend Evan is here from Denver so we are looking forward to seeing him tonight. It is still freezing. Love to all.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Mike's Big Word
I think the Arrow post is an example of Mikes new favorite word, Anthropomorphic. Glad Lily can rest easy. I am sure Tigger wishes his housemate would leave.
Arrow went to a family to whose home he kept visiting while we were all gone. They begged and begged to let us keep him and cried etc, so Clark decided that he would probably have a better life there since he and we are gone so often. Lily seems much happier!!! I think it was the right thing to do. Had my "gold beads" encounter this morning w/ Ami in tow as a witness. They were very nice and I am going in in the morning and we will weigh them. I'm praying that I am the one who is wrong and that the difference is the chain. I would really like to know these guys are honest because they seem so nice. Tonight is the A and B 10s team party. Should be fun. M went to a personal trainer today to come up w/ a prog to help his back pain. ( Should last about a week w/ enthusiasm, but maybe I'll be wrong on that too). Tomorrow night is the Meadowood Xmas party for members. About the only thing they ever give us. There is always a HUGE turnout cause all is free. We are going to dinner w/ Rue and John after. Everyone keep trying to hwlp Dad get over his doublt and fear re the :project". I feel the failure he fears is guaranteed w/out at least trying. I know this is so hard on all of you but maybe together we can get through to him. Love to all, Momma
Good Morning. It is desperately trying to snow today. I think Baker and I are starting to Hallucinate because we are looking so hard for any sign of a flake. Very cold and Christmas like which is a nice treat. We are gearing up for the weekend. Finally going to motivate to take everyone ice skating and to the proverbial visit to Santa Clause. We are hopeing for no tears this year. I am optimistic. The party circuit really doesn't get going until next week so we have one weekend of peace before the big rush. Satchmo's sweater has reappeared. I found it hanging inside of a bush. Lucky he didn't hang himself. Time for Mary Rowe and I to chat it up at the coffee shop.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Clark and Lucy surprised me last night in SF. We all headed out to dinner and had a nice time, except we got locked out of my apartment (big surprise), where his keys and, oh no, his cigarettes were, so Clark had to break in with a credit card. That made me feel real safe - must start using top bolt in future. I told Clark about our blog and he had no idea what I was talking about. Somebody should send him the link if they haven't already, especially so he can get all of the birthday well wishes. Justin opened his Christmas present last night (I couldn't wait); it was a BIG hit. Lizzie, your party sounds incredible - you must take photos. Lyddie, you reideer is adorable and Mom, thanks for listening last night. I'm a little sad about Arrow - I guess Clark was kindof a deadbeat dad. Who'd you give him to?
Hi all, Lizzie your big night sounds awesome. Got the tree yesterday and it is beautiful but not deco'd yet. Lucy left yesterday and Clark is really sad. It is cold and gray but have a fire. Am rtying again today to make headway re my gold beads. I actually found one of the original ones and can now prove that they substituted junk when they restrung them. If I get no satisfaction shall go to the police I guess. Dum de dum dum. Aroow is now residing w/ another family who can better care for him and Lily is certainly happier. I love everyone. Momma
Go big or go home!
Wow, quite the update from Chaz. Nothing worse than not having good food on vacation but sounded like a good time otherwise. Day 8 of no smoking and feelin' good. Love my happy pills! In Chicago today and the weather is brisk but sunny and have a big presentation to give in an hour. Watch out, b/c 3 days until my favorite day of the birthday! Oh man am I going big. I have bought a very glamorous dress for my birthday and have been tanning to prep for the big night! I am going to get my make up done before dinner which is at the Biltmore Room (YIPPIE!!!) at 10pm with 5 of my best friends. Then, we rented out a bar and there are over 100 people that have responded on the e-vite already! I promise to take lots of pictures. Carrie, Jason and Becker are all flying in from Chicago for the big celebration! I'll keep you posted!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Hi precious ones, life is getting more normal. Lizzie I want to meet Mr. Right asap. I'm part of the admissions committee, the main part I hope! spent today in Napa getting shopping done, botox for frown marks blah blah. Got the tree today and will decorate soon, book group party is here nexy wed. M went to personal trainer today to try to come up w/ a prog to heelp w. his back pain. Yipee. I love everyone!!!Momma
OK. Time to contribute. Back from Finland and Sweden. It was about as short a trip across the Atlantic as one would want to make. We left on Wednesday night and arrived on Thursday morning. While Oscar was well-behaved, he was quite a handful. Upon our arrival, we immediately boarded a plane to Helsinki. It was a quick flight on the airline that Franco owns. Our stay with Lena's dad was short. We had lunch and then took a nap. That evening we had dinner with them and Lena's aunt and uncle. Boy the food in Finland is bad. The conversation was a little thin too since noone really speaks English. I just tried to be pleasant. Oscar was up in the middle of the night and so Lena and I took turns taking care of him. This in fact is what we had to do every night as Oscar just never got onto a Scandinavian schedule. In the end, that was a good thing because last night he slept through the night. Anyway, we left for Stockholm early Friday morning and went straight to Jan & Carina's house. After a nap, we went to town and walked around. The weather was awful though it wasn't nearly as cold as it is now in Chicago. That evening we had dinner with Jan & Carina and three of Carina's friends that came to town for the party. Jan had proposed to Carina the day before so everyone was in good spirits especially Carina who is now sporting a huge rock as well as new earrings to match. The next day was the party. It started at 2 pm at the Theatre Grill which is an old restaurant near the theater were Bergman et al all got started. It was quite nice. There were about 100 people there and everyone was in their finest. We started with Glogg. Then champagne and canapes. Lunch was lamb and fine red wine. Dessert was berries and cream served with cognac. Like my wedding, there were toasts throughout though none were in English so I couldn't understand a word. After dinner, we went next door to a private club called Toppen. It is owned by the king's best friend and is where they hold court. It is quite nice. Having started at 2 and it now being 7, everyone was in high spirits. The party ended about nine but most people then went to Bistro Jarl which is my favorite restaurant and where I took everyone for my bachelor party. The owner was with us so we basically took over the whole place. Lena and I only stayed for a bit though long enough for me to have the caviar dish I like so much. We were fast asleep when everyone returned. On Sunday, we woke up late and didn't even get to see the sun. It is quite depressing at this time of year as the sun never gets very high in the sky and it is only daylight for about 6 hours. I don't know how I am going to stand it if we live there. Anyway, we went to Hotel Bern for brunch and then did some Christmas shopping at NK. We had dinner with Helen and Franco and then went back to Jan and Carina's. The next day Oscar and I flew home. Oscar slept most of the flight and as I said through the night as well. Lena is staying another week and spending the weekend in London. She met with her company today in order to try to come to some arrangement about going back to work. Not sure how it went but she says it went well. Dad is still staying with us and picked us up at the airport. Our babysitter is taking care of Oscar today and on Thursday and Dad is taking care of Oscar on Wed and Fri. Lena gets back on Monday and then we are having a Glogg party on Sat at our house. That means we have to get the tree and everything up before then. We are not going anywhere for the holidays but it should still be fun. We of course, welcome any visitors at any time. I am writing this at the end of the day at work and am now headed home. Goodnight.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Motivated on Monday
Well, day 6 and feelin' pretty good. Brace yourselves, I actually went running (yes, that means I exercised) and it felt great. I ran along the West 4th highway in the snow and looked upon Manhatten listening to great tunes and loving the fact that i am a New Yorker!!! I have kept very busy to try and the medication really helps with my no smoking. I have a meeting with my doctor tonight at 5 and Scott is going with me and he has been very supportive. Then we are staying on the upper east side and grabing a nice dinner. This weekend is my birthday and I have a lot of friends flying in from Chicago and we have rented out a bar on Saturday night to blow out. I can't believe I am going to be 26. Oh, man. I saw the xmas tree at Rockeller Center and it doesn't hold anything to my tree at home. Mom's email was halarious and I love this blogging business. No drama this weekend but i think i may be falling in love...
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Momma is home
Hey all you Shaw babies, Loved reading all the info. Lizzie, you should be a writer!!! After 1000's if miles and hundreds of small towns (we took the back roads much of the time) we have a theory which could be beneficial for millions of americans. We are applying to FEMA for a grant for more research and are hoping that when they have finished w/ the hurricane folks they will consider our application. Basically we drew up a very complex matrix of variables based on 1000's of observations made on this trip. We believe, as we have long believed, that trailers attract tornados and bad luck in general, why the bad luck we aren't sure. However, our observations lead us to conclude that there is more than just the trailer that draws the tornados. There seems to be a direct correlation between severity of attack and the amount of metal on the property, car bodies, washers and fridges old tractors, wheels etc. We believe that the rust (iron) has an extra attraction, more than just the trailers. We feel there are several things people can do to mitigate their risk. Some of them are: When the storms are alerted, the household members should sit on the metal, rusting chairs in their yard areas because the body fat would cover up a good deal of the metal and cause less of a draw. Also, if the Assembly of God crosses and signs in the yards could be made of plastic or wood instead of metal there could be a possible risk decline. Allowing kudzu to completely cover the car bodies etc could also have a lessening effect. We are unsure about the risk of aluminum cans in the yard because their draw could be mitigated by the plastic bottles and bags in the same area. We hope to do more work in this area believing our effort could save lives. One of our main areas of concern is the risk of having more than 3 tv antennas on one metal structure. You can see that our job is very large, so many variable. We welcome any suggestions for our study.
I came home to countless lbs of catalogs, mail and bills, my own tornado! But my body fat from this trip helped and I was able to sit comfortably padded and sort through it all. Last night we celebrated Clark's 23rd w/ him and Lucy at the Silverado Brew Pub. He and Perry are forming their coporation tomorrow. Good times. Lucy leaves on Wed, sad to say but will return in Jan. Clark leaves for Eng on the 13th.
Our time, a week, w/ Lyd and Dill was perfect, so much fun. We are signing up for next year.
Tomorrow I'm getting Christmas stuff under control. Our book club is having its party here this year on the 14th so need to get going and to get the gifts wrapped and mailed.
I love my babies. Momma
I came home to countless lbs of catalogs, mail and bills, my own tornado! But my body fat from this trip helped and I was able to sit comfortably padded and sort through it all. Last night we celebrated Clark's 23rd w/ him and Lucy at the Silverado Brew Pub. He and Perry are forming their coporation tomorrow. Good times. Lucy leaves on Wed, sad to say but will return in Jan. Clark leaves for Eng on the 13th.
Our time, a week, w/ Lyd and Dill was perfect, so much fun. We are signing up for next year.
Tomorrow I'm getting Christmas stuff under control. Our book club is having its party here this year on the 14th so need to get going and to get the gifts wrapped and mailed.
I love my babies. Momma
Bring it!
Ok, I can honestly say that my tree rules. It's 10 feet and has about 4 billion lights on it. It's basically on crack. I am on day 5 of no smoking and pretty much want to kill myself but I am keeping busy and that helps. It's the first snow here in NYC and it's beautiful. I am going to go to central park and walk around and soak all of winter in. Love to all.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
We were in the Christmas spirit and watching college footbal, but when Colorado was losing 70-3 we lost a little of our cheer.
I got it!

Lizzie, you should be here with us! I put Elvis on and we were sipping Eggnogg. We even found lactose-less eggnogg for Justin! We're having people over tonight so we can share the tree because most of our friends aren't getting big trees. We found a great Christmas tree lot at Fort Mason (Mike it's the same place as where the family winery pouring is) and James Smith was there to help us choose the best Nobel. We had beautiful weather today. Justin is making some great progress on his applications - I think they'll be out in a week, which will mean more surfing, yippee! Tomorrow - laser tag for Elsabet's birthday (Barbera Brooks' daughter). She's turning eight!!
Well, I surrounded by Grinches! I went to the Radio City Music Hall today and saw a xmas musical and I got really fired up. So I went and bought decorations for my tree and listened to Elvis and everyone else around me are in these terrible moods! Boo on them! I need some spirit in my house!!! All they care about is stupid college football!
Friday, December 02, 2005
On the road...again
well, stuck at Logan airport in Boston with a delay to NYC...big shock! Nearly a standard! Yes, I second Clark's birthday wishes. Weather is turning and the scarves and gloves have been broken out. Scott, lindsay and I bought a 10 foot christmas tree and we are going to listen to Elvis and decorate tonight. Have a good weekend. Now that i ma on/off (don't know which is which) I should have some tame details.
22 Year Ago
22 Years ago today, I was sitting in my 5th grade class and over the loudspeaker the Principal announced that I had a new baby brother. I never had a baby brother before and I was so unbelievably excited. That was until he pee peed all over me the first time I changed his diaper! Nonetheless, Happy Birthday sweet Clark.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Dill's Horror
Dill is horrified by the differences in my blogs compared to my party lovin cool sisters. Guess I will have to cut out the exciting Knitting updates!
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