Thursday, June 28, 2007

So you say you like sandwiches

Ok. So I had a thought at about midnight last night about what my next venture would be. You see, my plan has been to go through with talentdrive and then do something I really love and I really love food. But I don't want to be a chef and I don't want to go to culinary school until I have the money and time to do it for fun and not suffer and be broke and back in school. so.... Here's my idea: I put a plan together and go to Guinies and see if they will let me but the rights to their name. Then, I expand the idea. Keep it authentic and real but keep serving the best damn sandwich you have ever had. Can't you see guinies in Mill Valley, SF, Santa Monica, Sonoma, etc.....? Can't you see how marketable it would be to expand this Napa Valley Gem! Oh, the possibilities. I already know the type face I want to use for the name, I want to cute girls in jeans and tee shirts with Nantucket red aprons on with "g's" on them. I want bottle the juice, I want to SCALE. So, this is my exciting idea. The deli business. And mom will be in charge of making her kick ass chicken salad.

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