Friday, June 29, 2007

Lovin life

How I can feel completely relaxed when I have 3 kids is crazy, I blame it on the scenery. I am in heaven. It is 9 am and Mary Rowe and Spencer are still sound asleep and Dill has taken Baker to camp. When they get up we are headed to the farmers market for fresh fruits and veggies and fun at the park. Then a swim at the Meadowood pool and serious Wimbledon watching. Finally, Aunt Magoo and Uncle Man are coming in their fancy new car!! A two Hybrid family! There are not many of those out there. Can't wait to see it. Bring brown sugar Magoo, MR is dying to make cookies with you. Lizzy, can't wait for you and Drew's visit as well. Talking to Dill about he Guignis idea. He thinks it is a waist of money to buy their name because it has not recognition or value outside of here. He says just open up great delis with the idea you have with your own name and save the money. Especially since you are doing it in California anyway where the Napa Valley isn't even that novel. Spencer just woke up so he is now on my lap helping me type. I am mildly obsessed with this baby. Maybe because he may be our last, god forbid! I have at least talked Dill out of getting snipped. I asked him what he thought our 4th baby would look like and he responded, "Chinese", so I take it he wants to adopt. I think I may have been too whiny this last time around for him to deal with me again. Love to all and can't wait to see you tonight Magoo. Liz, let me know how it goes with Kevin.

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