Friday, June 29, 2007
Lovin life
How I can feel completely relaxed when I have 3 kids is crazy, I blame it on the scenery. I am in heaven. It is 9 am and Mary Rowe and Spencer are still sound asleep and Dill has taken Baker to camp. When they get up we are headed to the farmers market for fresh fruits and veggies and fun at the park. Then a swim at the Meadowood pool and serious Wimbledon watching. Finally, Aunt Magoo and Uncle Man are coming in their fancy new car!! A two Hybrid family! There are not many of those out there. Can't wait to see it. Bring brown sugar Magoo, MR is dying to make cookies with you. Lizzy, can't wait for you and Drew's visit as well. Talking to Dill about he Guignis idea. He thinks it is a waist of money to buy their name because it has not recognition or value outside of here. He says just open up great delis with the idea you have with your own name and save the money. Especially since you are doing it in California anyway where the Napa Valley isn't even that novel. Spencer just woke up so he is now on my lap helping me type. I am mildly obsessed with this baby. Maybe because he may be our last, god forbid! I have at least talked Dill out of getting snipped. I asked him what he thought our 4th baby would look like and he responded, "Chinese", so I take it he wants to adopt. I think I may have been too whiny this last time around for him to deal with me again. Love to all and can't wait to see you tonight Magoo. Liz, let me know how it goes with Kevin.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
So you say you like sandwiches
Ok. So I had a thought at about midnight last night about what my next venture would be. You see, my plan has been to go through with talentdrive and then do something I really love and I really love food. But I don't want to be a chef and I don't want to go to culinary school until I have the money and time to do it for fun and not suffer and be broke and back in school. so.... Here's my idea: I put a plan together and go to Guinies and see if they will let me but the rights to their name. Then, I expand the idea. Keep it authentic and real but keep serving the best damn sandwich you have ever had. Can't you see guinies in Mill Valley, SF, Santa Monica, Sonoma, etc.....? Can't you see how marketable it would be to expand this Napa Valley Gem! Oh, the possibilities. I already know the type face I want to use for the name, I want to cute girls in jeans and tee shirts with Nantucket red aprons on with "g's" on them. I want bottle the juice, I want to SCALE. So, this is my exciting idea. The deli business. And mom will be in charge of making her kick ass chicken salad.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Looking Good
Your new website looks fantastic! Good job.
I get my new car today. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited. I can't wait to put a CD in and drive around. Woo hoo!!! I have a meeting in Burlingame tomorrow and am really excited to drive a safe and sound car on the highway. It was always stressful driving the Jeep to meetings because I was always worried that it was going to break down! So it will be nice to have some peace of mind.
We have 1.5 weeks until the Wyoming trip. We are surprisingly pretty organized and not too freaked out at this point. I am shocked!
I have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off next week! Can't wait to get back to Mom's!
xoxo, L
I get my new car today. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited. I can't wait to put a CD in and drive around. Woo hoo!!! I have a meeting in Burlingame tomorrow and am really excited to drive a safe and sound car on the highway. It was always stressful driving the Jeep to meetings because I was always worried that it was going to break down! So it will be nice to have some peace of mind.
We have 1.5 weeks until the Wyoming trip. We are surprisingly pretty organized and not too freaked out at this point. I am shocked!
I have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off next week! Can't wait to get back to Mom's!
xoxo, L
Monday, June 25, 2007
I am jealous of all you Napa folk

Well, I am pretty jealous of all of you guys in CA and while I am out here in the midwest. Lucille's pictures made me feel a little homesick but I am glad you are all together and having a great time. I guess that we will be out there soon enough to join in on the fun. I thought that everyone looked great and happy.
All is well here. Drew and I were in his hometown this weekend and it was really fun to see his childhood home and high school, etc. Can't really compare the actual weddings, though b/c the one on Martha's was so over the top. Sit down dinner and DJ didn't really do it for us if you know what I mean. Drew really revisited his roots and parts of him make more sense now by just seeing him in his environment if that makes sense. The best part of the trip was the 2 hours we spent at the community pool. We paid 3 bucks and laid out and it was heaven. It would be the equivalent to going to St. Helena High for the day on a Saturday. Everything in the town was built and named after Dow Chemical. I felt like I was living in a cross between Erin Brokovich and the Simpsons. It's a real cute town though. Dow has really made it a nice place to raise a family.
This week is nuts. My friend Oliver is in town and I am going to see him tonight. He is in the peace core in central america. Sarah Friedman comes on Thursday from NYC and Drew's BF Josh is here for a week. I just can't wait for Napa. I am dying to see you all.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Lizzie
Sunday, June 24, 2007
It let me on!!
Well, I feel like re re mom with my blog difficulties, but I am good to go now. Having the best time in California. Loved seeing Justin and Luc, aka. Uncle Man and Aunt Magoo. The kids LOVED you both and had such a blast using you both as jungle gyms. The weather is amazing here. Lots of pooltime and time with friends. The kids are having a really good time with Erin's kids which is great. We have Caroline Upton's wedding Reception next weekend. Should be fun. Dill is off tomorrow to work in San Jose for the week. Baker is going to tennis, golf and Croquet camp at Meadowood all week. He has to wear all whites every day and have golf clubs and a raquet. We had the raquet, but had to buy him golf clubs. Will report more later. Dinner is served.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Hot Wheels!
Wow, Luc. That car is D-Y-N-A-M-I-T-E! How fun. I can't wait to have my own car. No need here but in SF for sure. I am so jealous that you will be up north visiting everyone. I am DYING to come home and see you all and have some fun. Off to Midland MI to see the house that Dow Chemical built. I am prepared to be paraded around to old high school teachers, girlfriends, soccer buddies, etc. Drew picked out my dress for the wedding cause he wants us to be the 'hot' couple. I feel like I am going to his hometown reunion. Love to all. Lyd, seriously, get on top of things here.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Got it!

This is it! My new Hybrid SUV. Justin's Dad called me yesterday and heard I was looking for a new car and offered to let me buy his car. I know he has taken good care of it and he gave me a pretty good deal, althought I still have to take out a loan to pay for it. This is what color it is (I think) and it has leather seats and a navigation system. I can't wait. I am hoping to pick it up tonight! I am so glad this process is over! It was sooo much work! Love everybody!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Let the move begin
Well, Drew and I are really trying to get our hands around SF. Thanks Justin and Luc for your help so far with all this law firm stuff. The fun stuff will come soon, like where we would want to live, what car to get, when.... all that good stuff. It should be here before we know it. I hope to have only one more freezing cold winter here, in Chicago.
All is well. Still nice weather. Off to yoga tonight and then v-ball game tomorrow. I ate a bunch of crap all weekend but that's what vacations are for. I am excited to go to Midland, MI this weekend and see where Drew grew up and meet his friends. I won't know one person at this wedding this weekend so that should be interesting. Drew figures it will be years until he returns back again so I think we are really going to make the rounds and I am going to have to put my game face on. We have 12 total hours in the car so i better make some mixes this week or think of some stories I haven't told him yet. Will be weird to be in the car that long with out a smoke.
Lyd- Welcome back to CA. Hope you'll still add to the blogger. Magoo, what's the word on the new car?
All is well. Still nice weather. Off to yoga tonight and then v-ball game tomorrow. I ate a bunch of crap all weekend but that's what vacations are for. I am excited to go to Midland, MI this weekend and see where Drew grew up and meet his friends. I won't know one person at this wedding this weekend so that should be interesting. Drew figures it will be years until he returns back again so I think we are really going to make the rounds and I am going to have to put my game face on. We have 12 total hours in the car so i better make some mixes this week or think of some stories I haven't told him yet. Will be weird to be in the car that long with out a smoke.
Lyd- Welcome back to CA. Hope you'll still add to the blogger. Magoo, what's the word on the new car?
Monday, June 18, 2007
Eat Your Heart Out Martha Stewart

I will send you all my pictures thru ofoto b/c these three do no justice. My word. What an amazing weekend. Martha's Vineyard is drop dead gorgeous. The wedding and ceremony are what girls can only dream of. I feel so fortunate to have been invited. Beautiful weather all weekend. Ice cream cones, walks on the beach, dancing, picnics in parks, ferry rides, bonfires... It has hard to come home.
Hope you are all well. Off to another wedding in Drew's hometown this weekend. xoxoxo
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ready to go..
Took Spencer today to the pediatrician and got the ok to bring him on the plane on Tuesday. Yippie. Spent the rest of the day at the pool. It is actually really pleasant here, in the very low 80s so I am liking that. MR, Spencer and I are hitting the Zoo tomorrow to visit our much loved Flamingo friends. Love them. Saturday night I am excited to go out with my girlfriends to a new restaurant here. My first big night out child free so I am very excited. It is Anna's birthday so we have a big group going. Luc, when are you going to Wyoming? Is it Jacksonhole? So fun. Are you going to stay on a couple of days? Liz, I know you will love your weekend. Especially now that McDrewy is wearing pink. Pink and a boat is a good look. Love to all.
Sorry if I got too political last night - I know I am not supposed to do that on the blog. He is inspiring so I was fired up. You both have such exciting trips ahead of you! We are desperately trying to get prepared for our Wyoming install. My boss has been swearing more than ever lately! It has been entertaining to say the least. I am supposed to design and black, pink and white pillow for a breast cancer fundraiser so I'm having fun putting that together. I'll post a picture when it's finished - it's going to be so cute. The weather here has been beautiful lately!
Lamb Burger Revival
Well, it is a beautiful day and I am so excited to go on the boat tonight and see the Fray with Alex, kelsey and Drew. We are going to grill lamb burgers on our new nifty grill we got at target. I may of added too much seasoning but whatever. Went a little nuts with the fennel.
I am BORED at work. It has really slowed down. So, instead of taking a half day tomorrow and leaving for the airport from my office, I am just going to take the full thing off and party tonight and pack in the morning. I am so fired up about our trip to the east coast. I just can't wait to see Fisher and Parker and Fisher's parents at the Cape.
Went to lunch with Kristi yesterday and she looked like a million bucks. honestly, I hope I look like her when I am 50. Wow.
Drew is wearing a linen suit and pink dress shirt and yellow tie at this wedding. I'm a sucker for prepsters! So excited.
I am BORED at work. It has really slowed down. So, instead of taking a half day tomorrow and leaving for the airport from my office, I am just going to take the full thing off and party tonight and pack in the morning. I am so fired up about our trip to the east coast. I just can't wait to see Fisher and Parker and Fisher's parents at the Cape.
Went to lunch with Kristi yesterday and she looked like a million bucks. honestly, I hope I look like her when I am 50. Wow.
Drew is wearing a linen suit and pink dress shirt and yellow tie at this wedding. I'm a sucker for prepsters! So excited.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
T-7 Days!
We are going to California a week from today! In the meantime, my precious Baker left on the airplane to North Carolina last night with Dill's dad. He looked so old that I could hardly stop from crying when I drove off. Both he and Dill's dad both had their roller suitcases and backpacks on and were so excited. They got to the airport 3 1/2 hours early just to hang out! So cute. I already miss him, but Caitlin is bringing him home on Friday so it will be soon enough. Meanwhile we are spoiling Mary Rowe rotten. We are letting her drink "Bitsy Juice", aka Diet Coke as much as she wants and of course she is sleeping on our floor so she can "help" with the baby throughout the night. We are also hitting the Zoo and the movie this week as well. Spencer is doing great. I got him set up to get his 8 week shots out in St. Helena from Dr. Darter so that is a relief. Lucille, the picture is beautiful. Either place would be amazing. If you are going for neutral territory though, Mexico would definately we neutral for all.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Countdown to Seersucker and Crab Cakes
3 days and counting until some time on the Cape and Vineyard. Bring it. Crazy weekend and week ahead:
- Boating
- Ocean's 13
- Old Town Art Fair
- Soprano's Finale
- Softball game
- Stevie Nicks concert
- Hair Cut
- Fray concert tomorrow
- Vball game
- Shoe shopping
Drew and I are itching to get out of Chicago so we are so excited.
Lyd- Need more pics of Spencer. Can't wait for CA. I have not been to yoga in a week and feel like a total fat ass.
Magoo- Cool picture. As for what I prefer...that's totally up to you guys. I am showing up no matter what with bells and whistles. Choosing between Sonoma and Mexico is what dad would call a high class problem.... :-)
So busy today. Can't wait for a hair cut. I just was not meant to have long hair.
Eat your heart out

We looked at this site on Saturday as a possible wedding site. It is an old winery within the Jack London Historical Park in Glen Ellen and it is surrounded by vineyards. It is really beautiful so I am going to look into whether this could be a possibility. Very neutral ground - I am hoping it will be easier for Dad to travel to Sonoma rather than Napa. Josh Wilson's parents live right next door to here. We went hiking and stumbled upon it. We are down to this or Mexico - thoughts?? I am kindof leaning more towards this right now.
We had a VERY culinary weekend. I have eaten things I have never heard of. The abalone fest was a huge success. They caught 18 abalone and we ended up cooking it three different ways. The best dish....abalone carpachio with a wasabi soy sauce. Josh's mom is an incredible cook. They have lived all over the world (India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, London) so her food has lots of different influences. We woke up at 6 AM to watch the French Open final - Nadal was on fire. Justin, Josh and I continued on today to Meadowood. I saw Erin Lail at the pool and she is excited for your visit Lyd. So tonight we went to Angelo the Renaissance Blacksmith's Forge for dinner. This man is quite a character. He has lived in the US for 40 odd years but he still says things like (in a thick italian accent) "Justin, how do you say, euhhhhh, piachere in English." He knows the English word but he likes for everyone to think he is so Italian because it is all part of his persona. It is very entertaining. So he lives in his blacksmith's forge and it is a big wherehouse with thousands of tools everywhere and paintings his friends have painted, a massive white, merano glass chandelier in his makeshift kitchen. In the middle of this all is a whole in the roof where a hug fig tree grows and a large bouganvilla plant. He is the third Italian blacksmith to live in the space and he will live there until he passes it on to the Italian apprentice that is training under him now. Lots of Italians were invited so Justin was speaking Italian and I was standing there trying to look like I knew what was going on. We had wild boar that Angelo shot with a bow and arrow. We had homemade pasta. He made the wine. I knew this was going to be a unique night and I was looking forward to it all week. It's hard to describe but it was one of those nights where I love San Francisco. Unique people, fresh food, creativity. Lyd, I can't wait to meet your new boyfriend. Lizzie, I'm going to get on the Chicago ticket ASAP! Love you both!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
My New Boyfriend....
Is 8 pounds and so precious!!! I am in love. Spencer is doing much better and could not be cuter. Mary Rowe truly worships him, Baker loves him but is a little rough and I can tell he wants him to do something other than eat, sleep and poop. Mary Rowe loves that he is like a doll. Dill's dad is flying in tonight to pick up Baker and fly him to North Carolina tomorrow. Baker will be there until Friday and then he will fly back with Caitlin on Friday night. Then on Tuesday the 19th we are headed to California until July 19th!! A whole month. Can't wait. It is already soooo hot here so we just spend all day at the pool. I am looking forward to my week with just Mary Rowe and the baby. Wee will get our nails done, shop and just do girly stuff. I am finally getting back to normal physicaly. Back to my full yoga routine and hoping to get to better than normal in the long run. We shall see though. Dill took Bake and MR to the Braves/Cubs game last night. Lizzy, you would be happy to know that Baker insisted on wearing his Cubs hat so you had a fan there. I stayed home with the baby and cleaned out my closet and literaly got rid of over 3/4 of my clothes and shoes. it was time! I had some ugly shit I will tell you. I think I buy too many random pieces and not outfits. I always figure I will wear whatever it is with jeans. The problem is that I never wear jeans!!!! You both seem to be doing well. Lucille, glad you had a nice birthday. I think you will like the Decanter when you pick it up at Mom's. Can't wait to see you both in California as well as your cutie patooty significant others! Sorry so MIA lately, but I am back in the rotation so watch out.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Whirlwind week!
Hi. I had the BEST facial yesterday. I told them to do not do extractions and it made the process so much nicer. My face is so sensitive so when they do that, my face turns bright red for two hours afterwards so instead I felt pretty and felt like I had a fresh new face. It was great. Thanks Lizzie. They had these waterfall showers that were out of control wonderful. Good times. I have such a busy week starting today.
1) Friday night - Baseball game
2) Saturday - Abalone fest starting with diving at 8 AM then BBQ in Sonoma at Josh Wilson's
3) Sunday - Meadowood
4) Sunday night - dinner at a blacksmith's forge in the Mission (should be really really cool) I'll write more later about this.
5) Monday - Baseball Game
6) Tuesday - Barak Obama event
7) Wednesday - Dinner party at our house
8) Thursday - Dinner with Justin's Mom
This is going to be fun! I am most excited about the Abalone fest and the blacksmith's dinner.
Love you guys! Congrats Chazzie on selling RedSky.
1) Friday night - Baseball game
2) Saturday - Abalone fest starting with diving at 8 AM then BBQ in Sonoma at Josh Wilson's
3) Sunday - Meadowood
4) Sunday night - dinner at a blacksmith's forge in the Mission (should be really really cool) I'll write more later about this.
5) Monday - Baseball Game
6) Tuesday - Barak Obama event
7) Wednesday - Dinner party at our house
8) Thursday - Dinner with Justin's Mom
This is going to be fun! I am most excited about the Abalone fest and the blacksmith's dinner.
Love you guys! Congrats Chazzie on selling RedSky.
Where my girls at?
Hope you both are doing well. Things are good here. Really excited for a sunny weekend. Boating and the old town art fair. Should be great.
Next Thursday we are off to the East Coast. Thank God. We are in desperate need of a vacation.
Love you guys.
Hope you both are doing well. Things are good here. Really excited for a sunny weekend. Boating and the old town art fair. Should be great.
Next Thursday we are off to the East Coast. Thank God. We are in desperate need of a vacation.
Love you guys.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Good lord, these weekends are slowly killing me
Boy, this boat has really turned up the fun dial.... This weekend was long and I need about 2 days worth of sleep. Summer is in full gear. Friday night I had a dinner party and experienced my first bad burn. I made lamb and when i pulled the rack out of the oven, i accidentaly dropped it and all the juices went flying and my left hand got scorched. It's all blistered up but I guess if you cook as much as I do it will eventually come with the territory. I made a cake. Yup, a cake. I NEVER bake b/c I hate to measure things. But, boy, it was damn good.
Saturday, we went boating. I am so proud of my yoga body and I feel comfortable in a bathing suit again and I am so proud of myself. Saturday night was my friends birthday party and Drew and I had a blast. Truly one of the more fun nights we have had in a long time. Great to see all my friends. Yesterday, my friend lisa came into town from NYC and she is staying with me for 2 nights. We went to my favorite french restaurant last night and watched food network and went to bed. Tonight we are going to dinner together with some people we used to work with at Aquent. Should be fun.
Drew is on a mission to buy a linen suit today. If i can get him in a linen suit with a pink dress shirt I would just die. He looks so hot these days with his summer tan. We are getting so excited to come out west in July and Labor day. We are also counting down the days until we go to Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod. It should be great to hang out with Parker and Fisher.
Paris Hilton went to jail and it truly is a great day in America.
Saturday, we went boating. I am so proud of my yoga body and I feel comfortable in a bathing suit again and I am so proud of myself. Saturday night was my friends birthday party and Drew and I had a blast. Truly one of the more fun nights we have had in a long time. Great to see all my friends. Yesterday, my friend lisa came into town from NYC and she is staying with me for 2 nights. We went to my favorite french restaurant last night and watched food network and went to bed. Tonight we are going to dinner together with some people we used to work with at Aquent. Should be fun.
Drew is on a mission to buy a linen suit today. If i can get him in a linen suit with a pink dress shirt I would just die. He looks so hot these days with his summer tan. We are getting so excited to come out west in July and Labor day. We are also counting down the days until we go to Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod. It should be great to hang out with Parker and Fisher.
Paris Hilton went to jail and it truly is a great day in America.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Great Day
I received so many wonderful phone calls and had a beautiful birthday today. Thanks for all of your birthday singing (oscar wins as the best birthday song singer). Everyone really went out of their way to make me feel special today and I really appreciate it! We got great pics today from Carter's 8th grade graduation (J's little brother). I'll send an ofoto album at the end of the weekend. xoxo,
Friday, June 01, 2007
Happy, happy birthday Magoo! You guys look adorable in the top photo. That should be your engagement photo! I hope you have the best day today and the weather keeps. I talked to Clark last night and he said that he is so excited to see you. Have a blast! My present should be there soon so let me know when you get it! I love you so much and can't wait to see you soon. Drew and I talk about SF everyday.
No big plans here. Supposed to rain (again) this weekend. I am getting pasty and pasty is not a word that I like to use ever.
Lyd- are you ok with out mom????
Love to all!
No big plans here. Supposed to rain (again) this weekend. I am getting pasty and pasty is not a word that I like to use ever.
Lyd- are you ok with out mom????
Love to all!
Bolinas Photos
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