Monday, February 26, 2007

Long Time No Blog

Hi All- Sorry I have been so MIA but I have been pretty crazy. NYC was a total blast. It was great to see old friends and go to some new restaurants. You both sound really good. I am loving that Baker is a Cub and that your party worked out, Luc.

It's my last week of work and for some reason I am feeling incredibly anxious. It's bizzar and I hate the feeling but I just remind myself that i have a lot of change going on.

The Oscars were SUCH a bore last night (yawn). That is it- I am watching red carpet and reading about the winners in the paper next day from now on. That was torturous.

Drew started his internship today with a firm in Chicago. He works 15 hours a week now plus school so he is a busy man.

We are counting days until Colorado. I am so excited to go skiing and visit some old spots from college. It's been snowing out there and we hope it keeps up.

Lots of love to you all.


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