Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The countdown begins - 10 days until Mexico. Areeba Areeba.
Your little flower bullet points are so cute. Wow, I want to be Lizzie right now. Facials and teeth bleaching- I am going to call you hi-mai from now on ;). We're counting down the days for a trek up to Tahoe this weekend. We've been getting a lot of snow lately so it should be good. I talked to Clark today - he's up there with Lucy's family and he said the snow was incredible. So I am looking forward to that. And we've going to Mexico the weekend after that. I am so white right now but thankfully we'll be in the middle of nowhere so no one will see me. I'm getting back into yoga. I found this great place called the Mindful Body and I really love their classes. I was starting to get lower back pain so I'm trying to get my 'core' back in shape. We bought some DVD's of yoga to take down with us for Mexico and I need to get some good books. Any beach read recommendations?? xoxo, L
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Where my girls at?
Ok, where are you ladies? I need some update action.
Well, unemployment is on the horizon and I am getting pretty pumped. Things to look forward to:
Well, unemployment is on the horizon and I am getting pretty pumped. Things to look forward to:
- My laser whitening appointment next week- watch out hollywood!
- My facial at Bliss Spa
- Find out if I won my 2 million dollars from good housekeeping (i'm in the finals...)
- my dinner party on sat for 12
- sleeping in
- my flight to CO with Dreamy on Thursday
- Not taking the bus at 7:30am
- A interim hault on dry cleaning bills
Monday, February 26, 2007
Long Time No Blog
Hi All- Sorry I have been so MIA but I have been pretty crazy. NYC was a total blast. It was great to see old friends and go to some new restaurants. You both sound really good. I am loving that Baker is a Cub and that your party worked out, Luc.
It's my last week of work and for some reason I am feeling incredibly anxious. It's bizzar and I hate the feeling but I just remind myself that i have a lot of change going on.
The Oscars were SUCH a bore last night (yawn). That is it- I am watching red carpet and reading about the winners in the paper next day from now on. That was torturous.
Drew started his internship today with a firm in Chicago. He works 15 hours a week now plus school so he is a busy man.
We are counting days until Colorado. I am so excited to go skiing and visit some old spots from college. It's been snowing out there and we hope it keeps up.
Lots of love to you all.
It's my last week of work and for some reason I am feeling incredibly anxious. It's bizzar and I hate the feeling but I just remind myself that i have a lot of change going on.
The Oscars were SUCH a bore last night (yawn). That is it- I am watching red carpet and reading about the winners in the paper next day from now on. That was torturous.
Drew started his internship today with a firm in Chicago. He works 15 hours a week now plus school so he is a busy man.
We are counting days until Colorado. I am so excited to go skiing and visit some old spots from college. It's been snowing out there and we hope it keeps up.
Lots of love to you all.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Girl Day
Thanks for the update Lydia! You sound busy and Baker sounds like such a big boy. A week by himself with his grandparents - wow. Lizzie, we need an update. xoxo, Lucille Oh and Chaz, where art thou?
It's been a long time!
Sorry, long time no blog. Well, I am happy to report that I think I am on the mend. It is a miracle. Just in time too, Dill is leaving again today until Friday so I have another long week. Had a party Thursday and and Friday night so I am a bit pooped. It is raining today though so we can just hang out and relax. I had Baker play hooky from school on Thursday and we went to the Dinasaur Museum and to the Deap Sea IMAX movie together. He was in major need of some time alone with me so it was a very fun day. Dill had Donuts for Dads for Baker's and Mary Rowe's classes last week. All the kids get so excited for their daddies to come to school and so when they get there they serve them donuts and juice and show them all of the projects they are working on. Dill of course, being super dad also stepped up and read stories to both classes. He about died when he sat across from a dad named "Billy Jack", and next to "Bubba". I think we almost moved that afternoon, but he is now over it. Getting very fired up about the baby. My friends are giving me a luncheon so I am excited about that. Should be fun. Starting to nest a bit, which is good because my house really needs organizing before the baby comes. Baker is excited because he is going to Chapel Hill by himself for a week this summer to go to "Nono and Grandpa Camp." Mary Rowe is going to stay with me and the baby so I think she will love that too. We are way into t-ball and Baker is so happy because he is on the CUBS and he could not be more excited. He was dying to tell Liz and Grandpa Chuck. Luc, I am so happy for Justin, not at all surprised though. I am thinking Stanford. Also the Ballroom looks Faboo and I hope your "surprise" Shower was fun. Liz, hope NY was a blast and that you take advantage of your work break.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
This & That
I told my boss Cheryl that you got contacts and she is thrilled to know you are having a hard time as well. She has been late to work every day for the last week trying to get hers in and every day she shows up to work with her glasses on instead.
I am sad to hear about Drew, but it sounds like a good opportunity for him and he definitely shouldn't work for an a$$hole. Not worth it. Justin is trying to figure out what to do for the summer as well, which is causing some sleepless nights.
When, not if, you move to SF, I would love to help with your apartment! There is this great flea market the first Sunday of every month that sells cheap/unique antiques. Sometimes you can find some amazing pieces.
I am sad to hear about Drew, but it sounds like a good opportunity for him and he definitely shouldn't work for an a$$hole. Not worth it. Justin is trying to figure out what to do for the summer as well, which is causing some sleepless nights.
When, not if, you move to SF, I would love to help with your apartment! There is this great flea market the first Sunday of every month that sells cheap/unique antiques. Sometimes you can find some amazing pieces.
If and when....
... we ever move to SF, you're hired Magoo. Your room looks great.
i think I have already told the both of you but Drew is not going to work for the guy in SF after all b/c he was a big a$$hole to him and I have never seen him so fired up in his life. Let's just say that Drew doesn't take well to ego lawyers. So, he is doing an internship now 15 hours a week for a firm here and is looking to do it through the summer which is good 1) b/c he will be here and 2) he'll keep the boat.
I went to see my new office at Sean's space and it's pretty sweet- very modern. One problem, he got me a desktop computer and, not to be a princess, I hate those things so I am trying to get it exchanged.
I got contacts last week and I am convinced that my stupid doctor gave me the wrong prescription so I am going back to test again b/c i still am blind.
Off to NYC on Thursday. Excited to see my friends.
i think I have already told the both of you but Drew is not going to work for the guy in SF after all b/c he was a big a$$hole to him and I have never seen him so fired up in his life. Let's just say that Drew doesn't take well to ego lawyers. So, he is doing an internship now 15 hours a week for a firm here and is looking to do it through the summer which is good 1) b/c he will be here and 2) he'll keep the boat.
I went to see my new office at Sean's space and it's pretty sweet- very modern. One problem, he got me a desktop computer and, not to be a princess, I hate those things so I am trying to get it exchanged.
I got contacts last week and I am convinced that my stupid doctor gave me the wrong prescription so I am going back to test again b/c i still am blind.
Off to NYC on Thursday. Excited to see my friends.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Sweat Shop
Well, Justin is amazed. He's never seen our apartment turn into a sweat shop until yesterday. Since we got into spring cleaning last weekend, I finally decided to pull out the singer and get sewing. I am really happy how with how it turned out. Justin is even over the flowers. That was a huge deal. Now I just need some better scaled lamps and mirrors/art for either side of the bed.
Lyddie, the earing are beautimous! Good job Dill! I am sure they look beautiful on you.
We went to a memorial yesterday. The person Amy was so wonderful and I am kindof amazed by how much I miss her. People said such wonderful things about her and this one woman read a poem that was so fitting and captured the spirit of Amy. Afterwards we all went down to the beach and they put her ashes in a little boat that Justin's dad made and pushed the ashes out to sea from the lagoon as the tide was going out. Everyone threw out gardenias and daisies and so the boat went out in a sea of flowers. It was so beautiful and I think Amy would have loved it.
Clark and Lucy got a puppy this weekend that is ADORABLE. They named her Dixie. It was great to see them.
Lizzie, sounds like you've had a great weekend. Thanks for the advice today! xoxo, L
Lyddie, the earing are beautimous! Good job Dill! I am sure they look beautiful on you.
We went to a memorial yesterday. The person Amy was so wonderful and I am kindof amazed by how much I miss her. People said such wonderful things about her and this one woman read a poem that was so fitting and captured the spirit of Amy. Afterwards we all went down to the beach and they put her ashes in a little boat that Justin's dad made and pushed the ashes out to sea from the lagoon as the tide was going out. Everyone threw out gardenias and daisies and so the boat went out in a sea of flowers. It was so beautiful and I think Amy would have loved it.
Clark and Lucy got a puppy this weekend that is ADORABLE. They named her Dixie. It was great to see them.
Lizzie, sounds like you've had a great weekend. Thanks for the advice today! xoxo, L
Well, if you were to ask me what I did this weekend, the first thing I would say is that I ate. My lord. I put on an easy 10 pounds. Who knew unemployment would make you crave cheese and guacamole so much....
Lyd, I want to steal those earrings.
I had a jam packed weekend. Second city comedy club, dinner party at my house (I made braised chicken with art hearts and peas and goat chez souffles with salad, mmmmmm) and then the auto show on Sunday. Man, the auto show has serious people watching.
I am off to NYC Thursday and am blowing it out with a big crew on Friday night. I am going to stay with Simone so it will be good to catch up with her.
Love to all.
Lyd, I want to steal those earrings.
I had a jam packed weekend. Second city comedy club, dinner party at my house (I made braised chicken with art hearts and peas and goat chez souffles with salad, mmmmmm) and then the auto show on Sunday. Man, the auto show has serious people watching.
I am off to NYC Thursday and am blowing it out with a big crew on Friday night. I am going to stay with Simone so it will be good to catch up with her.
Love to all.
Oh Pookie
Well, Dill was gone for Valentines Day so we all celebrated this weekend. He got me these beautiful earings, which I love and we had a great time. Had a great weekend, Daytona was amazing. Very fun. The kids have a holiday today, but MR still has ballet so we are all going to that. Hope all is well.
Friday, February 16, 2007
I did it!!!!!!!!
Well, I quit my job. So happy. I am going to lunch with Chaz today to celebrate and then Drew and I are off for Mexican food and a comedy show. Not bad.
Magoo, that game sounds so funny. Take some goofy pictures. All is well here. I got contacts yesterday and they give me bad headaches but the doctor said it will take some getting used to. It takes me about 15 minutes to put each one in, LOL!
Love to all,
Magoo, that game sounds so funny. Take some goofy pictures. All is well here. I got contacts yesterday and they give me bad headaches but the doctor said it will take some getting used to. It takes me about 15 minutes to put each one in, LOL!
Love to all,
10 points for Drew. Flowers, champagne, fancy reservations AND tickets. This guy sounds like a keeper! We laid pretty low. Made dinner at home. Actually, I made great steak last night. I think I am finally starting to get the whole meat thing down. We did the champagne, strawberry and chocolate thing. Such a good combo. After all of this engagement business, I am really into champagne. It's just so good. We just had dinner with Justin's mom. She is having a tough time with her divorce so that was a little sad. I am excited to see Clark and Lucy this weekend. We are going to play this game where you turn on music and go in a circle and make up dance moves that are occupations. So Lucy does something like mail sorter and starts pretending that she is sorting mail at the sound of the beat. And then it goes to Clark and he says, Lawn Mower and he starts pretending to mow the lawn. They get so into it and it is hysterical. Really looking forward to it. Have any of you heard of dance dance revolution, the dancing video game? I just tried it out for the first time today and laughed so hard. Lyd, you should get this for your family. I think you guys would love it! I hope you are feeling better.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Best V Day Ever!
Well, we had agreed not to make a big deal out of Valentine's day so I was really expecting nothing special so I was- oh so- surprised when Drew made awesome reservations at this excellent French Bistro in a totally different part of town, showed up with champagne at my house with tulips in hand and gave me two tickets to Nora Jones in May! WhoHoo! Maybe Valentine's isn't that bad after all. It was so fun.
Tonight I am off to a benefit for Mayor Daley! So excited to meet the mayor. I have been friends with his son for over 5 years. So, Patrick invited me and I am really excited.
Lydia, call a sitter, lock your door and rest. You sound like you are dying. Tomorrow is D-Day and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love to all.
Tonight I am off to a benefit for Mayor Daley! So excited to meet the mayor. I have been friends with his son for over 5 years. So, Patrick invited me and I am really excited.
Lydia, call a sitter, lock your door and rest. You sound like you are dying. Tomorrow is D-Day and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love to all.
Oh my goodness. That is terrible. I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. But I am glad that you took the time to go to the doctor. You need to take care of yourself too lyd! I hope that your meds kick into gear and that you get back on track. It is no fun to cough up blood - very scary. Hang in there.
I am heading to Kelseyville this weekend to see Clark and Lucy. I am actually really excited to see them. It's been since before Christmas. We are going to a chocolate and wine festival and then Justin is driving up to meet us for dinner. I think we are going to BBQ. Sunday, we are going to the memorial service for Justin's parents house manager who unfortunately passed away recently. It is going to be so sad but it is nice to say goodbye. Our friend who got hit by a cement truck is doing much better. She broke every rib in her body and both lungs collapsed but she is making a smooth recovery after being in the hospital now for 3 weeks. Ugh, I hate the hospital. Lizzie, I ran into Steve Levitt at the grocery store today. He was wearing a pink tie in honor of Valentine's day. He's such a sweetheart. We've had a nice V-day and are gearing up to watch Lost. Love everybody. L
I am heading to Kelseyville this weekend to see Clark and Lucy. I am actually really excited to see them. It's been since before Christmas. We are going to a chocolate and wine festival and then Justin is driving up to meet us for dinner. I think we are going to BBQ. Sunday, we are going to the memorial service for Justin's parents house manager who unfortunately passed away recently. It is going to be so sad but it is nice to say goodbye. Our friend who got hit by a cement truck is doing much better. She broke every rib in her body and both lungs collapsed but she is making a smooth recovery after being in the hospital now for 3 weeks. Ugh, I hate the hospital. Lizzie, I ran into Steve Levitt at the grocery store today. He was wearing a pink tie in honor of Valentine's day. He's such a sweetheart. We've had a nice V-day and are gearing up to watch Lost. Love everybody. L
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said....
Get your ass in here. So after breaking down today I got the kids in the car and decided a doctor visit was a must for my survival. Of course this is after I woke up coughing up blood and blowing my nose with blood. So it ends up that I have
bronchitis, a sinus infection and an ear infection in my right ear. I feel like the girl from the poem in "Where the Sidewalk Ends", " I cannot go to school today said little Peggy Ann Mckay...." No wonder why I have been dying! I just started my prescription so hopefully help is on the way and I don't end up with a 2 headed baby from it. Dill gets back from Puerto Rico tomorrow night so we are doing a family Valentines celebration on Friday night. Then are having friends over to watch Daytona, Go Junior, on Saturday night. The kids have a holiday on Monday so it will be nice for them to have a long weekend. Lizzy, I am so happy for you and am especially happy about Drew's news. Love to all.
bronchitis, a sinus infection and an ear infection in my right ear. I feel like the girl from the poem in "Where the Sidewalk Ends", " I cannot go to school today said little Peggy Ann Mckay...." No wonder why I have been dying! I just started my prescription so hopefully help is on the way and I don't end up with a 2 headed baby from it. Dill gets back from Puerto Rico tomorrow night so we are doing a family Valentines celebration on Friday night. Then are having friends over to watch Daytona, Go Junior, on Saturday night. The kids have a holiday on Monday so it will be nice for them to have a long weekend. Lizzy, I am so happy for you and am especially happy about Drew's news. Love to all.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Organizationally Crazed
Well, there must have been ritalin in the water this weekend because we were on a mission. Get orgazined or die trying. Fortunately we lived to tell the tale, but not without creating a massive hole in the bedroom wall and pulling a few muscles here and there. We IKEA'd it big time and it has made a huge difference. We got new wardrobe holders, one for me and one for him so we can finally have a place for everything. We also got more storage for our itty-bitty kitchen so everything has somewhere to be, including food, which prior to yesterday, had no home in our kitchen. Once we got all of this organized, we couldn't just stop there. I decided to continue on and totally rearrange our bedroom. Which meant completely taking apart the bed and the earthquake kit so I could move everything around. Well, needless to say, I pulled muscles in my back while doing all this and can barely move today. But damn gina, it was worth it! It feels so much bigger and now I am motivated to finish sewing all the bedding and draperies. So I think I am going to do that this weekend. Maybe I'll post a photo tonight right after I am done icing my battle wounds.
Hello Bloggers
Hey there everyone. Did anyone catch the Grammy's? I did and I thought they were awesome. I have to say that Christina Agrullaria (I just butchered her last name...) knows how to belt out a tune!
Well, 4 days until day day. Can't wait to quit my job! I still don't know the start date for Sean's new gig but I find out this week. So, either I'll start with him right away or I have been offered project work with Aon Corp so either way I'll be set.
I am getting fitted for contacts this week. Yippie. I have been in some serious denial about my vision loss for some time now...
Snowy weather here which is fun. Had a mellow weekend with the man. Love to all.
Well, 4 days until day day. Can't wait to quit my job! I still don't know the start date for Sean's new gig but I find out this week. So, either I'll start with him right away or I have been offered project work with Aon Corp so either way I'll be set.
I am getting fitted for contacts this week. Yippie. I have been in some serious denial about my vision loss for some time now...
Snowy weather here which is fun. Had a mellow weekend with the man. Love to all.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Good news!
The wheels are in motion and I am quiting my job a week from today! Why a week from today? Well, I am milking an NYC business trip and making every doctor's appointment on the planet and milking my benefits. SO HAPPY. I have been so UNhappy and I finally decided to do it! I already got an offer from AON to do contract work if this job with Sean doesn't start by end of March. I may get a couple weeks off and go on a trip somewhere. Anyway, so excited. I sent out an email with my new gmail address. I'll only be using that from now on. Feel better Lyd!
Sniffly, Sneezy, Coughy, Achy, Stuffy Head, Fever so you can rest Medicine...
I need my Niquil, but I can't have it because I am pregnant!!! Still feeling lousy. Dill took a redeye home last night and got home early this morning. It is freezing here and may snow. I don't want to get my hopes up. We just need one flake to make the kids freak out so we will see. Have a low key weekend coming up since Dill has to leave for Puerto Rico early on Sunday. Hopefully I am on the mend. Love to all.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Not so fast
It was just an interview- nothing definite. However, it was a good boost of confidence! If he were to go there for the summer, I would probably come once a month...
Love to all
Love to all
That is so so so so so exciting!!! Please tell him congratulations and good luck. Does this mean you'll be coming to visit!! I hope so. I am so happy for him.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
A step closer to San Fran
Lydia- I forgot you were home alone. That must be tough. I'll call and check on you. Feeling better over here in, now, 10 degree Chicago.
Well, big news over here. After COUNTLESS rejection letters from every law firm you can think of, Drew finally got a phone interview today for an IP firm in San Fran. He has been so discouraged and this little burst of hope brought a smile ear to ear. Thank god. I am so happy to see him excited and not so beat down. Obviously, I am not too excited about the idea of him living somewhere else all summer but if this is what he wants to do and I have to support that.
Chaz doesn't want to start up a new account on the blogger so we'll have to convince him or just set it up for him.
Well, big news over here. After COUNTLESS rejection letters from every law firm you can think of, Drew finally got a phone interview today for an IP firm in San Fran. He has been so discouraged and this little burst of hope brought a smile ear to ear. Thank god. I am so happy to see him excited and not so beat down. Obviously, I am not too excited about the idea of him living somewhere else all summer but if this is what he wants to do and I have to support that.
Chaz doesn't want to start up a new account on the blogger so we'll have to convince him or just set it up for him.
Sick and Such
I too am sick as a dog and it sucks. Dill is out of town and I just want to curl up in bed and can't because all my little buddies want to play with me. I have to admit to someone that I actually am so sick and lazy that I just fed them Spaghettios for dinner at 4:45. Where is my trailer. Feeling pretty preggers lately. I sneeze I pee, I cough I pee, I laugh I pee, I jump on the tramp, oh forget about it! Nothing like a 35 year old in need of Depends! Lucille, do not fret. There was no way you could have known and they should know anyway that you didn't even need a big surprise party 1 1'2 months later, just a girls night at the time. Don't worry about it. Sounds like it has already passed. Very warm here today. Hope Chaz is able to join our little group again. Would love updates from him. Feel better Lizzy. Love to all.
Fiesty is good
Magoo, your honesty is what makes you- you! This is just an example of how things got piled up. Don't worry about the drapes guy- that is business. Period. About your friends, 1 1/2 months is kind of a long time and I wouldn't have expected that they would throw you a party either. At the end of the day you will be laughing about it. Cheer up and stay you. xoxoxo
is sometimes not the best policy. I was way to honest today about everything. When the drapery maker called to ask why I didn't give him the job I said, because your unorganized and unprofessional. And when my friend told me she was going to throw a surprise engagment party for one of our friends I told her, I am sad because I feel like our group of girlfriends kindof skipped over our engagement and we never went to dinner or did anything to celebrate. I have pretty much been celebrating with all Justin's friends, but my girlfriends haven't asked to get champagne or anything and it's almost been 1.5 months. So I was sad. Well turns out, the party was for me and they have been planning it for weeks! I RSVP'd no to the party because I was so bummed that I got skipped over. So I've been digging myself out of that one tonight. Mom told me I was her feisty daughter. I concur. I am feeling like a horrible person and hope tomorrow is a better day.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Justin didn't take the job. He accepted an offer to be part of a five person committee that will do private fundraising on behalf of Obama's campaign. So the hours will be better and he will do what he can when he can, that way he can stay in law school. They had a conference call with Obama last night and they are asking this group of 5 to raise $10 million. So he's got his work cut out for him and I have no idea where he is going to find the time to do it. But he's so pumped and I think he just likes being in the loop. So Lyd, I'll tell him to keep the Dills in mind when it comes to events.
Lizzie, I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I know exactly how you feel It is the worst. Just rest, that helps the most and stay warm.
Lizzie, I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I know exactly how you feel It is the worst. Just rest, that helps the most and stay warm.
Camp Obama here in the ATL
The Dill's are all about Obama, us and Dill's parents. Tell Justin we are so fired up for him and to let us know if something we should know about goes on here fundraiser/event wise.
It's all we're talking about here in the Midwest. I mean, this is really bad. I don't remember the last time it was this cold and for so long! It's truly miserable. Those airline commercials with all the beaches make my mouth water. Drew and I are sick as dogs. He has hot/cold flashes which suck. One minute he's sweating through the sheets and the next he is pulling all the blankets from the couch onto bed. Poor thing.
I don't know what it was but that Doritos's commercial had me cracking up all day yesterday.
Magoo, awesome news about Justin. Knew he couldn't resist the offer. What a once and a lifetime opportunity! How is he going to pull off school?!?
Lyd, I agree, the ballet thing is SO cute. Take more pics. Also, for sure do California. You'll be able to relax and you have help and company there with friends, etc.
Love to all. Stay warm. 24 last night was awesome. I love Jack Bauer.
I don't know what it was but that Doritos's commercial had me cracking up all day yesterday.
Magoo, awesome news about Justin. Knew he couldn't resist the offer. What a once and a lifetime opportunity! How is he going to pull off school?!?
Lyd, I agree, the ballet thing is SO cute. Take more pics. Also, for sure do California. You'll be able to relax and you have help and company there with friends, etc.
Love to all. Stay warm. 24 last night was awesome. I love Jack Bauer.
loved the doritos commercial
hi all. fun weekend. we went out to bolinas to have dinner with justin's dad which was dominated by political talk. we are in full fledge presidential mode around here. There is a barak and hillary event this week. justin has signed on to the obama campaign and the buell's are full force for hillary. so this is going to be interesting but justin is very excited about it all and can hardly stop talking about it. there is incredible strategic planning going on but i won't bore you all with those details.
saturday I had a beauty day. got my first ever facial and a haircut. loved the facial and can really tell a difference in my skin already. sunday i went on a hike with barbera brooks and a few other people. we are trying to go hiking every sunday. i'm trying to get back in shape so i'll feel cute in a bikini when we are in mexico. lizzie, we invited marina from costa rica to come with us to mexico. we've been going out to dinner with her and her boyfriend lately. so that would be really fun. keep your fingers crossed.
lyd, yes definitely go for the summer in california. that would be so fun. plus it would be nice to have mom around to help you when you have three babies.
so far this semester has seemed really easy with justin and law school. i think he's starting to get the hang of things. my ballroom project is going well. i'm getting some rave reviews about the color we picked. the whole thing will be done by the end of february--i hope! so i'll post some before and after photos for you two to see. xoxo, L
saturday I had a beauty day. got my first ever facial and a haircut. loved the facial and can really tell a difference in my skin already. sunday i went on a hike with barbera brooks and a few other people. we are trying to go hiking every sunday. i'm trying to get back in shape so i'll feel cute in a bikini when we are in mexico. lizzie, we invited marina from costa rica to come with us to mexico. we've been going out to dinner with her and her boyfriend lately. so that would be really fun. keep your fingers crossed.
lyd, yes definitely go for the summer in california. that would be so fun. plus it would be nice to have mom around to help you when you have three babies.
so far this semester has seemed really easy with justin and law school. i think he's starting to get the hang of things. my ballroom project is going well. i'm getting some rave reviews about the color we picked. the whole thing will be done by the end of february--i hope! so i'll post some before and after photos for you two to see. xoxo, L
Monday, February 05, 2007
70 People..
Should not be at a SuperBowl Party! They had a ton of tvs going, but it was so hard to watch the game that we came home at the half so we could actually see what was happening and catch all of the incredibly crappy commercials. The kids were actually still awake when we got home so it was more fun to watch it with them anyway. Dill was really rooting for the Bears Liz, but I am affraid that the rest of us are in the Dungey/Manning camp. Dill headed out today for a 2 week excursion (with the exception of 1 day at home) to Denver, LA and Puerto Rico. It is freezing here too. 40 feels like -8 here. Have a Children's Healthcare luncheon tomorrow then a meeting tomorrow night. Mary Rowe is loving her Ballet still. Today, Baker, Dill and I all went to watch. Dill and I pretty much have to fight over who gets to go, so we decided we would just all go. I swear there is just nothing cuter than this Ballet business. Trying to get geared up for summer. All of the camp tuitions are due and are trying to figure out California and Michigan. I think I would rather be in California couped up with the baby this summer because Mary Rowe and Baker will at least have the pool and tennis court at all times without me having to take them anywhere or motivate. They can stay naked all day if they want. Sounds a little easier than being in 200 degree weather schlepping everyone to the pool here everyday. We'll see. Mary Rowe needs to start swimming on her own though so I can really veg with the baby. On a serious organizing kick. About 35 years too late, but welcome nonetheless. Hopefully I keep it up. Hope all is well.
Today's forecast in Chicago
0° F -4° F -18° C -20° C
I forgot to mention that it is flipping FREEZING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
I forgot to mention that it is flipping FREEZING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, we lost as you all know. BUT, it was a fun afternoon. This weekend was packed. We had a charity thing on Friday night and then Saturday night we went to Carrie's for dinner and then yesterday was the big game. It was fun to get all of us together for it. Magoo, I love your spirit! I have a semi ear infection and a kickin' cough so that's been awesome. Tonight is Jack Bauer and mexican food with Drew. Life doesn't get much better than 24, cheese and snuggles. Love to all.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Go Bears!!!!!!!!
My friend Scott and I are counting down. 1 hour until.....ahhhhh. We're so nervous. I love Payton Manning and I think he deserves a Super Bowl at some point. But I don't know if today's the day. Not against the Bears. I've got my Urlacher jersey on. Let's get this party started!!
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