Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well bad news bears around these parts. Justin's parents general house manager and pretty much member of the family passed away today. We are all in shock. She had an anyerism at age 42 and was in a comma for the last week. We thought she was going to be okay, but she took a turn for the worse. She really was a part of their family and we all really loved her. She was the first person I told that we were engaged and she started crying and held me for what seemed like minutes. I will really really miss her and am so shocked today at how precious life is. She was just here and laughing and crying with me two weeks ago and now she is gone. It is so strange.
Also, some more bad news - Justin's mom is getting a divorce. They announced it to us all this week. Lawry is going to live in St. Helena and they are selling their house in San Francisco. I think Justin is pretty sad about it because Lawry has been a really big part of his life over the last 22 years. He really thinks of him as a father. So Justin is going to put a lot of effort into trying to stay in touch with him. I think it will be good for both Lawry and Serena, but I feel bad for Carter, Justin's little brother.
Anyway. I guess it can't always be good news on the blog, can it? I am hoping to have better news for you in my next blog...

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