Monday, January 29, 2007
SO CUTE!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 28, 2007
Great Weekend
Saturday, January 27, 2007
From your red and white polk-doted sister.
Well turns out I am allergic to penicilan AND cipro, which is the alternative to penicilan. Good stuff. So my throat closed up tonight and I have a beautiful rash all over my body. Lovely. Justin is out with his guy friends and I don't want to call him to tell him even though getting a reaction is really scary because I don't want to ruin his guy night out. So I just took a steriod pill and am hoping this will go away. Good thing the hospital is only two blocks away. That has really been great. The last time I had a reaction, mom told me I had measles and I walked to the hospital covered in clothes, head to toe because apparently you get sun damage from the measles and I didn't want to get scars. Ha! Anyhoo, at least I know what's happening now when it happens. I always took pride in having no allergies. Not so much anymore. Nothing new around these parts. I'm going on a walk with Barbera Brooks this weekend and Elsabet. Then we are having brunch. They got a new minature poodle puppy who I can not wait to meet. Only two more weeks until my favorite show is back on TV....LOST! Woo hoo can't wait. We bought tickets to go to Cabo today for Justin's spring break. Two couples are coming down with us and my best friend Josh. Fun in the sun in the middle of nowhere. The house is 1.5 hours north of Cabo and is seriously remote. So we have to bring all of our food for the whole week. What is it with us going to really remote places lately and having to hike in with food?? I am so hard core ;) We are hoping to do some good fishing, good reading, and good guacomole eating. Speaking of hard core. The mavericks surf competition is coming up again in the next month. So anyday we will get a call to get ready to get up early to jump on a boat and check out the surfers riding 35 foot waves. Can't wait!! Lizzie, you would love this. Alright, pray that my throat goes back to normal size so I don't have to go to the stupid hospital. xoxo,
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Rested and Refreshed!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
this is and that
it is market week at the design center which means lots of lots of cocktail parties - there are pretty much 3 or 4 every night. So I am busy this week!
The ballroom is coming around. I finally picked the color for the walls and we are moving forward. Love everybody! Lyd, did you get my message about Slanted Door for Dill & his co-workers?
Monday, January 22, 2007
4 fillings
Thursday, January 18, 2007
So sorry, Magoo!
Well, I am in Boston and it has been a very productive trip so far so that is good. Perry's company has offered him a job in their Boston office and he is here too so we are going to meet up tonight. I told him that Boston is nothing like New York but you gotta put your time in to get ahead and be successful so he should probably take the job. Last night I met up with Fisher and Parker. They both look really great and it was fun to see them. They took me to a place where they said made the best grilled cheese ever but it was peanuts compaired to the hut in Harbor Springs! Carrie and I are going to see Wicked the musical on Saturday and go to dinner. It was my birthday present from her so i am excited to do something cultural. More Bears on Sunday.
Love to all.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Also, some more bad news - Justin's mom is getting a divorce. They announced it to us all this week. Lawry is going to live in St. Helena and they are selling their house in San Francisco. I think Justin is pretty sad about it because Lawry has been a really big part of his life over the last 22 years. He really thinks of him as a father. So Justin is going to put a lot of effort into trying to stay in touch with him. I think it will be good for both Lawry and Serena, but I feel bad for Carter, Justin's little brother.
Anyway. I guess it can't always be good news on the blog, can it? I am hoping to have better news for you in my next blog...
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Winter has arrived
Monday, January 15, 2007
Back Country
Hey Guys,
Well we had quite a weekend hiking out to this house that was in the middle of no where with 19 other friends. It was a great time. The weather was a little cold, 5 degrees and -13 degrees at night. But our friend said it was the wedding she always dreamed of so that was great. It took us two hours to hike to the house on snow shoes. The house was built by the owner Dave and it was a very ecletic place. Anyway, Lizzie, if you ever move back here, we should get a group of friends together and go because it was great weekend gettaway. We played scrabble both days and I got an all time best score of 337! "Rewax" on a triple word score was a highlight of the weekend. I'll email some ofoto shots from the weekend. I went sledding for the first time - hysterical. I think I am the worlds worst sledder. Love everybody and am happy to back in SF.
Friday, January 12, 2007
New Orleans
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Hello Hello
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Quite the life
My exciting news today is that Drew and I just bought plane tickets to go back to Colorado for some spring skiing over his spring break in the beginning of March! I think that we are going to get a hotel in Keystone or Breckenridge so it's not as $$$ as Vail was.
I have been on my new year's resolution kick (to be a little more organized in general) and I found that my company has still been taking NY state taxes out of my paycheck. Well, obviously IL taxes are much less so I am getting a fat credit issued back to me. Love it. AND, last week I noticed that there wads a charge on my credit card that I didn't make and I disputed it and they removed it. Great that I am finding this stuff but it makes me wonder how much money i have wasted by not doing so in the past. Kind of terrifying actually. Work is as busy as hell but blogging is still a priority! Off to New Orleans for the rest of the week this afternoon and the next three weeks will be spent traveling back and forth to Boston.
Scrabble and Dinner Parties
We did a little hiking this weekend in Marin and over by the Clift House where they put in a new paved path. We're having beautiful weather lately. I ran into a bunch of people I knew and San Francisco felt like a very small town.
I had dinner with James Smith to celebrate our getting engaged. He introduced me to Justin so we had to do a little celebrating. He gave us some delicious champagne so that was nice of him.
Construction on the Ballroom is moving along. It already looks better so it can only go up from here. Today has been a little bit of a funky day for a number of reasons, so I am hoping tomorrow will be better.
This weekend we are heading to Tahoe to celebrate one of our friends getting eloped. We have to snowshoe for 4 miles to get to the house where we are all staying - sound familiar Lizzy? There are 23 of us going - should be fun. We are having another dinner party on Wednesday night - we're trying to be as social as possible while Justin is not in law school so he can see our friends.
Justin's business applications are due on Wednesday, so he is trying to perfect all those before he submits them. I hope he gets in somewhere. Business schools seems like it will be easier than law school and much more fun.
Congrats Lizzie on Drew's fantastic grades! That is so great, especially after all his hard work. Tell him congrats! Lyd, the gorilla photo is hysterical. Baker looks so tall!!
Love everybody. Good night.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Chillin with Mr. Gorilla
Happy Monday
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Don't worry, I'm here
Ok, sack it up
Saturday, January 06, 2007
I know
Friday, January 05, 2007
Sad showing on the blog thus far in 2007
I am getting a massive facial at the spa called bliss. My friend gave me a gift certificate for a favor I did for her so I am hoping to come out on top! I am going out tonight with Lindz and Carrie. I have been saving all my cooking magazines and they are really piling up so I am going through them all and tearing out the ones I like and making a scap book. Fun art project. Saturday, I am putting the gloves on and cleaning the you-know-what out of my place.
I have been trying to get dad to blog. You should get on him, too. Love to all.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Happy New Year