Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tan Fat is better than White Fat
I'm off to the tanning beds! Screw Midwest winters. I need some vitamin D!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
My favorite to Date
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Well, hello everyone!
Good to get the update from Lyd. As she mentioned, it's flippin' freezing here but Drew and i look at it as the last time we have to spend a freezing cold winter here so that's comforting. My trip to Atlanta was great. I was pretty tired the first day and half but by the end i was able to keep up with Lyd and the kids. Believe it or not, I took them to Chuck E Cheeses. Not going to lie... the pizza was pretty good there!
Drew and I are in the honeymoon phase. He's gone the next two weekend as well so absence really makes the heart grown fonder. We have set up our savings accounts and are really planning against our move and all the other crazy thing we have ahead. Change is the theme for us in 2008.
Work is pretty consuming right now but i had a little come to Jesus with myself and just need to put my head down and get through to September. I've has very little time to do much else but I am looking forward to spending time with Carrie and Andy this weekend although I'll still be at the office both days. We are going to dinner at Alinea (Gourmet's number 1 restaurant in 2006) and a neil diamond cover band. Good times all around.
My property management company redid my bathroom with floor to ceiling white tile. It feels like a hospital and I hate it. I have unscrewed almost every light bulb because the reflection is so bright. I actually called to ask them why they did this and they said they were 'updating' the apartment. i had to laugh out loud.
I really like my dress for magoos wedding. Hope its cool but I am going heels ceramony and flops for reception. It's just a summer wedding must.
Currently I am eating the world's worst thai take out. I am so bummed. Good thai is hard to find in Chicago. For the love of god can I get some peanut sauce that is not melted Jif???
Hope all is well. Love to all.
Good to get the update from Lyd. As she mentioned, it's flippin' freezing here but Drew and i look at it as the last time we have to spend a freezing cold winter here so that's comforting. My trip to Atlanta was great. I was pretty tired the first day and half but by the end i was able to keep up with Lyd and the kids. Believe it or not, I took them to Chuck E Cheeses. Not going to lie... the pizza was pretty good there!
Drew and I are in the honeymoon phase. He's gone the next two weekend as well so absence really makes the heart grown fonder. We have set up our savings accounts and are really planning against our move and all the other crazy thing we have ahead. Change is the theme for us in 2008.
Work is pretty consuming right now but i had a little come to Jesus with myself and just need to put my head down and get through to September. I've has very little time to do much else but I am looking forward to spending time with Carrie and Andy this weekend although I'll still be at the office both days. We are going to dinner at Alinea (Gourmet's number 1 restaurant in 2006) and a neil diamond cover band. Good times all around.
My property management company redid my bathroom with floor to ceiling white tile. It feels like a hospital and I hate it. I have unscrewed almost every light bulb because the reflection is so bright. I actually called to ask them why they did this and they said they were 'updating' the apartment. i had to laugh out loud.
I really like my dress for magoos wedding. Hope its cool but I am going heels ceramony and flops for reception. It's just a summer wedding must.
Currently I am eating the world's worst thai take out. I am so bummed. Good thai is hard to find in Chicago. For the love of god can I get some peanut sauce that is not melted Jif???
Hope all is well. Love to all.
It's been a long time baby!
Where to begin. Been so pathetic on the communication front. We had a wonderful MLK weekend with Lizzy here. As you saw from our pictures, we had a really snowy weekend and the kids had an amazing time. We even went sledding. Mary Rowe had never seen snow before and she said it was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. It is still freezing here. It isn't 5 though! I know Chaz and Lizzy are freezing in that temp. today. Crazy stuff here. We loved Lizzy's visit. We went shopping and got me a couple of essentials. Liz, I also took in a few of my favorite clothing items to have them made to fit my new bod. One of them was that flower skirt you got me a couple of years ago. I also just got an amazing jacket and skirt yesterday at a friend's clothing show so I am on a roll. Next purchase is a bikini! Unfortunately, Lizzy convinced me to go to a tanning salon for the first time in 10 years and I am still burnt to a crisp. Aparrently tanning technology has not improved at all, only gotten more expensive. My boobs are purple! They are re-districting out neighborhoods school district and some others and it has caused quite a big to do. We come out fine in the deal, but others are very upset. I went to the School Board meeting on Tuesday night. We got there at 6:15 p.m. and did not get home until 1 am! Very emotional folks. Glad we come out good in the deal though. Our whole neighborhood went, had a petition, spoke etc. so it was interesting to witness the process and be a part of it. I was amazed at the board and how proficient they were in everything. Cannot believe it is the same group agreeing to pay students $8 an hour to study!!!!! Dill thinks that is fine, I, like Lizzy, thinks it is a joke. Oh well. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend, and then to Super Tuesday. I am definately voting for Edwards. I was horrified at Obama and Hillary's behavior at the debate on Monday Night. I think they both looked like spoiled children and Edwards came out shining. Dill has been in town lately, but is about to go on a long trip to Spain, England and France. The conference in Spain is a really big deal and he is speaking everyday and on panels everyday as well. Very proud of him for that. Finally got Spencer's Christening all set. It can't be until April 27th, but better late than never! At least it is prior to his first birthday. My poor little heathon. I am doing a private ceremony in the small chapel at our church this time and am really looking forward to hit being all family and friends and not the entire congregation. We are here for a while and then heading to Chapel Hill for Easter. Trying to figure out if we are going anywhere for Spring Break. I was thinking I would take the kids to California, but it is such a production by myself. Our plan is to come for 6 weeks this summer though. Can't wait until your wedding Luc. Lizzy's dress is fabulous, and we put Mary Rowe's dress on when Liz was here and she looked like an angel. I am going to just monogram the sash, in case you have a little girl that you can give it to in the future. I am writing this at the car wash. My car is like a rolling trailer so it is a 2 hour ordeal. Excuse me for over writing, but need to pass the time! I love and miss you all.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Friday, January 04, 2008
Happy New Year
Chaz- I love the pics of Oscar skiing. they were so cute! Shaw's make for good skiers.
I am back home from California only to be met with 6 degree weather and I am butt white and, well, you can imagine how happy I am to be back here. Did I mention that Drew doesn't come home for another 9 days...?
Anyway, work is keeping me very busy and I am just going to keep my head down, go to yoga and lay low for a couple weeks. Should be nice actually. I am looking forward to going to Atlanta in about 2 weeks to see Lyd and the kids. I am also excited to see some friends, including Drew's brother, and go see on of Baker's basketball games.
I got a ton of new cooking stuff for xmas so I am excited to get start whipping up some things. Getting a dutch oven is the best thing for this time of year. Hearty braised meat make for good winter dinners.
As a family I think we have a lot of exciting things to look forward to in this new year- Lucille is getting married, Chaz and Lena are having a third, Drew and I are moving and much more we don't even know about yet!
Love to all
I am back home from California only to be met with 6 degree weather and I am butt white and, well, you can imagine how happy I am to be back here. Did I mention that Drew doesn't come home for another 9 days...?
Anyway, work is keeping me very busy and I am just going to keep my head down, go to yoga and lay low for a couple weeks. Should be nice actually. I am looking forward to going to Atlanta in about 2 weeks to see Lyd and the kids. I am also excited to see some friends, including Drew's brother, and go see on of Baker's basketball games.
I got a ton of new cooking stuff for xmas so I am excited to get start whipping up some things. Getting a dutch oven is the best thing for this time of year. Hearty braised meat make for good winter dinners.
As a family I think we have a lot of exciting things to look forward to in this new year- Lucille is getting married, Chaz and Lena are having a third, Drew and I are moving and much more we don't even know about yet!
Love to all
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Happy New Year
OK. No posts since the 20th. You guys are slacking. Happy New Year everyone. Our New Year's get more and more sober every year. I guess that is a good thing. Actually, we went to a very nice family friendly party. We left at 10 because the roads were getting bad with all the snow but we made it home for the "ball drop." Even the kids stayed up. Strange. Not much going on. Our back yard fence was blown over in the 75 mph winds we had. Insurance is covering it though so in the end but for the deductible, we should have a really nice new fence. We are also in talks with an architect to remodel the house. Not sure what we will be doing. We will definitely add the master bath but we might do much more including another room upstairs, remodeling the kitchen and building a new garage that orients toward Church. We'll see. Got a lot of thinking to do on the matter. The house is looking better with all the great art we picked up over the holiday. It is starting to look like a museum. The best thing is that all of our pieces are original. The painting I got for XMAS is just great. I love it. After our ski trip, we are now gearing up for the Caribbean. PSYCHED!!!!!!!!!!! SUN!!!!!!!!! Global warming. Yeah right. You gotta be an idiot to believe that stuff. All I know is that I haven't seen this much snow in years and last I heard it was snowing in Daytona Beach. Whatever Al. My bday is coming up. Those too are getting soberer every year. We are going to a Blackhawks game with Glenn and his girlfriend. Should be fun. I like hockey games. I miss you all. Hope to see some of you before too long. With airfairs the way the are, I am not sure when that will be. Looked into tix for Lu's wedding. At this point, they want $575 for ORD to SFO. Unbelievable. Not a year ago, they were $198. Not looking forward to carting 5 people to Sweden. Ouch. Love you guys.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Congrats, Chaz and Lena. That is SO exciting! Your family sure is growing fast.
Well, i had "christmas" with Drew last night and it was really great. I came home and he had cleaned my apartment, candles were lit and he cooked me dinner. He gave me a cleaver and a paring knife that I wanted. He stuffed my stocking with Kraft singles and CD. I was so excited. Then we watched love actually. Cheesy I know but it was really cute. He leaves today for 3 1/2 weeks to colorado :-(
Cant wait for the holidays. xoxo
Well, i had "christmas" with Drew last night and it was really great. I came home and he had cleaned my apartment, candles were lit and he cooked me dinner. He gave me a cleaver and a paring knife that I wanted. He stuffed my stocking with Kraft singles and CD. I was so excited. Then we watched love actually. Cheesy I know but it was really cute. He leaves today for 3 1/2 weeks to colorado :-(
Cant wait for the holidays. xoxo
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The GOOD News! the bad news.

Well, the GOOD NEWS IS:
Is it an Anna Lisa or a Freddy? At this point, we only know it isn't twins. Thank God for that.
The bad news is that Lena and the kids will not make the wedding Lu. I will be attending by myself. It is just too close to the due date. I am so sorry.
Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. I am in holiday mode, ie go in late and leave early. Football by the fire. Cooking all my favorite dishes. Etc... That along with a few long weekends, some time off to go skiing, and a week in the Caribbean makes for not such a tough winter.
Of course, we have a few other things to plan too. Like getting a new car, adding on to the house, etc...etc...etc...etc...etc...
I am on a roll. Watch out Lyd.
Love to all.
Well, I AM jealous that Magoo's in Mexico. I'd kill to get out of this freezing cold weather. Poor Drew was up all night cause his upstairs neighbor had a leak at 3:30 am and came dripping down into his bathroom and it was a mess. Oh, to be a homeowner... So he must be tired today. Work is super busy this week which is tough cause everyone is in holiday mode. I am excited to go home for Christmas. Plan on eating a lot of sandwiches from Guignes and cooking. Lucille and I have some killer reservations in the city so we will have lots of girl time. Drew leaves on Thursday for 3 1/2 weeks. It's so frustrating cause I stay here and work and miss him and he's off skiing all over Colorado and having a blast. I got all my holiday gifts out the door and I am pretty proud at how on top of it I was this year. We certainly have a lot more people to shop for this year. I feel like between in laws and children our family has doubled. So sorry if you guys aren't getting major presents but all these people get expensive!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Too Many Communication Avenues!!!!!!!!!!
I just can't keep up with e-mail, 2 blogs, a cell phone and facebook!!! Jesus, it is a full time job! Very Christmasy around here. It is colder than I can remember so that helps. Not quite what you all have in Chicago though. My kids would die for snow, but the sky is clear. It is cold enough though. Baker had his school Christmas concert this morning and class party. Mom went and I think she was ready to shoot herself after. She was hysterical. She has been incredible, it will be depressing when she leaves on Thursday. We have shaken things up a bit this Christmas. We are going to be here for eve and day, then going to Chapel Hill on the 26th. We are having about 20 adults and 20 children for Christmas Eve after church for Dill's Oysters. Should be great. We are going Ice Skating this weekend. Hopefully Dad is coming this weekend, but I have not hear d from him yet. Can't believe Lucille in Mexico. Not jelous of the Mexico part, but am very jelous of Justin's thoughtfullness of putting it all together, talking to her boss etc. That is so wonderful. Miss all.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Well, well, well
Hello Everyone! It's been a real busy week at work and I am so happy to have returned to the states with no jet lag. All you gotta do is make yourself stay up on the way back and you are golden.
Tonight is the night that Drew is taking me to Sepia, the restaurant that I have been dying to go to. I am wearing my fun gold dress and i am really looking forward to it. Today he dropped off flowers at my office and a gift card for a cooking school. He does know me.
Tomorrow we are going to go up north and see the brown's and drop off presents at Chaz's. Then, we are going to Kage's big hockey game which we are really excited for. Alex is home from school so we will see her, too.
I am on the holiday party circuit and boy am I tired. I LOVE all my new work friends. They are so fun and I feel like I have made some great new friends. I am really loving my job but I still have a lot of learning to do. I am getting better slowly and sometimes I get frustrated.
Looking forward to CA for xmas. Love to all
Tonight is the night that Drew is taking me to Sepia, the restaurant that I have been dying to go to. I am wearing my fun gold dress and i am really looking forward to it. Today he dropped off flowers at my office and a gift card for a cooking school. He does know me.
Tomorrow we are going to go up north and see the brown's and drop off presents at Chaz's. Then, we are going to Kage's big hockey game which we are really excited for. Alex is home from school so we will see her, too.
I am on the holiday party circuit and boy am I tired. I LOVE all my new work friends. They are so fun and I feel like I have made some great new friends. I am really loving my job but I still have a lot of learning to do. I am getting better slowly and sometimes I get frustrated.
Looking forward to CA for xmas. Love to all
Hi Guys! Happy Holidays! So I have bragged repeatedly about having completed my XMAS shopping early. What I guess I forgot about was that it doesn't help much if you don't get around to wrapping them. So, despite my early start, I am sure I will still be FedExing everything to you guys to get them there in time. Oh well. What's more, we are down to the wire on getting out our XMAS cards but they should be in the mail on Sunday. Always the rebel, we emblazened them with Merry Christmas. So tired of all this PC nonsense. I know even my Jewish friends will appreciate the conviction.
Lizzie, those pics looked amazing. I can't wait to hear about your trip. Hope to see you on Sunday.
Lu, Justin must be quite busy. I know when I saw you guys last that I said Obama had a good chance. He's looking even stronger now. Thank God. I can't stand Hilary. Of course what I worry about is our candidate. I mean, lack of a candidate. Two bible thumpers seem to be in the lead on our side. God help us. I would like to say though that I thought Romney's address regarding his religion was pretty amazing in today's politics. I gotta respect him for that.
Lyd, long time no talk. Hope you guys are having a great holidays. We received O's gift in the mail last night and Lena wrapped it. Boy is he gonna love that one. You will love the gifts I got your crew of course the kids are going to be kinda ho-hum about them. I'll make it up to them.
Mom, I love you and miss you. Hope you guys are enjoying the holidays as well. I will call this weekend.
Not much going on out here. It is freezing. Made for a good day of sledding last weekend though. The boys loved it. Should make for a good ski trip this year too. Lena bought Oscar skis, boots and pools for XMAS and we have him enrolled in a few days of ski school. Should be fun to see him get going. He has his first pair of hockey skates too though I haven't gotten him out yet. We are going this weekend.
I love you all.
Lizzie, those pics looked amazing. I can't wait to hear about your trip. Hope to see you on Sunday.
Lu, Justin must be quite busy. I know when I saw you guys last that I said Obama had a good chance. He's looking even stronger now. Thank God. I can't stand Hilary. Of course what I worry about is our candidate. I mean, lack of a candidate. Two bible thumpers seem to be in the lead on our side. God help us. I would like to say though that I thought Romney's address regarding his religion was pretty amazing in today's politics. I gotta respect him for that.
Lyd, long time no talk. Hope you guys are having a great holidays. We received O's gift in the mail last night and Lena wrapped it. Boy is he gonna love that one. You will love the gifts I got your crew of course the kids are going to be kinda ho-hum about them. I'll make it up to them.
Mom, I love you and miss you. Hope you guys are enjoying the holidays as well. I will call this weekend.
Not much going on out here. It is freezing. Made for a good day of sledding last weekend though. The boys loved it. Should make for a good ski trip this year too. Lena bought Oscar skis, boots and pools for XMAS and we have him enrolled in a few days of ski school. Should be fun to see him get going. He has his first pair of hockey skates too though I haven't gotten him out yet. We are going this weekend.
I love you all.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The North Pole
My apartment looks like the north pool. No joke. I have a tiny tree (well, its a rosemary bush and I'll probably cook all of it before xmas), candycane candles, a point freakin' setta and xmas lights around the window. There is no way santa's blowin' by my place this year. I am having a dinner party (4 courses) on Friday. It should be fun and blog worthy. Busy week at work. Weeks really fly by now. Getting very chilly here. I am excited for Rome next week and Kelsey is pumped. I will be 28. 28. and, i am actually into it. I am digging this age big time. Really looking forward to SF with MAgoo and a little Napa over the holidays. Planning on seeing some friends in the city including Levitt and an old work buddy and Lindsay and Sean Garvey. I am super behind xmas shopping but should have it figured out by the end of the weekend. Back into yoga. Too fat not to be. xoxoxo
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Right to Bare Arms
Chaz, your post made me laugh because if I were Lena I wouldn't be that happy to wake up with a fake gun in my face either. I am terrified of guns. Anyway, weather has really changed out here and we have sleet and snow coming the next couple of days. I am on a big health kick right now and trying to go to yoga 4 days this week. I have two to go so wish me luck. I am very excited about this holiday becasue Drew and I are planning on laying very, very low. We won't see each other for a while over xmas and I am going to Rome soon so a nice long weekened together is really excited. I'm just going to cook, go to yoga, work, sleep in and watch movies. I can't wait. Work is very busy which is great. I am really enjoying the people. Rome in in 2 weeks. so excited. happy tuckey to ATL folks
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
So Am I Going to Have to Keep this Baby Going On My Own?
Oscar's birthday party was a great time. Lena got really creative with the pirate concept. I will try to send out some pics soon. Basically, she did the basement up like a pirate ship and then the kids all made their own pirates hats and looked for their own burried treasure. She did all the food herself and everything turned out great. Oscar got some nice gifts. Leave it to Pat to give him a very real looking over and under shotgun and two pistols. Oscar loves them. Of course, Lena woke up in the morning with a gun barrel in her face. Swedes don't like guns too much so she wasn't thrilled. Oh well. The boys like guns and that includes me. We are looking forward to Chris' visit. He arrives tomorrow and we have a lot of fun stuff planned. Tomorrow night I am just going to cook a nice dinner and let everyone relax and get into the holiday spirit. Thusday we are going to Kage's big hockey game and then of course over to K&K's. Friday night Chris and I are going out to dinner and then meeting Lizzie for drinks some where. And, Saturday we are taking the kids to the circus. Fun. Fun. Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day. Much love. Really looking forward to the holidays this year.
Gooble, gooble
We'll this should be a quick work week. I told poeple in my office about my food blog and it got back to one of the partners and she asked me why I didn't work on food accounts and I said I wanted to and she put me on one right away. I am so excited. I would love to start working on consumer food brands in stead of b2b accounts. Right now I am on Cheesecake Factory. So, I am really excited. Lyd, I am with you, I think meatballs are a lot of work with little reward. I am really looking forward to thanksgiving although I wish I was with you girls doing wedding stuff, sorry. I leave for Rome so soon and Kels and I are getting really excited. Drew and I won;t see each other for 3 weeks over the holiday and that just sucks. Oh well. I am having a big dinner party next week that I am looking forward to. Other than that, I have gotta get my butt in yoga. Happy turkey day
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Chazy brings it back to life!
Love the Chaz updates. You have motivated me to to Christmas shop now Chaz. So ironic too. You were always the only member of the family that would have to go downtown on Christmas Eve day so you could do your christmas shopping. Now, you are on par with the ladies in stretch pants from Ohio that start their shopping when QVC does their Christmas in July promo. Congrats to you and Lena on the potty training stuff. It is funny how that stuff can be so stressful and all consuming. I am feeling it right now with Spencer's eating. I am so not motivated to feed him 3 mushy meals a day, especially when he just spits it back in my face. Luc, I so was not feeling the pitty on your living situation, but after the second set of pics I was feelin it big time. Liz, can't wait until MLK weekend. Mom comes today, very excited to have a live in buddy for a while. She is watching the kids tonight so Dill and I can go to a friends Cocktail party. Looking forward to wearing my White House/Black Market shirt to that Lizzy. Tomorrow is MR's High School Musical birthday party and then tomorrow night Dill and Doug are going to the Police concert. Monday Mike comes and we are up to a little over 40 rsvps for Garden Club at my house on Monday night. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, but the beautiful weather helps motivate me. Craft of the day is gold leafing magnolia leaves as a tester for a centerpiece, go figure. Lizzy, spent all day fiddling with homemade meatballs and I don't even think I like meatballs. They are the equivalent of little meatloaf balls. Time wasted. Love to all.
Friday, November 16, 2007
So, first off, chaz I suck. I didn't call Oscar. So, sorry. Looking forward to seeing you over thanksgiving. I am pretty fired up. I am going to Alinea and if you don't know what it is it's a fancy restaurant in Chicago that every one is talking about. I have never had a 12 course dinner before. I will have to skip lunch that day and go all out. Carrie and I are going to wear fancy dresses and the boys have to wear jackets. I feel like we are playing grown up. The funny thing is that we are going in January so you guys might hear about this a couple times... Tonight is co-worker night which i am looking forward to and then Saturday night drew and i are getting a movie and making dinner. Sunday night we are getting take out with carrie and andy. I just joined facebook b/c my work made me and i am floored at how many people are on it that we know. Lyd, your friends are big time into it. love to all.
And let me add that my big boy is potty trained. Thank the lord. THANK THE LORD! He got his first pair of hockey skates too. My little Swede is going to be the best player ever to come out of the US though Lukie will probably be even better since he is such a good athlete. Oscar will be a bruiser. Defensive player that creams em up against the glass. Then Lukie takes the puck and scores.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I would hate for the blog to die so let me breathe some life into this thing. First of all, Lyd, I am sorry I forgot to call on hte kids' bdays. I am glad they liked their presents but I feel awful especially since everyone was so sweet to call on Oscar's bday. Anyway, we won't forget again. Lena spent last weekend in NY with her friends. Funny enough, and I swear it is true, the fact is that it is easier when you have the kids on your own. They behave much better. It is bizarre and certainly counterintuitive. Perhaps it is just because they know that if Dad is taking care of them, they better behave. LOL. Oscar loved his birthday. Swedish tradition is that you wake the children up with a cake and candles and then they open presents so we did that and I went to work late. That night we went to a local family restaurant with some neighborhood friends. It was great. His party is this weekend. Surprise, it is a pirate party. Everything has to be pirates right now. It should be fun. The house is coming along. I owe you guys pics. I tore everything out. It looks bare but it looks better without that overgrown hedge in front. Problem is that it is too late to put the new hedge in the ground so now I have to wait til Spring. That was stupid. Chris comes next week for a visit. Kristi has invited us all to her house which is always great. The next day we are taking the kids to the circus and Saturday Chris and I are going downtown for a night out. Other than that, no plans. I finally got off a present to Clark and Lucy. They are going to love it. I also finished my last Christmas shopping today. Psyched! A record. A world record! Now I just have to get our Christmas cards out before February and I might even convince myself for a moment that I am responsible. LOL. I love you all. Happy Holidays! They are almost here.
On a Roll
Watch out Martha Stewart, there is a new girl in town! I have been in serious creative craft and cooking/baking mode. I made precious invitations for both kids birthdays, amazing place settings for Thanksgiving dinner, banana bread, homemade meatballs, 4 foot beanbags, huge throw pillows and more. I love the fall. Also on a throw out/organizing kick. Dill comes home late tonight from Macau/Hong Kong. Mom comes on Saturday, very excited about that and then we have MRs High School Musical birthday party on Sunday. Mary Rowe's real birthday ended up great. I took the kids up to the Build-a-Bear Workshop in the suburbs and let them build their animals. I have to say, those people got it right. You can get really into it. Our bunny and dinosaur have sketchers tennis shoes! Very cute though. Those suburban people must know how to shop because it was the nicest and biggest mall I have ever seen in my life. It is quintessential fall weather today. Pretty much every leaf is falling today and it is crisp and beautiful. Tigger is out of the hospital and doing better. I guess he has congestive heart failure, so that is sad. Dill is really sad. I have had satchmo in the kennel all week to give Tigger a chance to heal a bit. Love to all.
Long Week
Well, I am still at Drew's and sleeping like a baby but I have to go back to my apartment tonight but he is going to come stay with me. We are going to go to Home Depot and buy boobie traps and then go 'home alone' my apartment over the weekend. I hate this situation cause I am so freaked out but I just need to get over it and arm myself with weapons. Drew says he's never going to come into my apartment unannounced again because I'll probably kill him. I am going out with some girls from my office on Friday night which should be fun. They are really nice and I have been in the mood to hang out with new people and do different things. I can't believe that thanksgiving is next week. That's crazy. I'm off to Rome in no time. I need to start reading up on my adventure. Wish I was in ATL but maybe next year (or maybe not b/c we'll be in SF!) Love to all.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Moving out
Well, i have moved out of my apartment building for the week. There is this really creepy guy that is always lurking around my building and when i reported him they told me he was a tenant. that obviously was NOT what i wanted to hear. So until i can come to terms with the really creepy guy, I am living a drew's. We have had nice weather here. Usually we are in the 30's but we are in the 60's. No big news here. Just going to work and lay low. I kinda OD'd on egg sauce on Friday night but it was really good. It has been great to see Kate and I am really looking forward to going to see her in Panama city some time. I am thinking before my move to SF.
Happy Birthday Mary Rowe!
Love to all.
Happy Birthday Mary Rowe!
Love to all.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Egg sauce...maybe?
So I made dinner last night and ended up getting pretty sick. My tummy didn't like something I ate so I am worried about how big I can go to Ron tonight but I am going for it! I have started to make friends with people in my office which is really fun. I am glad that baker had a good birthday and i hope his party is fun. I am looking forward to a fun weekend.
It's Party Time
Tonight is Baker's party. So fun. Thanks for all of the calls yesterday. He loved it. Chaz, he about died when he opened up your present! Look forward to tonight, but then Dill leaves tomorrow at 5 am and the kids and I have to be at Baker's school by 8 am for a 1/2 mile kindergarten fun run, aka, the Turkey Trot. The rest of Saturday I am going to collapse and let the kids watch movies and play in the yard. Baker is singing in the church choir on Sunday and his basketball season starts on Sunday afternoon. He is so excited. He is so much taller than the other kids, he loves it. Will give party updates this weekend. Lizzy, Dill took me and the kids to Beni Hana for my Birthday and we had not been for 10 years. It is sooo good and the kids were totally entertained.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Ron of Japan
Great pics, LYD. This may sound funny but I am so excited to go to Ron of Japan on Friday with old high school friends. If you don't know what that is, it's like a benny hanna where they cook your food in front of you and do tricks and stuff with their knives and when you leave your clothes reek. Yeah, that place. Anyway, I could care less about the tricks. I love this egg sauce stuff they put on everything. It is sure to give you a heart attack if consumed in mass quantity but who cares? I'd love to go with a bunch of egg sauce in my belly... Anyway, it getting cold here in Chicago and I broke out my winter coat about two days ago and it's dark by 5. Drew is really depressed. He hates this time of year even though this time of year means ski season in other states. I bought my ticket back to CA for xmas. I am going for a week and I plan on staying a couple days with magoo in the city. Get a little lay of the land. I had a bad dream about Lilly two nights ago and I can't wait to see her, too. Our little puppy is getting old and its sad. xoxoxo
I'm back Jack, so watch out!!
Lizzie, you are right, it is time to get back on the wagon. Busy, busy, busy around these parts. This is the beginning of Birthday Madness for the Dills! Baker's is tomorrow so I am bringing cupcakes to his school. Then his birthday party is on Friday. He is having 7 little boys come on Friday night in their pjs and with sleeping bags. Then we are going to have McDs Happy Meals for all and are going to screen Star Wars on the projector. I ordered an awesome Darth Vader cake and got a great Darth Vader Pinata. All the boys but one are going home at 9pm. and then Baker's best friend is going to spend the night. Just got him a skateboard for his big day, god help me. Unfortunately, Dill is in Ny now and is leaving at 6am on Saturday for China. He isn't coming back until the weekend before Thanksgiving so it makes some of the birthday stuff hard. Mary Rowe's big day is on Tuesday, so cupcakes at her school. Then on the Sunday before Thanksgiving is her party. A High School Musical party. The day after Mary Rowe's party I have 40 women coming to my house for Garden Club to hear Mike speak about wine making and the grape growing process. Then onto Thanksgiving. Can't wait for everyone to come for that. Halloween was a bit of a bust because Mary Rowe had Croup so she did not Trick or Treat. She dressed up as a cow girl for a few minutes and looked precious. Spencer was a Dinosaur and Baker a Star Wars Storm Trooper. We have our big gift show at Mary Rowe's school this week, our church, so I am working that for a few hours tonight while the kids are in choir. Then we always eat at the church on Wednesday nights. I am in charge of Holiday Wreath sales for our Garden Club so I also need to deliver the fliers to 140 mail boxes today. So all and all, it has been hoppin around here. I love and miss you all. Still no luck on my Tori Birch shoes. I think I am going to just order them online.
Monday, November 05, 2007
No Halloween pics?
OK, the blog is dying a slow death here people. Let's get back on board!
Had a good weekend. Drew and I checked out the warren miller miller this weekend which got us pretty excited about ski season. My friend Kate's birthday is today so we are going to an Italian restaurant for dinner to celebrate. It's been very good to see her. My friend Sarah is coming in town from NYC this week as well so bring on all the old friends. Should be great seeing and catching up with everyone. I can't believe we are in november already. Time is really flying. I am looking forward to the holidays and that reminds me that i need to buy my plane ticket home.
Yesterday I had an urge to buy a cat and name her Clue. Don't ask me why. I guess that i want the cat cause we can't get the dog yet but i want the dog so badly. We have so much candy in my office its gross and i feel like a fat ass.
Lyd- let's get some Halloween pics up!
Had a good weekend. Drew and I checked out the warren miller miller this weekend which got us pretty excited about ski season. My friend Kate's birthday is today so we are going to an Italian restaurant for dinner to celebrate. It's been very good to see her. My friend Sarah is coming in town from NYC this week as well so bring on all the old friends. Should be great seeing and catching up with everyone. I can't believe we are in november already. Time is really flying. I am looking forward to the holidays and that reminds me that i need to buy my plane ticket home.
Yesterday I had an urge to buy a cat and name her Clue. Don't ask me why. I guess that i want the cat cause we can't get the dog yet but i want the dog so badly. We have so much candy in my office its gross and i feel like a fat ass.
Lyd- let's get some Halloween pics up!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Welcome more visitors!
Well, super excited because my high school friend and college roommate Kate kossack is coming to town. She lives in Panama and I never get to see her. She is SO fun. My other high school friend Friedman is coming from NYC for the weekend. On top of all this, Drew and I have our Warren Miller tickets for Saturday night. We went last year and it always gets me super excited for ski season. Can't wait. Still sunny but brisk weather here. My maid comes tomorrow and I cannot wait!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Family Weekend
Well, I am fried. We really had a jam packed weekend. I slept like a rock last night. It was so great to see everyone despite the conditions. I especially enjoyed the lovely fall weather even though a lot of you guys were a little chilly. I am sorry our shopping wasn't as great as we hoped. Lyd, I hope you can find those dang shoes in Georgia. After seeing several Bernese dogs this weekend, I spent a good hour with Dreamy watching Berner puppy videos on you tube. Man, we are dying for this dog! They are too cute. Have to wait, though. I though Dad and Chaz's places looked awesome.
Busy week just getting more settled with work, cleaning up and catching up with friends. I love everyone. Hope the kids feel better, Lyd.
Busy week just getting more settled with work, cleaning up and catching up with friends. I love everyone. Hope the kids feel better, Lyd.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Welcome Visitors
Really looking forward to having the whole family in town this weekend. It should be around 55 degrees so hopefully all the Californians and southerners won't freeze. I am at day 2 of my new job and it is great so far. Very busy. Everyone have a safe trip and can't wait to catch up!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Dad, is that you?
Dad! Coming outta nowhere! Join in on the fun. Cut my hair AGAIN. Love it. Gotta stop now. Don;t have much left. Going to lunch and shopping with Carrie right now. Trying to enjoy week off before I gear up on Monday.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Thanks and Safe Trip!
I am so happy that you are all coming to Chicago next weekend. Thank you and Safe Trip! I can't wait to see you all.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Done. I am done. Done with TalentDrive. I am so happy to move on to my new job. I am going to go in on Thursday and get all my paperwork outta the way and be set to get going on Monday. Dreamy is out of town and I have had a mellow weekend filled with cooking, yoga and tanning. Can't complain. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Went to brunch with Dad today. His place is really coming along.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Welcome McDrewy
It is an unbelievably beautiful fall day today. Perfect for a visit from McDrewy. So precious of him to call us to come over. He should be here shortly. Had a great week. I am obsessed with Craigs List. People are paying me to clean out my storage. I sold a rocker for $250 and those gold couches I hated from the basement for $450! Next stop, stupid treadmill, weight set and stationary bike. We have taken everthing out of the basement and painted it Linen White and are getting all new furniture with the proceeds from Craigslist! Love it. Spencer is 5 months today. I can hardly believe it. We are to that great stage where he is sleeping from 7a-7p and it is heaven. Have a casual weekend. Going to Mexican tonight, but Dill has to work most the weekend so the kids and I will hang out. We have t-ball and soccer so that is Sunday. Amazing weather for the deck so we will definately put the Nascar night race on the deck on Saturday night!!! So looking forward to seeing everyone in Chicago. Especially to the dinner at Shaw's. I know you all are bummed that it is cold, but I am hoping for really cold weather so I can wear the new toggle pea coat I got for my birthday. Chaz, I cannot wait to see your house. Finally got you your housewarming present today to bring. Sorry it is very late. Better late than never I sappose. OOO, Drew is here.
OK. So I leave for NY for one night and winter sets in. You gotta love Fall if you live in Chicago but it sure doesn't last long. 3 weeks at best. Same every year. What this really means is that I am running out of time to get my garden done before everything goes dormant. My garden is my new project. It looks great. Or at least it looked great before all the leaves started falling. Still haven't planted my bulbs for the Spring but that is this weekend's project. Can't wait for everyone's visit despite the circumstances. Lena and I have spent a lot of time on the house and it is really coming around. Still a ways to go but we are really happy with our purchase. Our new nanny is working out great. We are really pleased. She is Romanian and very hardworking and helpful. At any rate, she has lasted more than a day. Also on the agenda for the weekend is the circus and a trip to our new club in the suburbs. Mom likes to work out and stuff but we just play in the pool. The boys love it. They both love water. Life is getting easier as the boys get older. Thank the Lord. Of course, we aren't done yet- can't let Lyd get too far ahead- so it is only temporary. We hope anyway. If we have more kids, I am just resigned to the fact that it will be another boy. I figure it is payback for the grief I caused my parents. If this is payback though. I will take it. Of course, the house might be a little more civilized if we had another female around. I think Lena is getting a little annoyed at our farting competitions. Can't wait to see everyone. Love you all.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Back at it
I went to Yoga last night and it kicked my butt. Man, I slept like a champion. It was fantastic. I have been at a trade show all morning since 6:15am and it went really well. Tonight, I am having dinner at Republic which is a new hot restaurant with my friend from New York. Looking forward to a quiet weekend while Drew is out. Yoga on Sat and Sun! Love to all.
Monday, October 08, 2007

We had a really busy weekend. Fisher and Parker were here from Boston. The Cubs lost in the playoffs and Andy ran the marathon. The marathon was nuts. It was about 87 degrees and people were passing out left and right and one guy even died. They ended up calling it and the runners either had to quit or walk. Andy was fast so he was at his 24th mile and they let him walk to finish. He ran in 4 1/2 hours which is crazy. I don't really think your body is supposed to run 26 miles but whatever. When a 35 year old cops drops dead you gotta wonder. I am going to get my butt into Yoga this week. Drew is going to Atlanta this weekend for his brother's birthday and he is planning on stopping by to say hi to Lyd and check out the deck. Getting very excited about every one's trip out to Chicago. The weather here is very warm for this time or year. Busy week at work. Have a friend coming in town from NYC so that should be fun. We are going to a new restaurant called republic on Wednesday night. Meeting Dreamy for lunch today. Love to all.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Sea Ranch
Hi All,
Well it is breezy and cold up here in Gualala. We are here for a wedding at Sea Ranch- Justin's cousin is getting married. He hasn't seen him since he was two but we're here making the effort none-the-less. We had some forced family fun this AM. We all went canoeing and sang the ENTIRE time. We were singing row row row your boat in canon. We sang, rollin' rollin' rollin' down the river; the yellow submarine. I think we sang some Reba McEntyre too.
There was a farmer's market in town so we got a pumpkin pie, strawberries, some delicious goat cheese and some honey to put on the goat cheese. It's a pretty small town but it is beautiful up here. Very rugged coastal and lots of birds. I know I am going to FREEZE tonight at the wedding so I am about soak it up in the tub to warm before this night gets started. We are out of cell phone range which is wonderful. Can't wait for our trip to Chicago. Can't wait to see everyone. L
Well it is breezy and cold up here in Gualala. We are here for a wedding at Sea Ranch- Justin's cousin is getting married. He hasn't seen him since he was two but we're here making the effort none-the-less. We had some forced family fun this AM. We all went canoeing and sang the ENTIRE time. We were singing row row row your boat in canon. We sang, rollin' rollin' rollin' down the river; the yellow submarine. I think we sang some Reba McEntyre too.
There was a farmer's market in town so we got a pumpkin pie, strawberries, some delicious goat cheese and some honey to put on the goat cheese. It's a pretty small town but it is beautiful up here. Very rugged coastal and lots of birds. I know I am going to FREEZE tonight at the wedding so I am about soak it up in the tub to warm before this night gets started. We are out of cell phone range which is wonderful. Can't wait for our trip to Chicago. Can't wait to see everyone. L
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Thanks for the kind wishes and gifts
Happppppy Birthday!!!
Hey Lyd! I hope you had a wonderful wonderful birthday. Postponned birthdays are the best - they last longer. Have fun on Friday and I hope you get lots of great presents.
Happy Birthday to you...
...Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear LYDIA. Happy birthday to you!!! Hope you have a great day and can't wait to see you. Lots of love
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Slow week
This week is moving like molasses. The nice thing is that the weather here is wonderful. I just bought this great trench coat and it's been perfect to wear everyday. The Chicago Marathon is this weekend and my friend Andy is running in it. Also, Fisher and Parker come to visit us this weekend so that should be really fun. As you guys all know, I got the new job which is very exciting. I start on the 22nd and am not taking any time off in between which is a big drag. I assume I will be seeing all of you pretty soon in Ohio or Chicago. Not the best reason to be getting together but will be great to see you all nevertheless. Food blog is really hopping. Lots of new and returning visitors every day. Carrie starts her new job in November so she has decided to become a kick butt cook. She made us an awesome dinner last night. She also bought me a cool plant to 'brighten up' my apartment. That was nice of her. Anyway, no big updates obviously. I love the picture of the bernese. Drew and I can't wait to get ours! Oh, btw, Prison Break rules and I cannot wait for Top Chef finale tomorrow. Go Dale!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
So cute!
That's a Bernese mountian dog but very close to a st. Bernard. That's the dog that we are going to get. Isn't it so cute? They are so dumb, lazy and lovable. Can't wait. Just got back from dinner with kevin and kristi. It's been a long day.
This one is for you Lizzie.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
etc, etc

Anyway, Still trying to iron stuff out on my end with work. Going a little slower than I thought but fingers are still crossed. I have been shopping like a mad woman for new work clothes. I just got this fab trench coat that is bad ass. I wish I liked to shop because then it would be more fun. I just do it cause you have to. Never been a big shopoholic.
I am having Carrie and Andy over for a belated birthday dinner for Drew on Saturday night. I am so excited to cook. I haven't in awhile. I am going to do the cauliflower and scallop soup with the greyer popovers to start and then I am doing lamb chops with poached quince and balsamic. Carrie is making a carrot cake per Dreamy's request. I haven't had carrot cake in a long time and I love it so I am excited. Carrie is an awesome baker.
The hair has been a big hit. Drew is warming up to it which is good. Fall is here and the temperatures have gone done. It's my favorite time of year.
Lyd- don't think I am going to be able to take time off. I'll have to keep you posted. Things are kinda outta my hands at the moment. Love to all.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Love the Chaz updates!
Great update Chaz. Love it when you chime in. Having a great week this week. Always love the weeks when there are workmen at the house at all times. It means progress. Today they are finishing painting the deck. It is amazing. They are also painting the basement playroom as well. I am so excited about that. I want to lighten it up. Right now it is just the room where we put everything we hate. Not fair to the kids. So we are going to Craigslist everything and go to Ikea and just buy a room like Chaz did that is bright and fun like a playroom should be. Not kiddy, just good for everyone. Speaking of Craiglist, I have been stalking it every day for bunk beds for Baker. It all goes so fast. Great stuff on there though. As Chaz said, the kids have been great. Well Baker has been. Spencer is always perfect during the day, but has been undergoing baby boot camp at night. No fun to let him cry. Mary Rowe is a bit irratable, but that is her. She is liking soccer and Baker is always full force into t-ball. Dill has been gone since Sunday. He is on the island of Cebu off of the Phillipines at this insane resort called the Shangrila. He comes home tomorrow night, but with the 12 hour time change he is worthless for a couple of days. He is here all next week though so we are all going to go to BeniHana on my birthday with Anna, Steve and there kids. Liz, you look great and Lucille, the party sounds fun. Engagement is nothing but fun for you guys from here on out. Have fun in Shasta Chaz.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I am a total cry baby
Jesus. What a wreck I can be. I was showing someone else those Paul Potts clips and even after seeing them 4-5 times, I am still crying like a baby. It is true. Lyd and I had a great time together. The kids were so well behaved. That star system Lyd has works wonders. Of course, Oscar wouldn't give a hoot about a star. He knows Dad is a push-over. Get this all of you. I am nearly done with my Christmas shopping. That's right. Let me repeat. Almost done with Christmas shopping. What the? Who? Huh? How? Don't know what came over me but I swear it is true. Gearing up for my trip to Shasta tomorrow to go fishing with James. Can't wait. I need a break. Gotta love being out of cell phone coverage too. Bonus. Lena's dad and her nephew have been with us for a week. We had a nice time. Mauri took us to a great restaurant last night for a final dinner. It was great. Not much else. Our new full-time nanny lasted a day. What a wimp. Too stressfull she says? Really? Stressful? Two boys under the age of 3. Nah. Welcome to my world. Anyway, we have another lined up. We'll see if she can make it through a day. Love you guys.
Unemployment Bliss
Lyd- Your yard rocks. Did Dill flip when he saw it? Magoo, glad your engagement is finally FUN!
Well, I had a rockin' weekend in NYC. Really miss that place. It's so rock star. Speaking of, I chopped off all my hair while i was there. Think Posh Spice but a little shorter in the front. The longest hair goes below my ear lobe. Let's just say that Drew is optimistic but still warming up to it. He's a long hair guy but what guy isn't?
I have a meeting today at lunch with the agency I want to work for so wish me luck with that. I have lots of meetings this week trying to figure out what I am doing. It doesn't look like I'll be getting any time off but i am not positive.
love to all.
Well, I had a rockin' weekend in NYC. Really miss that place. It's so rock star. Speaking of, I chopped off all my hair while i was there. Think Posh Spice but a little shorter in the front. The longest hair goes below my ear lobe. Let's just say that Drew is optimistic but still warming up to it. He's a long hair guy but what guy isn't?
I have a meeting today at lunch with the agency I want to work for so wish me luck with that. I have lots of meetings this week trying to figure out what I am doing. It doesn't look like I'll be getting any time off but i am not positive.
love to all.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Engagement Fun
We had a wonderful Mexican fiesta engagement party in St. Helena this weekend. Justin's Mom and Godmother threw us the party and, despite it raining, it was just perfect. My favorite gifts were two bud vases and a silver coin that says heads and tails on each side - apparent used to settle disputes. I assume this will come in handy! We also got a beautiful silver frame that had a cute photo of us in it. Friday night we had a dinner party at our house. Justin made a delicious pineapple upside down cake and we made some roasted chicken that turned out Mmmm Mmm good. I will post photos of the Fiesta in Ofoto - Justin has the photos on his camera or I would post one now. I wrote all of the thank you letters today which was hard work!! I talked to Clark this weekend and he said, is the Blog still going? I said YES!!! Glad you had a nice weekend in New York Lizzie. I told Justin about your driver and he couldn't believe it! Lyd and Chaz, hope you both had a nice weekend. Your grass looks beautiful Lyd!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Let there be Grass!!!!!
Oh my god, it is like Christmas at the Dills! The sod came today and it is incredible. The deck will be finished by Saturday so we will have an incredible outdoor weekend. Fun, Fun, Fun! Well, where to begin. I have been soo busy lately. I have been volunteering quite a bit a Baker's school and really enjoying it. Not in his classroom because I don't want to be one of those Mom's who is always hovering, but in the Media Center etc. In a weak moment I joined a ladies singles tennis league which I am already regretting. Singles is hard. Youch, I don't remember the court being so big when I was 21!!! Dill has been gone since Sunday so it was even more wonderful having Chaz here yesterday and last night. We had a great time. Went to Mexican for dinner, bookstore etc. He looked awesome and the kids loved having him here. They are really getting to know you all now so it is great when they can see you all. Our next project is bunk beds for Baker. Our contractor is going to build him a loft in his room which should be so fun for them. Mary Rowe has been sleeping in his room every night so this will be a big hit. Seeing her sneak in there made me and Chaz remember how I did that every night. Mary Rowe started soccer last sunday. The cutest thing ever. Liz, good luck tomorrow and have a great time in NY. Can't wait for your next visit. Ready for a complete makeover. I may even let you mess with my hair!! Bough the Paul Potts CD today, the Opera guy from YouTube. It is wonderful. I showed Chaz all of the youtube videos of him last night and he was crying like a baby like we all did at Mom's this summer. Love to all.
Where is everyone?
No updates? Surly you people have stuff going on! Lyd, glad that you had such a great time with Chaz. Take a picture of your new and improved yard and post on the blogger. I want to see the final product! Well, I am resigning tomorrow and hopping a plane to NYC to blow off some steam. Pretty excited. Simone and I plan on eating out (a lot), shopping, hitting up Central Park and whatever else sounds good. Weather will be 80 and beautiful all weekend. I love NYC in the fall. I am so excited to be going back. Drew is SO busy these days with studying for the patent bar, work and school. I should be getting more busy with what I have on my plate in the next couple weeks, too, so that's good. Hoping to get some time off to go back to Atlanta. Have a good weekend everyone!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Happy Monday
Well, this is a pretty huge week for me. I am waiting to hear about job stuff so fingers crossed on all of that. Had a fun and very active weekend with Drew's parents. We ate out a lot, went boating and saw a second city show. Last nights Emmy's were a snooze. I don't even know why I watch those things anymore. I just bought my ticket to Rome this morning. I am going to meet Kelsey there for my birthday just as I did with Alex in Prague. Going to lunch with Amizetta, Spencer and Chaz today. That should be fun. I have really seen a lot of them lately. Even though I cannot afford it, I'm going to shop this week. I feel like I have no cute stuff so I am just going to go for it. I am also in the mood to go short again with the hair even though summer is over. So, if anyone has any hair ideas, post them or email to me. My look right now is a little too plain Jane for me. Magoo, glad you are better. Lyd, may have a problem with Thanksgiving. Dreamy may not go cause his brother won't be there and he is taking the patent bar the week after and is worried about studying. We are still discussing.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Dreamy!!!
Drew is 28 today! We have a really fun weekend planned with his parents. Lots of good restaurants and a second city show. I am so excited to see him tonight. Happy Birthday Dreamy!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Hot Damn!!
Wow Lyd!!! Good for you. Your legs look great! We got a kick out of that blog tonight and the "pretend" pumpkin pie. Too cute. Wish I was there with you two. I am heading home tomorrow for Bridget Maloney's wedding. I can't wait to wear the orange dress, it is so cute on. My AutoCAD class is going well but it's hard taking a night class after a long day of work so I'm a little fried today. It is officially fall here, the leaves are falling off and it's a little bit cooler.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Gee Thanks
Lizzy is here and we are having fun. She was sweet enough to slave today on her yummy meatball sliders for our Garden Club meeting tonight. She patiently sat while all of us cackling hens discussed dumb stuff. She even made me over with some great clothes and I am lovin them. Hate that she is leaving tomorrow. Luc, so fun that you are full blown into wedding planning now. Can't wait until Thanksgiving.
Hot Legs!!! Sing it Rod!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Wonder Bust
Poured rain last night and they postponed the Stevie Wonder concert. On my way to the airport to go to Atlanta which means I'll be missing the show tonight. So bummed. Of course, it sunny and beautiful today and Chaz gave us box seats. Oh well, I am sure Drew will have fun. Can't wait to see Lyd and the kids.
Monday, September 10, 2007
I am blogging so the blog count of this blog is no longer 666. That was giving me the heevey jeevies!
Adventure Weekend
First off, Magoo you are on a roll! Glad you are finally having FUN with all this. I have always said that I would get married one day just so I could register. Very happy to hear that Mom is set with Oscars. I think she really needs to splurge and get a Caroline Herrera gown. She is the best designer for women mom's age. We should go to SF over xmas and go shopping with her.
Well, ever since I left San Francisco and realized that is was still a year until our move, I have been pretty antsy at home. I'm just not a patient person and I am desperate for some change in my life. So, when I woke up on Saturday morning, I declared that day adventure day. Drew and I took buses and trains all over the city to neighborhoods we have never been to before. We went to a cute part of town called Lincoln Square which has a very heavy German influence and then we went to Logan square which was ghetto and prominently Puerto Rican. On Sunday, we walked a couple miles up to the Gold Coast which is the ritzy party of Chicago and had a nice lunch and went shopping for Drew's birthday. I bought him the Ray Ban aviators he has wanted for a long time and he looks so hot in them so I was happy to buy them. After that, we went over to Armatige and Halsted which is another nice part of town and window shopped and walked around. So, we really made out rounds.
Stevie Wonder is tonight and Drew is jumping out of his skin he is so excited. I leave tomorrow for Atlanta and I cannot wait to see Lyd and family. I am also lunching with an old co-worker of mine that I have not seen in some time.
Love to all.
Well, ever since I left San Francisco and realized that is was still a year until our move, I have been pretty antsy at home. I'm just not a patient person and I am desperate for some change in my life. So, when I woke up on Saturday morning, I declared that day adventure day. Drew and I took buses and trains all over the city to neighborhoods we have never been to before. We went to a cute part of town called Lincoln Square which has a very heavy German influence and then we went to Logan square which was ghetto and prominently Puerto Rican. On Sunday, we walked a couple miles up to the Gold Coast which is the ritzy party of Chicago and had a nice lunch and went shopping for Drew's birthday. I bought him the Ray Ban aviators he has wanted for a long time and he looks so hot in them so I was happy to buy them. After that, we went over to Armatige and Halsted which is another nice part of town and window shopped and walked around. So, we really made out rounds.
Stevie Wonder is tonight and Drew is jumping out of his skin he is so excited. I leave tomorrow for Atlanta and I cannot wait to see Lyd and family. I am also lunching with an old co-worker of mine that I have not seen in some time.
Love to all.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Shopped till we dropped!
Mom is going to the Oscars. It's all figured out. Now we just need to go dress shopping :) I can't wait to see her on TV.
I hope everybody had a great weekend. Lizzie, I went to the Farmer's Market yesterday and thought of you. You are going to FREAK when you go to this thing. There is just so much good food and great people watching.
xoxo, L
Friday, September 07, 2007
Stevie Wonder
Once again, props to Chaz for another pair of free tickets. Off to Stevie Wonder on Monday night with Dreamy. So, Dreamy is watching Oscar and Lucas just for an hour today but he has literally never babysat in his entire life and is sssooo terrified. It's funny/cute. I'm sure he'll be fine. Going to a dinner party tonight and dinner with my friend Nina tomorrow night. Have an itch to shop. Off to ATL on Tuesday. Pretty sure we've locked mom into going to the Academy Awards. Go team.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Back from Cali

It was tough for me to leave. After my day in San Fran, I wanted to pack my bags and just move out there on the spot. My SF wheels are really in motion now. It was SO great to hang out with mom, Mike, Lucille, Justin and Clark and Lucy. I would really like to go back alone to just soak up family time on my own.
The weather was heaven but that is to be expected. It was great to see Clark's place/ life in Kelseyville. It is a very pretty drive there from mom's house.
Just getting back into work. Drew's birthday is next week. Have no idea for gift. Way behind on food blog. Will be my homework tonight. Love to all. Great updates Chaz and Lyd
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Heck. A week on your own with the kids ain't no thang so long as you have a nanny all day each day and a babysitter at least one night. Actually, we had a fun time together. For some strange reason- and Lena says the same thing- the boys behave better if only one parent is around. It is as if, even at that age, they realize that they can play one off the other. Anyway, they were good boys.
Lena got back on Sun around noon so we actually got to spend some time together over the holiday. For the most part, we just did a lot of projects around the house. It is coming together. Still a long way to go but we love it.
I went to the Bears game again on Thursday night. Lizzie is right. The tickets are great and the games are so much fun.
It has probably been written about repeatedly on this Blog but we sure enjoyed Marco and Clark's wedding. We are even planning to go back in March for a vacation. It was a perfect place for adults and kids and affordable too.
I hope this finds everyone well. Lyd, you sound great. Your kids are so adorable. I can't believe Baker is in school. Holy Moley. Lizzie, hope you had a great trip. I am sure you did. Bet you cooked up some mean grub too. Ludie, I miss you as always. Give my best to Justin. Momma, I love you dearly.
Lena got back on Sun around noon so we actually got to spend some time together over the holiday. For the most part, we just did a lot of projects around the house. It is coming together. Still a long way to go but we love it.
I went to the Bears game again on Thursday night. Lizzie is right. The tickets are great and the games are so much fun.
It has probably been written about repeatedly on this Blog but we sure enjoyed Marco and Clark's wedding. We are even planning to go back in March for a vacation. It was a perfect place for adults and kids and affordable too.
I hope this finds everyone well. Lyd, you sound great. Your kids are so adorable. I can't believe Baker is in school. Holy Moley. Lizzie, hope you had a great trip. I am sure you did. Bet you cooked up some mean grub too. Ludie, I miss you as always. Give my best to Justin. Momma, I love you dearly.
Friday, August 31, 2007
The culmination of all of my parenting dreams
I have finallly hit the point of motherhood that I dreamed about my entire life. Mary Rowe starts soccer next week and is on the "Little Angels". Their uniforms are hot pink! Going to get her pink cleats this weekend. We also just picked up Chocolate, the Guinea Pig from Baker's school and are babysitting him all weekend. Ah, all of the things you look forward too. Mary Rowe is begging to hold Chocolate as we speak. It is great. They are so dumb they can't even run away or jump away. They just sit there. Looking forward to lots of football and swimming this weekend. It is actually not hot. Wish I was out in California with you all, but do love it here during college football season. Love to all.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Queens Love Musicals

So, about 10,000 people showed up for the Sound of Music in Grant Park. Drew got there early so from the looks of the picture you can see that we had good seats. This turned out to be SO fun. Everyone makes comments during the movie and we sat next to a huge group of gay folk that were flippin' hilarious. They would hiss at the baroness every time she came on screen and they would make the funniest comments. Everyone sang along to the songs. It was great.
Leave for Napa tomorrow. Drew and I are spending the day in San Fran together. Very exciting!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Hi Hommies
I love movies in the park! I hope it was fun. Sound of Music would be such a good one! I never knew the johnny jump up story. I can't believe they even had those then. That is too funny. I am celebrating today because I was able to put my hair in a pony for the first time in over a year. Yippee! Have a great time in SF this Thursday - I think I have to work now so I don't think I can come to Mom's until 12 PM on Friday. We can chat to figure out the car situation. Have fun exploring the city. I highly suggest Stow Lake in the Golden Gate park - you can rent little boats and row around. It's a good date thing. Lyd, I found some really cute fabrics for you yesterday, but I'm not even close to have this all together yet. It's a soft blue scheme for your bedroom so far. But I'm going to put together other color options. So fun!!!
Movies in the Park
Drew, Carrie, Andy and I are off to see the Sound of Music in Grant Park tonight. This is the last movie in the park and they expect 10,000 people to come. They play it on a giant screen (over 50 ft) Carrie and I will have to do everything in our power not to sing since the two of us know ever word by heart. We will be picnicking which will make for a good blog entry on the bacon blog.
I have heard the johnny jump up story so many times. I think it is so funny. Don't put the brain damage past me though, sometimes I do dumb things... Drew is going to fly standby with me on Thursday morning so we can both go to SF for the day before we pick up Andy and Carrie at the airport around 4. We are so excited to spend a day in the city we are moving to together. It will be so great! He has signed up to take the CA bar in late July. California bound!
I have heard the johnny jump up story so many times. I think it is so funny. Don't put the brain damage past me though, sometimes I do dumb things... Drew is going to fly standby with me on Thursday morning so we can both go to SF for the day before we pick up Andy and Carrie at the airport around 4. We are so excited to spend a day in the city we are moving to together. It will be so great! He has signed up to take the CA bar in late July. California bound!
Monday, August 27, 2007
thoughts of baby lizzy
Well, we got baby Spencer a johnny jump up today and it got me thinking of sweet little Liz when she was a little curly haired girl. She jumped so much I swear Mom and I thought she would have brain damage. I am happy to report that Spencer enjoys it as much. He is so thankful to just be vertical! He is always either being held or in a car seat. Big improvement. Mary Rowe has her first big crush, yes that is at the age of 3! She is in love with the guy in High School Musical. She is obsessed with the movie, the CD and him. She stares at the CD player while she listens to the music and today she turned to me and said, " Mommy, Troy Bolton wishes I could jump in the music player and sing with him."!! I almost cried my eyes out it was so cute. My dream come true. Bring on the Teen Beat and Tiger Beat magazines!! Love it. Dill is back from India and brought me back a beautiful Ivory Silk Pashmina. It will be perfect with my Marilyn Monroe dress. The dress that I am goint to wear to 2 more weddings in October by the way. No overlap either. So fun. Still enjoying my "life change". Venturing out into the world of fish now. In fact, we are having Tilapia tomorrow night. I like it because it is not a fishy fish. Lucille, we have spent the last 3 nights in our front living room since we put our movie screen in there football games. We are now reallllllllly excited over our decorating changes. I will e-mail you the dimensions. Love my girls.
Napa Weekend
Well, get excited Lizzie because the weather has been gorgeous around here lately. Fall is in the air. I spent the weekend up at Mom's because it was Bridget Maloney's bachelorette weekend. I got to see Caitlin Stuart who I hadn't seen in years. She is very political so we got into some big debates. She came and hung out by the pool yesterday and so did my friend Caroline, who I think I might invite to be my last bridesmaid.
I have to tell you guys, last night, Justin said, is your mom trying to get plums on the guest list? I said plums? He said, yeah plums, is she trying to add her too? I said, you mean peaches??? We were laughing sooo hard.
Lyd, I am sorry I didn't ask about your party either. Sounds like it was so fun.
Lizzie, that eggs benedict looked soooooo good. Please remake that this weekend!
Happy Monday everybody!
I have to tell you guys, last night, Justin said, is your mom trying to get plums on the guest list? I said plums? He said, yeah plums, is she trying to add her too? I said, you mean peaches??? We were laughing sooo hard.
Lyd, I am sorry I didn't ask about your party either. Sounds like it was so fun.
Lizzie, that eggs benedict looked soooooo good. Please remake that this weekend!
Happy Monday everybody!
Bears Vs. 49ers

Lyd, I am so sorry that I did not ask you about your party. I know you have been excited for that. I hope it went well. Everyone sounds really good. I love that I have a short week. Tomorrow, I am meeting Kristi for lunch at RL. Should be good to catch up with her. xoxo
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Livin Large
Sitting watching Sunday night football on our projector tv. Sooo fun. I am so happy to finally be blogging. For some reason the blogger always keeps me on Lizzy's blog so it is a pain to sign out and go back to this one. We too had a great time at Clark's wedding. I have never felt more sure about 2 people in my life. I really just felt that it seemed so right for them to be getting married. So incredibly precious. Dill is back from India so we have had a low key weekend. Birthday party yesterday and T-ball today. Sorry Lizzy, Baker is on the Dodgers this season so Cubs who? Funny how they forget. Had a party on Thursday night with about 25 girls. So funl, but it killed me. Still have not recovered. It was great to see everyone after being gone all summer. Baker is going into week 3 of kindergarten and is doing amazing. We are thrilled with his school. He jumps right on the bus every morning and comes right back in the afternoon. Loving the bus, let me tell you. Mary Rowe starts after Labor Day. Tomorrow I am going to start taking Spence to the YMCA while I work out. He feel like he is ready now. Not so fragile seeming. We also moved him out of our room today. His room is the guest room for now. We are so happy to have our fancy new Interior Decorator, Lucille Eleanor Shaw!!! Can't wait to see your ideas and really can't wait for you to come. Next weekend is the beginning of the College Football season. Basically a national holiday around these parts so we are fired up. It is also the star trek/star wars conventions parade so we are taking the kids to see all of the freaks that will be in attendance for that! Cannot even imagine the social misfits we will encounter at that one. I love you all and am so glad that we have all been able to see eachother so much this year. Lizzy is coming in 2 weeks, yippie. Then party for Lucille and Justin's wedding!!! Lizzy are you next? I sure looooooooooove Mc Drewy!!!!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
bears vs. 49ers
This is hot off the press: Chaz has invited Drew and me to see Bears vs. 49ers on Sat night and he has rock star tickets! Now that is what I am talking about!!! The Bears, in case you forgot, got slammed in the super bowl last year. Regardless of the loss, the tix are hard to come by and $$$. 10 dollar beers have never sounded better.
Magoo- good for you on taking the class. You'll be glad you did it. I wouldn't last 2 seconds in a class like that. In other news, Carrie's graduation party is this weekend. She is graduating top 5% at U of Chicago for Economics which in other words is flippin' bad ass and we are going to get down!
Love to all.
Magoo- good for you on taking the class. You'll be glad you did it. I wouldn't last 2 seconds in a class like that. In other news, Carrie's graduation party is this weekend. She is graduating top 5% at U of Chicago for Economics which in other words is flippin' bad ass and we are going to get down!
Love to all.
night class
Well I am officially attending my fourth college. This one is definitely the least expensive of the four, but I must say I've been impressed so far. I am taking an Autocad course at the City College in San Francisco. It cost $81 for 30 classes that are 3 hours long. I'm not quite sure who worked out those numbers, but it certainly works out to my benefit. Autocad is hard! I've been to three classes now and it's like learning a new language mixed with math, geometry and lots of visualization. It's kind of the perfect combination for me actually so we'll see if I can catch on. Justin is at his step-mother's birthday party tonight which sounds pretty over the top. 85 people, a band, yummy food. I wish I could have gone so I could have taken food photos for the blog!! I was going to drive out for it but I'm too tired tonight after my class. I get out at 9:30 PM. I went to a presentation last night on global warming that's gotten me freaked out again so we're starting to "sacrifice" instead of just recycling, driving hybrids...etc. We'll see if we can keep it up. Turn off you computers at night! That is supposed to be a good one. xoxo, Lucille
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Napa and Family Bound
My family rounds continue! I am off to Napa for Labor day with Drew, Carie and Andy and then to Atlanta for work in September. Mary Rowe will have to whip me up one of her pretend dinners. Also, I am going to Rome. That's right, Rome. Kelsey and I are going to meet there for Thanksgiving holiday. I am so excited. I have heard great things. Can't wait to hear about Dill's India trip. Tonight is top chef, so excited! I love that show! Also, we have volleyball tonight and the weather/ wind is perfect. Crain's chicago is a business publication that's big here and they are running a story on 'mentoring' so they interviewed me and Sean and came today to take our pictures. It took 45 minutes to take all the pictures! It was crazy. They brought a truck load of equiptment and it was very hard core. So, if they use the picture this sunday, I will scan and throw on blogger.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Little Clarkie is not so little anymore

Drew enjoyed seeing everyone. He really made an effort and I just love him to pieces. It meant a lot to me that he came with me and we are better than ever.
I saw Bourne Ultimatum yesterday and that movie is bad ass. I love all those Bourne movies. Lots of work now that my intern has returned to school. I am so excited to go home in two weeks for Labor day and see more of everyone. Carrie and Andy are coming, too. Lots of love.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Bring it!
My face is in full peel from the weekend burn but that's not gonna get me down. I am SO fired up for this weekend. Wake up call at 4:30 am tomorrow. Bring it! Bring on the heat, too.
See you all soon!
See you all soon!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Can't be any hotter down there
I must say that I was griping a bit about how hot it was gonna be down in Florida. Heck, given that it is 98 degrees in Chicago and just as humid, I am now psyched! If you are going to roast, you might as well have the ocean and a huge pool to cool off in. And besides, it can't be any hotter than Lyd's wedding. Right Lyd? We are gearing up to go and again are really excited. I was able to get a nanny for most of our time down there so I might even get a little rest for once too. How nice. Lyd, I am a little disappointed that I won't see the big kids but totally understand your position. Can't wait to see Spencer though. He is so adorable. Ludie, I miss you dearly and can't wait to see you. We could certainly use a visit from you and Justin one day. I'll tell ya, we are really making progress with the house but our living room layout is just a mind bender. We can't figure out how to make it work. We are constantly moving furniture around and nothing seems to fit. I really need your expertise. We spent the weekend getting the basement done. It is great. Lena has a complete office down there. The kids have a play area centered around the train table and then we put in a home theater based around a wrap around couch we bought. It is quite cozy down there. We love it. Of course, another way to look at it is that I am just baiting the trap in the dungeon in hopes of luring the boys down there. Anything to get them to quit trashing the upper floors.Lizzie, great to see you the other day. I am glad Drew can make it. BTW, your BLOG rocks. I am serious. It is amazing. Great writing. Great pictures. It is just really well done. You got skills. BTW, I went to Heaven on Seven yesterday and bought the cookbook as I was leaving. Oh, it's a good one. I was looking it over on the way home. Yummmmmmmmmy! Cajun food for those of you who haven't heard of it. Momma, I love you and will see you soon. XOXO everyone.
Soda Springs
We spent a whirlwind 24 hours in Tahoe this weekend at Lawry's family's house in Soda Springs. Every year that we go here I feel so in my element. I absolutely love it there and can't wait for next year. The river water is snowmelt so the water is sooo cold but so refreshing. There is a spring that is soda water which is what I'm drinking in the last photo. It tastes terrible!! The other photo is of Justin's dog Ellie - that photo makes me laugh - wise, old Ellie. The drawing of the flyfisherman is from 1888 and it's etched into the stone.
Crazy crazy weekend. We went to two dinner parties, Sonoma, Napa and Tahoe!! Only one more day of work and I'm off to Florida. Can't wait! I got really fried today too Lizzie so don't worry, we'll both be shedding a layer.
Love everybody and see you all soon!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Is there a level beyond varsity?
Because that was my tanning style this weekend and I got charred. So, I should have a nice peel going for the wedding, ugh!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Bring on the festivities!
Well, I am officially ready now. I found the most incredible dress today to wear to the wedding and another one for the rehearsal dinner. I never have anything I love to wear so it is pretty exciting to be ready for an event. I feel like Lizzy! Also, we are now only bringing Spencer with us which is a huge relief. Baker and Mary Rowe are now going to stay at home with Dill's mom. We are really gearing up for Baker's first day of Kindergarten on Monday. He is soooo excited about riding the school bus with his friends. We have definately had to practice waking up early because the bus comes at 7:13!! Not our time of day. We got Baker an alarm clock so it is so cute. He loves it. As you all know, our Michigan trip was a disaster. Mary Rowe, Spencer and Dill were so sick the whole time. Hospital sick. It was also 100 degrees and our dump of a condo did not have air conditioning. When I say dump I mean dump. We had to go buy sheets. I think that was our last Michigan pilgrimage. It is so difficult to get to and the money we spend to rent does not at all reflect the quality of accomodations. We love seeing that side of the family, but it is too much effort for us. Dill is swooping in and out of Florida Fri-Sat and then going to India for 10 days. I can't wait to hear about it. It is hot as hell here so even Spencer has been in the pool. About to make an awesome salad for dinnner but will save details for Lizzy's blog. Pressure!!! Love everyone and can't wait to see you. Especially Chaz!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Congrats on your planning
Magoo, so happy to hear that you making some decisions on your wedding. It's going to be fab no matter what and I am so excited about it.
Clark's wedding is SO soon and I am getting really excited. This weekend I will need to tan my tush off to look hot, hot, hot for FL. I can't wait to get the whole family together.
Today, I am meeting Chaz and Eddie for lunch. Eddie is in town visiting his woman. I am going to work all weekend on our surprises for Clark. I think I am going to curl my hair for the wedding..... fingers crossed on that one.
Have a great weekend all!
Clark's wedding is SO soon and I am getting really excited. This weekend I will need to tan my tush off to look hot, hot, hot for FL. I can't wait to get the whole family together.
Today, I am meeting Chaz and Eddie for lunch. Eddie is in town visiting his woman. I am going to work all weekend on our surprises for Clark. I think I am going to curl my hair for the wedding..... fingers crossed on that one.
Have a great weekend all!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Big Events
I've made a lot of progress this week on the wedding. The biggest accomplishment - actually picking the place. Man does that take the weight off my shoulders. Justin's Godmother is throwing us an engagement party in St. Helena, right near Big Tree Road actually. And Barbera Brooks is throwing us a party in San Francisco. We are kicking this thing off!
I am getting pumped for Clark's wedding. I can't wait to see everyone!
I'm feeling sick today and am going to the doctor tomorrow - I think I have a lung infection but we'll see. Only one week until Clark's big day!
I've made a lot of progress this week on the wedding. The biggest accomplishment - actually picking the place. Man does that take the weight off my shoulders. Justin's Godmother is throwing us an engagement party in St. Helena, right near Big Tree Road actually. And Barbera Brooks is throwing us a party in San Francisco. We are kicking this thing off!
I am getting pumped for Clark's wedding. I can't wait to see everyone!
I'm feeling sick today and am going to the doctor tomorrow - I think I have a lung infection but we'll see. Only one week until Clark's big day!
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