Thursday, January 24, 2008


Well, hello everyone!

Good to get the update from Lyd. As she mentioned, it's flippin' freezing here but Drew and i look at it as the last time we have to spend a freezing cold winter here so that's comforting. My trip to Atlanta was great. I was pretty tired the first day and half but by the end i was able to keep up with Lyd and the kids. Believe it or not, I took them to Chuck E Cheeses. Not going to lie... the pizza was pretty good there!

Drew and I are in the honeymoon phase. He's gone the next two weekend as well so absence really makes the heart grown fonder. We have set up our savings accounts and are really planning against our move and all the other crazy thing we have ahead. Change is the theme for us in 2008.

Work is pretty consuming right now but i had a little come to Jesus with myself and just need to put my head down and get through to September. I've has very little time to do much else but I am looking forward to spending time with Carrie and Andy this weekend although I'll still be at the office both days. We are going to dinner at Alinea (Gourmet's number 1 restaurant in 2006) and a neil diamond cover band. Good times all around.

My property management company redid my bathroom with floor to ceiling white tile. It feels like a hospital and I hate it. I have unscrewed almost every light bulb because the reflection is so bright. I actually called to ask them why they did this and they said they were 'updating' the apartment. i had to laugh out loud.

I really like my dress for magoos wedding. Hope its cool but I am going heels ceramony and flops for reception. It's just a summer wedding must.

Currently I am eating the world's worst thai take out. I am so bummed. Good thai is hard to find in Chicago. For the love of god can I get some peanut sauce that is not melted Jif???

Hope all is well. Love to all.

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