Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Heck. A week on your own with the kids ain't no thang so long as you have a nanny all day each day and a babysitter at least one night. Actually, we had a fun time together. For some strange reason- and Lena says the same thing- the boys behave better if only one parent is around. It is as if, even at that age, they realize that they can play one off the other. Anyway, they were good boys.

Lena got back on Sun around noon so we actually got to spend some time together over the holiday. For the most part, we just did a lot of projects around the house. It is coming together. Still a long way to go but we love it.

I went to the Bears game again on Thursday night. Lizzie is right. The tickets are great and the games are so much fun.

It has probably been written about repeatedly on this Blog but we sure enjoyed Marco and Clark's wedding. We are even planning to go back in March for a vacation. It was a perfect place for adults and kids and affordable too.

I hope this finds everyone well. Lyd, you sound great. Your kids are so adorable. I can't believe Baker is in school. Holy Moley. Lizzie, hope you had a great trip. I am sure you did. Bet you cooked up some mean grub too. Ludie, I miss you as always. Give my best to Justin. Momma, I love you dearly.

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