Tuesday, November 20, 2007
So Am I Going to Have to Keep this Baby Going On My Own?
Oscar's birthday party was a great time. Lena got really creative with the pirate concept. I will try to send out some pics soon. Basically, she did the basement up like a pirate ship and then the kids all made their own pirates hats and looked for their own burried treasure. She did all the food herself and everything turned out great. Oscar got some nice gifts. Leave it to Pat to give him a very real looking over and under shotgun and two pistols. Oscar loves them. Of course, Lena woke up in the morning with a gun barrel in her face. Swedes don't like guns too much so she wasn't thrilled. Oh well. The boys like guns and that includes me. We are looking forward to Chris' visit. He arrives tomorrow and we have a lot of fun stuff planned. Tomorrow night I am just going to cook a nice dinner and let everyone relax and get into the holiday spirit. Thusday we are going to Kage's big hockey game and then of course over to K&K's. Friday night Chris and I are going out to dinner and then meeting Lizzie for drinks some where. And, Saturday we are taking the kids to the circus. Fun. Fun. Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day. Much love. Really looking forward to the holidays this year.
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