Thursday, May 24, 2007

General Beatty has me on bedrest!

Just checking in from my post on the couch. Mom and Dill have me on mandatory rest so I decided now was the time to blog. Mom has been unbelievable. We would have not made it the last week and a half without her. We are all overtired, but doing great. Spencer is precious and the kids have been great. Mom is yelling over to me that she is so sorry Clark and Lucille, that she is not home. I really do appreciate you letting me have her like this. I know it has been a really long time since you have seen her Luc and I really appreciate it. I have not done very well physically after this one so it is great to have someone so efficient around to get us moving and who can make sure we get everyone where they need to go when. And who can cook. She made homeade fried chicken. Did not know she made fried chicken, but man was it good. You have to request it.

The weather is incredible here and the deck is coming along. Glad you have been on the boat lizzy. Luc, I looked on the Plantation Shop website, but the coral lamps aren't on it. When I get back on my feet and out and about I will take a picture of it for you and post it so you can see.

Love to all.

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