Saturday, April 15, 2006

Day 2 in NYC...

And we've walked farther than the pioneers on the Oregon Trail.

Let's talk numbers:

1 celebrity siting - jake gyllenhaal from Brokeback Mountain - of course I didn't notice and Lizzie was freaking out.
2 magnolia cupcakes - 50 people in line that went around the corner. so delicious.
1,000,000 people in central park- it's 80 degrees here and this city is going nuts.
2 schwinn cruisers - used to circle around central park - 130 blocks!
4 - number of bandaides on each of my feet
7 - number of people coming to our Easter Extraveganza
6.5 - weight of our leg of lamb. Looks so goooooood.
16 - the number of lbs. we are going to gain after this weekend of gluttony. Way too much good food. Rediculous eggs benedict at Balthazaar this morning.

Day three coming soon...

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