Thursday, March 23, 2006

Lovin' Life

Hi Hommies. I just got back from a San Francisco treasure hunt and had the best time. We did it as a 'bonding' thing for work. We were all split into teams, given clues and we had 4 hours to run all over the city (literally run) to try to solve the puzzle. The puzzle was so fun and tough but in the end, our team won (the Shaw competitive gene came in handy)! But I am exhausted. We were in China town, north beach, nob hill, russian hill, and we ran...everywhere! I saw some really interesting things today that I probably would have never noticed. Lots of history. Justin's step-dad was just here to have a drink before Justin and he went to dinner. I really like Justin's step-dad. He reminds me a lot of Mike and kindof plays a similar role in Justin's family. Tomorrow I am having a meeting with two of the designers to finalize and negotiate the new "opportunity". Should be really fun. Can't wait! I'm heading to Tahoe this weekend with my friend Marie for one more weekend of skiing. Friday night we are going to see a friend and her fiance perform (they have a band) in the mission. They are DEFINITELY the most alternative friends we have. The girl does interpretive dancing. We went to one of her performances and it was probably one of the most hysterical things I have ever seen. But it's nice to have friends that are really different from you. Justin has had a very difficult week with his dad. I think Justin handled it really well and I'm proud of him. I thought our family was dramatic! I just filed my taxes and found out I'm getting a serious chunk of a tax refund. Enough to pay for my entire summer session at the Academy of Art! Life is good. Love to everybody.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.