Tuesday, February 21, 2006

catching up

Morning all, Lydia, we are still hoping that you will be w/ us for Clark' and Lucy's party and then we can tivo the awards and have girl time after. It is cold but gorgeous here. My 10s match got cancelled this morning though so M and I are going to hit this afternoon. Lily Oliver had a 9 lb daughter, Beatrice, yesterday at home w/ a midwife. She is well. Trent and Colleen are expecting twins in Sept, a boy and girl. We are having friends from Florida visit this weekend then M goes to Texas on Mon returning the 4th just before the party. I think we are going to go to "the desert" to see some rounds of the Pacific Life Open and to play a little tennis ourselves. We will leave a few days after the party. I miss all my babies and gbabies. Momma

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.