Monday, January 09, 2006

Back To Business

Well, not to be a party pooper, but the decorations are gone, the tree is now pulp and everything is back to how it was before the holidays. We, too, are knee deep in projects. The loft is looking great and we now think we can make it work until we are ready to boot Lucas out of our room. We have been shopping for a sideboard and are getting custom drapes for the living room. I have also broken down and am looking to hire a painter because I simply do not want to paint all of the walls we want to color. Anyway, it is really shaping up and it is too bad we are now considering moving before too long. I guess that is the way it will always be. We, too, watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith last night. I tried on Friday night and watched 5 minutes as it was late. I tried to give it another try and lasted 15. I agree. That is the worst movie ever. I think Lena stayed up and watched it but I wasn't about to loose sleep over that one. We also watched Girl in a Cafe by the fella that did Four Weddings... and Love Actually. It was quite good. We are headed back up to Michigan this weekend. We rented a room at a new lodge at Boyne Mountain. It should be great. We are going to ski a couple of days and I am going to bring my fishing gear as well. Lizzie is in town and we are trying to make plans to hook up. Might be hard since we are both so busy. Anway, I love you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.