Tuesday, January 31, 2006
No offense...
...but this blogger will be jumping ship if this thing turns political. Having said that, sounds like fun in Chi-town for Chaz and his family. I give full approval for season tickets to the Blackhawks, can I put dibbs on the Colorado/ Chicago game for next season? Weather here is gray and rainy. Oh well. Have a jam packed weekend planned for my sisters. Looking forward to letting loose and getting this apartment painted! Next week will be spent in LA for work. Hoping for some sunshine.
Monday, January 30, 2006
My 2 Cents
Hey everyone. As for my political 2 cents, I think it will be Kerry vs. Giuliani and I actually would have a tough time if it was. Also think that Hillary would be Kerry's choice for VP. I actually wish it would be Edwards vs. Guiliani though instead Dill left today so I won't see him again until Sunday since I am leaving on Friday. In the meantime I have been on a clothes binge trying to gear up for the big weekend. Want to be hip enough for my hot sisters you know! Baker came home and announced that he needed boxer shorts and did not want to wear his other underwear. Who would have thought that by age 4 a boy makes the age old decision between boxers or briefs. Glad he made the right choice!! Went and saw Match Point and loved it. Very dark, but great. Love you all and miss you.
P.S. Clark, pipe up, we want to hear from you and Lucy!!
P.S. Clark, pipe up, we want to hear from you and Lucy!!
I predict that Hillary won't even get the democratic nomination. OK, so she is leading in a pole in NY. The carpet bagging state that she bought. NY and CA are bonkers. All poles from either place should be ignored as irrelevant to how the average American feels or thinks. Sorry Lu. Just my humble opinion. I do hope Justin gets a good position with whomever is the nominee. My thinking as that Kerry will give it another go.
Lizzie, hope you love your place and are getting settled. So happy for you. Hope too that you guys had a great weekend together. Look forward to hearing about it. I am trying to get out there myself but don't think it will be til late Feb or early Mar. Won't be long though.
We had a nice weekend. Sat we had guests from NY over for dinner. They are Aussies and so much fun. We had lunch at Rainforest Cafe this weekend. So much fun. Oscar loved it. We also went to our second NHL game of the week. Lena loves hockey and Oscar pays attention too. Anyway, we are thinking of getting season tickets for next season.
Lena leaves for Sweden for a week on Saturday so we have found day care for Oscar. He starts tomorrow and will go Thurs as well. Next week he will have to be there all week. We aren't really worried. He never seems to mind about those things. When Lena returns, we are going to send him three days a week.
Not much else going on. Hope everyone is doing great. Hi Clark and give my best to Lucy.
Lizzie, hope you love your place and are getting settled. So happy for you. Hope too that you guys had a great weekend together. Look forward to hearing about it. I am trying to get out there myself but don't think it will be til late Feb or early Mar. Won't be long though.
We had a nice weekend. Sat we had guests from NY over for dinner. They are Aussies and so much fun. We had lunch at Rainforest Cafe this weekend. So much fun. Oscar loved it. We also went to our second NHL game of the week. Lena loves hockey and Oscar pays attention too. Anyway, we are thinking of getting season tickets for next season.
Lena leaves for Sweden for a week on Saturday so we have found day care for Oscar. He starts tomorrow and will go Thurs as well. Next week he will have to be there all week. We aren't really worried. He never seems to mind about those things. When Lena returns, we are going to send him three days a week.
Not much else going on. Hope everyone is doing great. Hi Clark and give my best to Lucy.
Friday, January 27, 2006
I am with you Liz. Where are my Bloggers!!?? Had a very busy morning. Baker for some strange reason woke up at 5:15 this morning ready to start the day. I personally think one should never awaken prior to 7 unless there is an airplane to catch, but try telling that to a 4 year old. After that I threw a patient craft party at the Children's hospital this morning for 15 patients. We had children ranging from 18 months to 18 years old. We made Valentines crafts and had a great time. It is so fun to be with them, but sad as well. Makes me very thankful for all of our good health and how lucky we all really are. Headed off to the Gym this afternoon to work off some of these Barefoot Contessa meals we have been cooking. Tomorrow night we have a party at a new trendy bar here in town for a friends birthday, otherwise looking forward to a casual weekend at home. Our contractor is coming tomorrow morning to discuss re-building Mary Rowe's room. Thank god. If anyone needs their own space, it is her. Can't wait for our visit to NY to see Lizzie. Hope everyone is well.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Fashion week in NYC
Boy oh boy and I pumped up! No sleep for Lizzie for the next 11 days! Luc and Lyd are en route to the big apple and I am party planning like a mad woman. Dinner reservations, celeb sightings in Brant park in-between fashion shows, cupcakes at Magnolia, shopping at ABC, mornirng coffee at my local Starbucks and more and more and more. I got my keys this morning and I go to my new place after work to start moving. All of my stuff from storage in Chicago arrives tomorrow. I am bringing a camara tonight so expect 'before' pics on the blogger! Great time in Chicago. Nice weather here in NYC. Hope it sticks for my visitors!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Start Spreadin' The News......
I am going to NY to see Lizzie and Lucille. Cannot wait. I have not been since it was my territory for work. So fun. Can't wait to see Lizzie's new apt. and the neighborhood and to just decorate, sleep in, go out and just hang out! Mom wanted me to blog for her to let everyone know that Clark and Lucy's party will be on March 11th. A great time will be had by all to celebrate this precious couple.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Well, I am very excited about all the emails I have received from potential NYC visitors! Keep 'em coming! Perry is coming out for a long weekend soon and that should be really soon. Now, I really have to get this apartment together! Lyd's blog makes me so jealous, I would kill for a course dinner in the 4 seasons kitchen, what a treat! I am in Chicago and had a nice dinner with Carrie last night. Spent Saturday night up north and saw Kristi and dad. Looking forward to moving into my place this week and having Lucille (and LYD???) come next weekend.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
I'm Full
Saturday, January 21, 2006
New York Resident
Well, it's official. After going thru hell and back, I have my own place in Greenwich Village and I just can't wait to move in! I am in Chicago now and I am packing all of my things and shipping them to arrive in New York next week. So far, I have bought a bed, mattress, book cases, coffee table and some vintage posters to frame (thanks to ebay) I am flying in my own decorator from San Fran (aka Magoo) and PRAYING Lyd can make it for the same weekend for some girl fun. Congrats mom on your health. Good for you. Looking forward to going to CA for Clarks party and playing some tennis. In Chicago until Tuesday night and move in Wednesday! Love to all.
Rainy Winter Day
It's rainy and grey today, but still warm. Dill's friend Sean is here this weekend. He got a job offer with a pediatric group in Athens so he is going to check it out today. Our friend here is surprising his wife for her 40th birthday tonight. So he got a table put in the Kitchen of the Main Dining Room of the Four Seasons so we can watch them cook. So fun. Football, football football tomorrow. Miss everyone and am hoping to get to NY to see Lizzie and to CA for Clark and Lucy's party. Love to all.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Great acheivement
Guess what, I have, in 2 months, lowered my cholesterol from 285 to 159!!!! I have eaten oatmeal and oat bran every day and taken red rice yeast and cut back on bad fat and voila!!! Getting ready for Hou and Mex, so excited. Clark and Lucy and excited about their party. Am waiting to here from Chaz re has date pref. I love all of you, Momma ps, Liz, I love the bed!!!
24 hr Flu
Well, I used to think that anyone who claimed to have the 24 stomach flu was just looking to miss a day of work. I now know what it is. Boy was I unhappy. I called in sick to work yesterdayfor the first time in 12 years. I have taken personal days but never a sick day. Funny thing is, I feel fine today. Mom & Clark: sorry I didn't get back to you about Clark's party. We just do not know when Lena and Oscar are going to Sweden but do know it is right around then. Just select a date and while I don't think L&O will make it in any case, I will be there. Not much going on this weekend besides a birthday party for a friend of mine on Sat. A friend from Morocco is coming to town for it and I am really looking forward to seeing him. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Days of Our Lives
Hi all. We are back from Boyne Mountain. We had a great time. The weather started out bad but improved each day. The mountain was surprisingly good for the region and as usual in the Midwest there were no lift lines. We put Oscar in day care all day on both Sat and Sun and he loved it. In the evenings, we watched football and took Oscar to the pool. They also had an indoor waterpark and a huge arcade with skeeball. I used to be good but now I suck so Oscar just got a dingy stuffed animal. I was also able to do a little fishing. I tell ya, wading in 32 degree water can get a bit chilly but my efforts were rewarded. Of course, on Sunday night we watched 24 and I insisted we get back in time for it again on Monday. Back at work now. Lena is getting ready to go to Sweden for a week when she gets back it is her 40th bday and we think we might go back to this resort or a similar one again. Miss everyone. Hi to Lucy, Clark. I hope you guys are doing great.
Living in a cave...!
Between finding an apartment (very close may I add!!!), travel, work and bogus blind dates, I have been swamped! However, I am back and say hello to my blogging peeps! I leave on Saturday for a five day trip to Chicago where I will finally be sending my stuff from storage to my new place. So excited! I am still very tan and definitely destined for skin cancer from the tanning beds. Gained at least 6 pounds since I quit the old smokies 7 weeks ago. UGH. I have been wearing lots of skirts. I finally went to the eye doctor and he confirmed that I am slowly going blind so now I wear these fun glasses and I can see so much better. Bound to lose them within a week. Hope all is well. Lots of love. Need Lyd and Luc to come decorate!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Prize Patrol
Yes, that is right, don't be surprised when the Prize Patrol rolls up to my house after the Super Bowl. Yes, it is true, I have in fact entered the Publishers Clearing..., I can't even say it. I feel good about it though. I feel lucky! The only issue is that I don't own hair rollers or Polyester pjs. That may indeed be held against me.
Monday, January 16, 2006
shawbangI everyone, what a laggart I have been!!! Loved reading all the news but better to talk to each of you also. Not a whole lot happening around here. Had a couple of incredible tennis team practices, first matach is this Fri somewhere in Marin CO. Watched a lot of football, some good games. E tell me your design ideas. I love this stuff as you know. I go to Hou this Sun and will miss the last 2 playoff games. Boo! Didn;'t realize when I made the res. Chaz The Sweden/ Chicago/Sweden/ Iceland/ plans all sound great. I love the name Lucas. Surely it is some form of Lucy!!! Oh it is a form of Luke you say? Well whatever. Clark and Perry are furiously going at their wood cutting. The machine is a monster and scares me to death. Lyd is right, black eyed peas are non-negotiable. autralian Open is on starting today but am not too into it yet. Amizetta and I are taking a 1 day class on cake decorating: how to do those fabulous smooth icings like you see on those beautiful wedding cakes etc. Should be kind of fun. It is gray and cold and ickky and I am looking forward to Hou and Mexico. I love each of you, Momma
Friday, January 13, 2006
Come on Lucy
Now that Lucy is officially going to join the family and is back in California, I think she needs to pipe in! What is her e-mail so I can send an invite?
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Notes from an Old Man
Well, I have never heard anything about black eyed peas but I will incorporate that tradition beginning next year. It is official. I am OLD. In six months, I will be closer to 40 than 35 scary. Lena through me a surprise party last night. Noone has ever done that for me before. It was really nice. I had a great birthday and everyone was so nice to call. It is 50 degrees and sunny today. Absolutely beautiful. I should have gotten everything ready to go and left tonight for our trip but as it is we are leaving in the morning. For some reason, I am looking more forward to this weekend than I have to anything for a long time. It should be really fun. Love to all.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Same Here
Chaz, don't worry. We actually usually wait until the feast of the Epiphany as well. That is technically when to take the tree down. I did always go by Granny, but when they kids started really caring the last 2 years, I became conveniently super religious and kept it up! The Black Eyed Peas are non-negotiable though. A must.
Opportunity knocks
Magoo- come build your portfolio in NYC. I am desparete for a decorator! Congradulations on going for it. I know you'll do great. Rain in Chicago but off to Boston in a couple hours. Drinks with Chaz, Lena and Oscar last night. Oscar is just the cutest little thing to walk the face of the earth! I just want 5 of him (but in about 10 years...)
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Heaps of Bad Luck
Well, if it is bad luck to leave your tree up after New Year, then I better be careful. Fact is, it is bad luck to take your tree down until 13 days after Christmas (Epiphany) in Sweden. What is a man supposed to do? I am walking out of the office to go meet Lizzie for a drink. Other than that, we are still just trying to get organized. Lena is headed back to Sweden for a week in early Feb to get started again at work. They will assign her a project and she will work on it from Chicago until she goes back again in March. Oscar is staying with me for that week but going with Lena in March. We think we have found a day care center for that week and then also think that we will enroll him for a couple of days a week when Lena returns. When Lena takes him back to Sweden, he will be enrolled at a great place there. And, it is only $130 per week. Lena will stay in Sweden until a few weeks after Lucus is born. From March until June, therefore, I am just going to go back and forth. Over Easter, I think we are going to be in Iceland. I have always wanted to go to there and am very excited. Not too excited to be without my crew but there is really no other way. To give up, Lena's maternity leave benefits for us would cost us somewhere in the neighborhood of $65K and that is just not an option right now. We'll get through it. Of course, my birthday is tomorrow but I don't really have any plans. We have a great weekend planned though and I even may be able to do some fishing. Oscar is doing great as is Lena. Love to all.
Hola Amigos
Hello all! Love the updates. I second the name Lucas. Pumped that Justin is on the cheese wagon and wish I was in 65 degree Atlanta weather. No update on the match.com date because there wasn't one. The guy never called...his lost. Traveling this week. Here in Chicago until tomorrow morning and off to Boston after that until Friday night. Finding an apartment in NYC is a blood sport and I am about to rip out all my hair. Had dinner with Dad on Sunday and going out with Chaz after work today. Seeing Matthew (aka Bermuda Boy) on Wednesday night and dining at Legal which Dad recommended. Still not smoking and have put on a good 5+ pounds conveniently right on my ass. Thank God for the tanning beds! Lyd- I work with Children's Healthcare of ATL if you recall. I'll be returning to ATL to attend their golf outings, you should get involved with those! Also, I have a call out for decorators! Any Shaw woman is officially invited to NYC beginning of February. I will have an empty one bedroom that will need some love! Cheers.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Global Warming

Anyone who does not believe in Global Warming should come to Atlanta. When we moved here 12 years ago we had a full winter with at least a couple of ice storms and always a few snow dustings. Now, it is 65 every day and is cold about 2 days all winter. I need some snow so I can wear all of these knitted items! No worries Mom, not only did I force feed black eyed peas down Dill's and the kids throats, I also personally watched as I made Dad have 2 huge spoonfulls! I have my Children's Healthcare of Atlanta kickoff meeting tomorrow night so I am trying to get all of my thoughts together and Agenda printed etc. Dill is here this week after spending last week in Las Vegas. Still on a cooking roll. Last night I made Pasta Puttenesca with a Salad of Frisee greens, a mustard dressing and an individual poached egg on each serving. It was amazing. The yolk is used as a part of the dressing. Tonight was dad's favorite, the chicken from The Barefoot Contessa. So yummy. The trampoline is still majorly entertaining to all and gives us a ton of time to ourselves since the kids just want to jump all day. Baker made a nobel attempt at whispering this weekend as he told me when being checked out at Target that the woman behind the cash register had a "Fat Tummy Mommy". Definatley a lowlight of the weekend. He must have Mom's intollerance to fat Gene! Love to all.
shawbangMother always said it was bad luck to leave your tree up after New Year's day. Also, hope everyone had their black eyed peas or Mother will come back to haunt you. M and just played tennis, I pruned roses earlier. I have team practice tomorrow and am taking M's lesson w/ Fred on Wed, then I have another practice on Fri. It is gorgeous weather here finally and we are out doors every minute. Clark and Perry will be back from Oregon tomorrow w/ the machine the does the wood. I love all of you to distraction. Momma
Back To Business
Well, not to be a party pooper, but the decorations are gone, the tree is now pulp and everything is back to how it was before the holidays. We, too, are knee deep in projects. The loft is looking great and we now think we can make it work until we are ready to boot Lucas out of our room. We have been shopping for a sideboard and are getting custom drapes for the living room. I have also broken down and am looking to hire a painter because I simply do not want to paint all of the walls we want to color. Anyway, it is really shaping up and it is too bad we are now considering moving before too long. I guess that is the way it will always be. We, too, watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith last night. I tried on Friday night and watched 5 minutes as it was late. I tried to give it another try and lasted 15. I agree. That is the worst movie ever. I think Lena stayed up and watched it but I wasn't about to loose sleep over that one. We also watched Girl in a Cafe by the fella that did Four Weddings... and Love Actually. It was quite good. We are headed back up to Michigan this weekend. We rented a room at a new lodge at Boyne Mountain. It should be great. We are going to ski a couple of days and I am going to bring my fishing gear as well. Lizzie is in town and we are trying to make plans to hook up. Might be hard since we are both so busy. Anway, I love you all.
Friday, January 06, 2006
It is cold and Grey today so Baker and I are watching Star Wars while Mary Rowe is napping. He has his new Green Light Saber tight in his hands and loves it. The Jaba the Hut is mighty ugly, I'll tell ya. Lucille, please welcome Justin into the joyous world of cheese for me. Not too sure how he has survived thus far without it! Dill is in Las Vegas so the kids and I are going to a friends tonight. Watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith last night and thought it was dumb. Their chemistry was definately amazing, but the movie was stupid. Just got back from the gym which was full of people I have never seen before. They should piddle off soon. Lots of love.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
shawbangSorry I've been kind of out of the loop blog wise. We have ble skies!!!! M p[layed tennis and I worked in the yard which is a total mess. Clark got home last night and is so happy and looks great. Any of you can come cook for me! Lucille, love the idea of spending time w/ the id person for advice. You have a great eye. Great news about cheese. Now we can really make him part of the family. I'm knitting away while enjoying all the unbelieveable football. Hope the pro playoffs are 1/2 as good. Going todinner tomorrow night with Rue and John then to the Bothwessl's for dinner on Sat. My tenant rented my condo for another 4 months so my big "move" is postponed. Amgoing to Hou on Jan 22, then from there to Mexico w/ 32 women, only 5 of whom I know, the back to Hou then home probably about the 7th of Feb. I love each of you to distraction. Momma
Well, it's over. I'm not making millions but i still have a job! Everything went fine and I can stay in NYC. Speaking of, I have been apartment hunting and I am really getting excited for my own place. Lots of travel this month, including a couple days in LA. Hope everyone is doing great. Celebrating tonight at a hot restaurant called Thor. Have my blind date tomorrow with match.com....hahahaha- stay tuned
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
The monkey is off my back
Day two at the gym and life is starting to get back to normal. I am sure you will have rave reviews Lizzy, can't wait to hear. Chaz, your menus sound insane. Come cook for us. Now that Dad is gone I have been really cooking up a storm. He is quite inspiring in the kitchen. It is 68 and sunny today so life on the Trampoline is good. I watched the Penguin movie too Chaz, Cecily sent it to Baker for Christmas, and I loved it. Love to all.
Today is the day
Well, today is my review. It's been 14 months since my last review and I am SO nervous it is a joke. A LOT had happend since then. Sean is flying in just for it and lands at 11am and our meeting is at 1pm. I have done everything to look and feel my best. This morning, I woke up early and went for a quick run (I have never done that in my life) and I am wearing a sweater that dad gave me, pearls and earrings from mom, granny's ring and a watch from Kristi. I am covered in love so I really hope it works and brings me some luck. I just got a manicure and my tan is thick as summer. Let's hope that I am able to stay in NYC and that I'll be paid enough to afford it...
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Lena and I had a nice weekend though not very exciting. On Friday, we went out with Pat and Lisa for Lisa's 32nd birthday. We went shopping on Saturday and spent the evening at home. We watched the March of the Penguins which we enjoyed and I made an awesome dinner. Center Cut Loin Lamb Chops broiled with herbs de provence, turkish olive oil, portugese sel de mer and hand cracked indian telicherry pepper. Mashed potatoes with sour cream and green onions and petite haricot verts with european butter and portugese sel de mer. I am more convinced than ever that the butter in the US is crap and now pay more for the European butter one can get a whole foods. Same is true for Olive Oil and salt. I know you may thing that all salt is the same but ask Dad about the salt I have from Portugal. It is so delicious. Anyway, lame-o Chaz and Lena barely made it to the New Year. I think our head hit the pillow at 12:01. Sunday we went for a walk and Lena went out with her friends that night. I stayed home with Oscar and cooked. What did I cook? The exact same thing. I had to make sure I had it down for posterity as this is going down as one of my all time favorite meals. Monday the weather was awful and we did not leave the house. We watched Million Dollar Baby (good but I don't see what all the hoopla is about). I guess they just had to give Clint a best actor and were running out of time. Mostly, I just read the book that Lena gave me for xmas. 101 days in bagdad. OK but I could have wrote it. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great year. Love to all.
Monday, January 02, 2006
On with the Cyber Hunt
Lizzy, I am so fired up about your match.com date. Can't wait to hear. We have been trying to get Caitlin to do it in Raleigh and know a lot of people who do it here. Still fat in Atlanta, but am hitting the gym tomorrow. So I better go eat some ice cream before I have to be miserable.
Bring on 2006
Happy New Year to all! I have spent the first 2 days of my new year apartment hunting and furniture shopping which has been VERY fun. I have never decorated my own place and I am really going to pimp out every nook and cranny. For all of you who thought I blew it out in NYE, I am going to disappoint you... truth is I was home by 1am and close to sober. Still clinging to my detox and moving into week 6 of no smoking. Have I mentioned that I have gained at least 6 pounds..? Well, no worries. I bought a tanning package and I am hands down the tannest white girl on the island because mom has always said, "TAN FAT IS BETTER THAN WHITE FAT." Word to your momma. That is bible in my opinion. Brace yourselves but I have moved into cyber space date world and have my first blind date through match.com on Friday night with a guy named Doug. Quick stats: 27, college athlete, just moved here from London, venture capital, cute picture. We'll see. Should be worth a blog. Lindsay may get the job working on "Entourage" which would have her moving back to LA for at least 3 more months and leaving me the SoHo loft all to myself. Hummm, rough. We find out this week. Love to all.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year to my babies! The Foegers have just left and we are headed to a party. Clark called last night from a big party to wish us a happy new year. He sounded soooo happy. My heart is bursting. I'm busy mentally gathering all the stuff to take to my condo when M and I drive the white jeep and pull a trailer of stuff. Foegers have 2 tvs that are relatively new ( they are big techies) and perfect for my needs. They have bought plasma somethings and no longer need these. Yippee. Hope everyone is happy and looking forward to a great "06. My resolutions is to not say anything negative about anyone in general conversation. What are yours? LOve momma
Happy New Year to my babies! The Foegers have just left and we are headed to a party. Clark called last night from a big party to wish us a happy new year. He sounded soooo happy. My heart is bursting. I'm busy mentally gathering all the stuff to take to my condo when M and I drive the white jeep and pull a trailer of stuff. Foegers have 2 tvs that are relatively new ( they are big techies) and perfect for my needs. They have bought plasma somethings and no longer need these. Yippee. Hope everyone is happy and looking forward to a great "06. My resolutions is to not say anything negative about anyone in general conversation. What are yours? LOve momma
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