Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Welcome more visitors!
Well, super excited because my high school friend and college roommate Kate kossack is coming to town. She lives in Panama and I never get to see her. She is SO fun. My other high school friend Friedman is coming from NYC for the weekend. On top of all this, Drew and I have our Warren Miller tickets for Saturday night. We went last year and it always gets me super excited for ski season. Can't wait. Still sunny but brisk weather here. My maid comes tomorrow and I cannot wait!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Family Weekend
Well, I am fried. We really had a jam packed weekend. I slept like a rock last night. It was so great to see everyone despite the conditions. I especially enjoyed the lovely fall weather even though a lot of you guys were a little chilly. I am sorry our shopping wasn't as great as we hoped. Lyd, I hope you can find those dang shoes in Georgia. After seeing several Bernese dogs this weekend, I spent a good hour with Dreamy watching Berner puppy videos on you tube. Man, we are dying for this dog! They are too cute. Have to wait, though. I though Dad and Chaz's places looked awesome.
Busy week just getting more settled with work, cleaning up and catching up with friends. I love everyone. Hope the kids feel better, Lyd.
Busy week just getting more settled with work, cleaning up and catching up with friends. I love everyone. Hope the kids feel better, Lyd.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Welcome Visitors
Really looking forward to having the whole family in town this weekend. It should be around 55 degrees so hopefully all the Californians and southerners won't freeze. I am at day 2 of my new job and it is great so far. Very busy. Everyone have a safe trip and can't wait to catch up!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Dad, is that you?
Dad! Coming outta nowhere! Join in on the fun. Cut my hair AGAIN. Love it. Gotta stop now. Don;t have much left. Going to lunch and shopping with Carrie right now. Trying to enjoy week off before I gear up on Monday.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Thanks and Safe Trip!
I am so happy that you are all coming to Chicago next weekend. Thank you and Safe Trip! I can't wait to see you all.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Done. I am done. Done with TalentDrive. I am so happy to move on to my new job. I am going to go in on Thursday and get all my paperwork outta the way and be set to get going on Monday. Dreamy is out of town and I have had a mellow weekend filled with cooking, yoga and tanning. Can't complain. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Went to brunch with Dad today. His place is really coming along.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Welcome McDrewy
It is an unbelievably beautiful fall day today. Perfect for a visit from McDrewy. So precious of him to call us to come over. He should be here shortly. Had a great week. I am obsessed with Craigs List. People are paying me to clean out my storage. I sold a rocker for $250 and those gold couches I hated from the basement for $450! Next stop, stupid treadmill, weight set and stationary bike. We have taken everthing out of the basement and painted it Linen White and are getting all new furniture with the proceeds from Craigslist! Love it. Spencer is 5 months today. I can hardly believe it. We are to that great stage where he is sleeping from 7a-7p and it is heaven. Have a casual weekend. Going to Mexican tonight, but Dill has to work most the weekend so the kids and I will hang out. We have t-ball and soccer so that is Sunday. Amazing weather for the deck so we will definately put the Nascar night race on the deck on Saturday night!!! So looking forward to seeing everyone in Chicago. Especially to the dinner at Shaw's. I know you all are bummed that it is cold, but I am hoping for really cold weather so I can wear the new toggle pea coat I got for my birthday. Chaz, I cannot wait to see your house. Finally got you your housewarming present today to bring. Sorry it is very late. Better late than never I sappose. OOO, Drew is here.
OK. So I leave for NY for one night and winter sets in. You gotta love Fall if you live in Chicago but it sure doesn't last long. 3 weeks at best. Same every year. What this really means is that I am running out of time to get my garden done before everything goes dormant. My garden is my new project. It looks great. Or at least it looked great before all the leaves started falling. Still haven't planted my bulbs for the Spring but that is this weekend's project. Can't wait for everyone's visit despite the circumstances. Lena and I have spent a lot of time on the house and it is really coming around. Still a ways to go but we are really happy with our purchase. Our new nanny is working out great. We are really pleased. She is Romanian and very hardworking and helpful. At any rate, she has lasted more than a day. Also on the agenda for the weekend is the circus and a trip to our new club in the suburbs. Mom likes to work out and stuff but we just play in the pool. The boys love it. They both love water. Life is getting easier as the boys get older. Thank the Lord. Of course, we aren't done yet- can't let Lyd get too far ahead- so it is only temporary. We hope anyway. If we have more kids, I am just resigned to the fact that it will be another boy. I figure it is payback for the grief I caused my parents. If this is payback though. I will take it. Of course, the house might be a little more civilized if we had another female around. I think Lena is getting a little annoyed at our farting competitions. Can't wait to see everyone. Love you all.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Back at it
I went to Yoga last night and it kicked my butt. Man, I slept like a champion. It was fantastic. I have been at a trade show all morning since 6:15am and it went really well. Tonight, I am having dinner at Republic which is a new hot restaurant with my friend from New York. Looking forward to a quiet weekend while Drew is out. Yoga on Sat and Sun! Love to all.
Monday, October 08, 2007

We had a really busy weekend. Fisher and Parker were here from Boston. The Cubs lost in the playoffs and Andy ran the marathon. The marathon was nuts. It was about 87 degrees and people were passing out left and right and one guy even died. They ended up calling it and the runners either had to quit or walk. Andy was fast so he was at his 24th mile and they let him walk to finish. He ran in 4 1/2 hours which is crazy. I don't really think your body is supposed to run 26 miles but whatever. When a 35 year old cops drops dead you gotta wonder. I am going to get my butt into Yoga this week. Drew is going to Atlanta this weekend for his brother's birthday and he is planning on stopping by to say hi to Lyd and check out the deck. Getting very excited about every one's trip out to Chicago. The weather here is very warm for this time or year. Busy week at work. Have a friend coming in town from NYC so that should be fun. We are going to a new restaurant called republic on Wednesday night. Meeting Dreamy for lunch today. Love to all.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Sea Ranch
Hi All,
Well it is breezy and cold up here in Gualala. We are here for a wedding at Sea Ranch- Justin's cousin is getting married. He hasn't seen him since he was two but we're here making the effort none-the-less. We had some forced family fun this AM. We all went canoeing and sang the ENTIRE time. We were singing row row row your boat in canon. We sang, rollin' rollin' rollin' down the river; the yellow submarine. I think we sang some Reba McEntyre too.
There was a farmer's market in town so we got a pumpkin pie, strawberries, some delicious goat cheese and some honey to put on the goat cheese. It's a pretty small town but it is beautiful up here. Very rugged coastal and lots of birds. I know I am going to FREEZE tonight at the wedding so I am about soak it up in the tub to warm before this night gets started. We are out of cell phone range which is wonderful. Can't wait for our trip to Chicago. Can't wait to see everyone. L
Well it is breezy and cold up here in Gualala. We are here for a wedding at Sea Ranch- Justin's cousin is getting married. He hasn't seen him since he was two but we're here making the effort none-the-less. We had some forced family fun this AM. We all went canoeing and sang the ENTIRE time. We were singing row row row your boat in canon. We sang, rollin' rollin' rollin' down the river; the yellow submarine. I think we sang some Reba McEntyre too.
There was a farmer's market in town so we got a pumpkin pie, strawberries, some delicious goat cheese and some honey to put on the goat cheese. It's a pretty small town but it is beautiful up here. Very rugged coastal and lots of birds. I know I am going to FREEZE tonight at the wedding so I am about soak it up in the tub to warm before this night gets started. We are out of cell phone range which is wonderful. Can't wait for our trip to Chicago. Can't wait to see everyone. L
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Thanks for the kind wishes and gifts
Happppppy Birthday!!!
Hey Lyd! I hope you had a wonderful wonderful birthday. Postponned birthdays are the best - they last longer. Have fun on Friday and I hope you get lots of great presents.
Happy Birthday to you...
...Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear LYDIA. Happy birthday to you!!! Hope you have a great day and can't wait to see you. Lots of love
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Slow week
This week is moving like molasses. The nice thing is that the weather here is wonderful. I just bought this great trench coat and it's been perfect to wear everyday. The Chicago Marathon is this weekend and my friend Andy is running in it. Also, Fisher and Parker come to visit us this weekend so that should be really fun. As you guys all know, I got the new job which is very exciting. I start on the 22nd and am not taking any time off in between which is a big drag. I assume I will be seeing all of you pretty soon in Ohio or Chicago. Not the best reason to be getting together but will be great to see you all nevertheless. Food blog is really hopping. Lots of new and returning visitors every day. Carrie starts her new job in November so she has decided to become a kick butt cook. She made us an awesome dinner last night. She also bought me a cool plant to 'brighten up' my apartment. That was nice of her. Anyway, no big updates obviously. I love the picture of the bernese. Drew and I can't wait to get ours! Oh, btw, Prison Break rules and I cannot wait for Top Chef finale tomorrow. Go Dale!
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