Tuesday, September 26, 2006
So fun
I don't know where to begin. We had the best long weekend in the valley. Clark was absolutely precious and toured us through Amizetta and Spencer's. Mike gave us an incredible tour of his vineyards. Showed them how to pick grapes let them taste them and explained the growing process. So cool. The t-shirts were great. Dill set up black stretch limos to pick us all up to take us to the airport and to pick us up when we got home. It felt like prom. I kind of felt like I was Lizzy for a weekend. Tra Vigne was so fun, but food was very average. Everyone loved Lucille and wants she and Justin to hit the White House. They are all Republicans, and they still said they would vote for him. Thanks for coming Luc. Can't wait for you all to come for Thanksgiving. Dill is so excited that his NBF is coming to town! The big hit of the weekend was Gillwoods. We went twice. I think I gained ten pounds in the Eggs California. I will send pictures along when i get them. We also played tennis, shopped, sat in the sun. Mom and I taught 2 of them to knit and I think we have created monsters. They have not stopped knitting since we got back. We had a Song airlines plane on the way back so we had our own movie choices etc. I watched Da Vinci Code. I was shocked because I loved the book and everyone said the movie was terrible. I thought is was totally true to the book and great. Speaking of books, Lucille, read the Glass Castle, I think you would really enjoy it. Well, I guess the baby news is out of the bag, at least to the family. We are having an ultrasound tomorrow so hopefully if all looks good and healthy I will have a fun pick to throw up on the blog. We are really excited. Haven't told the kids yet because we want to hear a heartbeat first. Hopefully we will tomorrow. They have both been begging for a baby so they should be very excited. Hope all is well with everyone.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Only 6 days to go!
Lyd- We need a serious blog from you. Include pics! All's well in Chicago. Drew is definitely dreamy! xoxo
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Lyd, it was so great to see you and your friends. I thought they were all fantastic but especially liked Brook. She is so fun. I think Justin enjoyed meeting Southern women. He was impersonating their accents all weekend. We're going to try to buy our tickets to Atlanta tonight.
The hike in Marin was beautiful. We ended up at this German social club/brewery which has a beautiful view of the headlands. My friend was having a birthday party there. We pulled out the scrabble board and played for a few hours. So that was fun. I get really competitive when I play that game.
My friend Marie is visiting this weekend. We just shopped around for a few hours and afterwards, I stopped and got my makeup done at Benefit. Tonight is date night; I wonder if Justin will even notice! He'll probably say something like, 'what did you do to your face?' Guys are so clueless.
My boss gets back from Africa this week - which to be honest, I am not really looking forward to because things are going to pick up again. But I guess that is fun, too. I went to this cool restaurant in the mission this weekend - they play foreign films outside on the patio wall with sub-captions. So you eat yummy food and watch foreign films. It felt very retro, edgey.
I can't wait to do my niece/nephew birthday shopping. I love shopping for clothes for them. Chaz and Lyd, if your kids have any special requests for birthday gifts, let me know...
Lizzie, I hope you have a great time in Chicago this week.
The hike in Marin was beautiful. We ended up at this German social club/brewery which has a beautiful view of the headlands. My friend was having a birthday party there. We pulled out the scrabble board and played for a few hours. So that was fun. I get really competitive when I play that game.
My friend Marie is visiting this weekend. We just shopped around for a few hours and afterwards, I stopped and got my makeup done at Benefit. Tonight is date night; I wonder if Justin will even notice! He'll probably say something like, 'what did you do to your face?' Guys are so clueless.
My boss gets back from Africa this week - which to be honest, I am not really looking forward to because things are going to pick up again. But I guess that is fun, too. I went to this cool restaurant in the mission this weekend - they play foreign films outside on the patio wall with sub-captions. So you eat yummy food and watch foreign films. It felt very retro, edgey.
I can't wait to do my niece/nephew birthday shopping. I love shopping for clothes for them. Chaz and Lyd, if your kids have any special requests for birthday gifts, let me know...
Lizzie, I hope you have a great time in Chicago this week.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Going out with a ShawBANG!!!
Between a fashion show, fine dining, rickshaw rides and live music, I'd say that I am leaving NYC in serious style. I have never been to a fashion show and they are cool, cool, cool. The best people watching ever. The weather here has been unreal but I am bound for rainy Chicago on Sunday. Perry is out of town this weekend and I miss having him around. We have really been enjoying each others company and he is loving NYC. So excited for Sunday that I cannot see straight. Might try to wake up early and fly standby. Can't wait to see Magoo's penpal.... Have I told you all that I am going to Prague for my birthday? Yeah. That is going to rock. I am going to put a 'Chicago or Bust' sign on my U Haul next week. The UN Summit was absolutely nutty this week. I have never seen so many protesters/ secret service/ motorcades in my entire life. I have not been able to mail a letter all week. The mailboxes are locked to prevent bombings. Jesus. Have a good weekend all.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
What's up with me??
I am in serious whip-my-ass-into-shape mode. Yesterday was boot camp. Tonight was LAB - legs, abs and butt. I am numb right now from the chest down. Boot camp kicked my bootie and now I am can barely lift my arms to take my sports bra off. But I am dedicated. I'm going to get some hot shot legs back! I am hoping to gain some muscle so I will look a little less 'frail'.
I am heading up to Napa Friday night to have dinner with Lydia and all her friends, but then I've got to get up early on Saturday for a Marin hike with friends to celebrate a birthday. Really looking forward to this weekend.
I have a new pen pal named Drew. We talk about weather and how much we wish we were hanging in the hammock at Mom's (not together) ; ) Lizzie, he is a keeper.
Justin's working hard to get into business school, which has been tough since he has to keep up with his law stuff. The business school applications are long and there's a lot of writing. But he hired this great group of people that help him organize everything.
Tonight is taco night at Chez Shaw. I think I could eat 5 tacos right now.
Can't wait to see you Lyd and to meet your friends. See you soon!
I am heading up to Napa Friday night to have dinner with Lydia and all her friends, but then I've got to get up early on Saturday for a Marin hike with friends to celebrate a birthday. Really looking forward to this weekend.
I have a new pen pal named Drew. We talk about weather and how much we wish we were hanging in the hammock at Mom's (not together) ; ) Lizzie, he is a keeper.
Justin's working hard to get into business school, which has been tough since he has to keep up with his law stuff. The business school applications are long and there's a lot of writing. But he hired this great group of people that help him organize everything.
Tonight is taco night at Chez Shaw. I think I could eat 5 tacos right now.
Can't wait to see you Lyd and to meet your friends. See you soon!
Love the shirt!
Hey all- So excited for you Lyd. You deserve a break and some good fun with friends. Down to the wire here in NYC. Juggling lots of stuff rt now and my head is spinning. LOVE having Perry as a roommate. We have become pretty close. Lindsay Buehler moved back to CA today :-( So, that was sad. Nice fall weather here. Leave for Chicago on Sunday for three days and a little McDrewmy action. Hope to see Chaz and dad, too. Love to all. What's up Magoo?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
...is how I would describe my weekend. Three nights at Radio City got to the best of me and now I need a weekend from my weekend. The pic of Baker and Mary Rowe is so cute. The weather here is really great. Perry and I are having so much fun together. He has been running all over the place looking for an apartment. My office is throwing me a going away party on Thursday night so I will be looking forward to that. I cannot believe that Chicago is so soon. Dying to hear more about the survivor party.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Go Braves

Yesterday was Baker's first game as a Brave. So fun. Mary Rowe was desperate to get out there and play so the coach told her she could be an honorary member of the team. That seemed to satisfy her enough. Can't wait until we go to California on Thursday. Will definately post a picture of the T-Shirt when I pick it up on Wednesday. Lucille, Mom is going to die when you tell her about Survivor. She might just crash the party! Very fired up today because Dill got me a beautiful brown hobo bag to bring on my trip. I love it. It makes any outfit! I think I am going to break down and get a spray tan before I go. Why not. I did it last spring when Shannon was here and it took everything in me to not just walk around naked everywhere. Hah. Ok, maybe it didn't take everything in me!! Love to all.
chez shaw
Well i'm cooking up a storm over here. Sunday night dinner party once again. Tonight's menu, rosemary leg of lamb, slow-roasted tomoatos and sauteed mushrooms. Ha, Chaz you'd love it!
It's been a beautiful weekend. Yesterday we went to an art auction in Bolinas. Unfortunately, we apparently have good art taste because we were bidding against all the "collectors". Needless to say, we came home empty handed but we still had fun.
Before that, we went to Bodega Bay, which is over-rated. There's nothing there!! But the drive there was fantastic. We stopped at Tomales Bay Oyster Co and Hog Island Oyster for some fresh oysters. I couldn't believe how many people were there! We also stopped at some fun antique stores. I felt like I was on the show Bayarea Backroads.
Speaking of shows! Mom and Lyd, one of Justin's old campaign friends is on Survivor. His name is Yul Kwan and he's the super smart Korean one. The Las Vegas odds have him coming in third. We're going to a viewing party at his house to watch him as he watches how they portray him on TV. Can't wait!
Well I better get back to the kitchen! Gotta check on the tomatos!
Peace out hommies.
It's been a beautiful weekend. Yesterday we went to an art auction in Bolinas. Unfortunately, we apparently have good art taste because we were bidding against all the "collectors". Needless to say, we came home empty handed but we still had fun.
Before that, we went to Bodega Bay, which is over-rated. There's nothing there!! But the drive there was fantastic. We stopped at Tomales Bay Oyster Co and Hog Island Oyster for some fresh oysters. I couldn't believe how many people were there! We also stopped at some fun antique stores. I felt like I was on the show Bayarea Backroads.
Speaking of shows! Mom and Lyd, one of Justin's old campaign friends is on Survivor. His name is Yul Kwan and he's the super smart Korean one. The Las Vegas odds have him coming in third. We're going to a viewing party at his house to watch him as he watches how they portray him on TV. Can't wait!
Well I better get back to the kitchen! Gotta check on the tomatos!
Peace out hommies.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
T-1 Week
Well, it is now time for my countdown to California. I am getting really excited. Just dropped off the t-shirts I am having made and they are so cute. I was going to get them for you guys too, but it ended up being a very expensive cute idea! Everyone is fired up and the forecast looks good for next weekend. I am bummed that Spencer and Lalah won't be there, but am going to ask sweet Clark if he can tour us around. Lucy's parents will be in town also so I will get to meet them. I have 4 kids here playing today and a upholstery cleaner cleaning Tigger's angry pee off the red couch. I don't when Tigger is going to realize that Satchmo is here to stay and his anger over it needs to subside!! I need a fricken pet therapist. Chaz, great to hear from you. I am so glad that you and Lena joined a club with child care. Ours has it too and it really gives Mother's a motivation to work out since it means you get a couple of hours away from the kids. Dill is in Houston for a few days so we are being really loud and messy since he isn't in his office. Baker's T-Ball season starts up again on Friday so he is really excited. He is on the BRAVES this season so that was a big coup. Will take plenty of picks. Miss everyone and love to all.
I am here
OK. I must admit to being the weak link here. Sorry. Where to start? Firstly, as I think you all know, we have decided to put off the move until the Spring. We just couldn't get it together. Too much going on. I am bummed that we will miss out on the house we had our eye on but I am sure we will find one we like in the Spring. The good news is that we have spent so much time and money getting the place ship-shape to sell that we love it. It looks great. Since we are sticking around, we decided to join East Bank Club. East Bank is really nice. They have great daycare so Lena can drop the kids off and workout. She looks great by the way. I just love the pool and jacuzzi. Yesterday, we had our "Green Card" interview. Think the movie. No "what is her favorite color," etc. My strategy was perfect. Bring the kids in and let them go crazy around the office during the interview and they would want us out of there asap. Anyway, Lena's application is approved and she is now a permanent resident. Glad to have that taken care of. On the business side, things are well. I was in SF the other day to meet with venture capitalists. We met with a firm in Palo Alto and also with Texas Pacific Group in SF. TPG is the largest private equity group in the world at 80 bln so it was quite a moment in my career. We believe it went well but we will see. I did get to see James and Clark and Lucy and also had dinner with Lucille and Justin. We had a great time. My two bosses just loved Lucille. They say you have exceptional beauty and poise. Of course, I agree. Dad's birthday is tomorrow. K&K are gone for their 25th anniversary and obviously Liz is not around so I want to make sure he has a nice bday. I plan on taking him out to dinner and though I would pay for a guide to take us fishing for salmon next week. Please remember to call everyone though I know you will. I love you all.
Holy Blogging, Batman!
Well, there you guys are! The weather here blows, rain, rain go away! But, I am going to see panic for the next three nights at radio city and I am so excited I cannot see straight. Don't know how I feel about everyone flying south for Thanksgiving b/c I know that I'll be in Chicago :-( Work is intense, basically working two jobs right now between Aquent and what Sean and I are starting up. Wish I had nice SF weather here! Today is Drew's birthday and I threw my phone in my purse and it pocket txted him about 37 times. Nice way to wake up on your birthday.... love to all. Chaz, where you at?!?
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I still have paint in my hair
The big trip has been postponned. Clark's wedding mixed up the plan, but that's fine with me. We're hoping to get away and do something either after Christmas, during his spring break or maybe after Clark's wedding. So that leaves us with a free Thanksgiving. He has never been to the south and he likes to hang with Dill. So this is looking feasible. Keep your fingers crossed.
I'm off for a walk and then to book club, didn't read the book. It was too earthy. The weather has been gorgeous here - Indian Summer.
Love everybody.
The big trip has been postponned. Clark's wedding mixed up the plan, but that's fine with me. We're hoping to get away and do something either after Christmas, during his spring break or maybe after Clark's wedding. So that leaves us with a free Thanksgiving. He has never been to the south and he likes to hang with Dill. So this is looking feasible. Keep your fingers crossed.
I'm off for a walk and then to book club, didn't read the book. It was too earthy. The weather has been gorgeous here - Indian Summer.
Love everybody.
Don't get me all excited Lucille!!!
Luc, we would be so excited if you guys could come. I said something to Mom when she was just here and she said you all were going on some big trip at Thanksgiving? I hope not. Would love to have you. Glad the painting is done. Lizzy, love the pictures from the Open. Caitlin is in town so we did a girls shopping trip today. On our way to Baker's tennis lesson in a few minutes. School is in full swing and the weather is starting to feel like fall. That with all of the college football, there just is no better place than the South this time of year.
Love to all.
Love to all.
The procastinator's meeting has been postponned
Hi all-
Well, I spent the entire weekend painting my apartment (yes again, it might as well be the Golden Gate Bridge). But this time I love it! The place is really coming together. All we need now is some art and then it will be time to move on to the bedroom which is right now a white canvas. Can't wait!! I've got some fun, cheap ideas for that room - it will be time to get out the sewing machine Lydia.
Last week we went to the opening of the symphony - great people watching and it was even more entertaining to watch Justin listen to the symphony - he is really into it and bobs his head the whole time. I ran into Rich Peterson, which was so weird because I hadn't seen him in YEARS - probably about 19! I can't believe I recognized him. I also got to see Chaz recently because he was in town being a hot shot entrepreneur.
I met Clark & Lucy at fisherman's wharf for a drink last week and got to catch up with them. They are so excited for the wedding and are still really in love and cute.
What are everyone's holiday plans? I am trying to sort that out now so Justin and I don't fight about it later. If we super plan it, it tends to go pretty well. Lydia, I hear that Mom & Mike are coming to see you...can Justin & I come too?
Lizzie, are you floating on air? US Open and an official stellar boyfriend. Life is good. That has been the moto for you lately.
Alright, back to work. I am designing a fireplace - so fun! Lots of love,
Well, I spent the entire weekend painting my apartment (yes again, it might as well be the Golden Gate Bridge). But this time I love it! The place is really coming together. All we need now is some art and then it will be time to move on to the bedroom which is right now a white canvas. Can't wait!! I've got some fun, cheap ideas for that room - it will be time to get out the sewing machine Lydia.
Last week we went to the opening of the symphony - great people watching and it was even more entertaining to watch Justin listen to the symphony - he is really into it and bobs his head the whole time. I ran into Rich Peterson, which was so weird because I hadn't seen him in YEARS - probably about 19! I can't believe I recognized him. I also got to see Chaz recently because he was in town being a hot shot entrepreneur.
I met Clark & Lucy at fisherman's wharf for a drink last week and got to catch up with them. They are so excited for the wedding and are still really in love and cute.
What are everyone's holiday plans? I am trying to sort that out now so Justin and I don't fight about it later. If we super plan it, it tends to go pretty well. Lydia, I hear that Mom & Mike are coming to see you...can Justin & I come too?
Lizzie, are you floating on air? US Open and an official stellar boyfriend. Life is good. That has been the moto for you lately.
Alright, back to work. I am designing a fireplace - so fun! Lots of love,
Monday, September 11, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
and Drew sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G, first comes love, then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage!!!!!!!!!!
Houston, We Have a Boyfriend...

Well, Napa was a great success!!! I showed my friends a great time, the weather was amazing and I locked down a good guy to start hanging out with. Mom mentioned to me that I have seen all of my siblings in the last month. It's so great that we have been seeing so much of each other. Napa is now annual so watch out Mom and Mike! Lyd, you'll have a ball. I am pretty fired up about Clark's wedding. He was so cute when he was telling me details. Alex and Kristi are here this week. Can't wait for US OPEN on Saturday. Too fun. Rain in NYC. 22 days until my move... Love to all. What's up Chaz?
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Long time no post
Hey, sorry I have not posted in so long. I loved your pictures Liz and am so jelous that you all got to hang out all weekend. So fun. Not real jelous of your weekend though Mom. Glad you do it though. Today was the first day of school. The kids were super excited so that was fun. Took them for burgers and milkshakes after at the loop to get the scoop etc. Starting to get so excited about my girl trip to the valley. So fun. Lizzy's pictures got me super excited. It is less than 3 weeks away so it is definately coming soon. After 8 years of hating our wedding rings, we got new ones today. I got 2 really pretty platanum bands that go on either side of my rings. It looks so pretty and makes it so I can wear silver, plat or gold. Kind of fun. Loving the US Open and can't wait for your report Liz. Chaz, where are you??? Season Premiere of "House" is tonight and I am so excited that I can hardly see straight. Love to all.
Friday, September 01, 2006
T minus 1 day
Alright Lizzie, I'm so pumped for this weekend. I'm getting up at 7 tomorrow and I will hit the road. I am trying to somehow miss the traffic - the Bay Bridge closing is a real mess. Can't wait to pool it and veg out all weekend.
My boss is about to go to Africa for 1 month so we are trying to make a bunch of design decisions today before she goes so we can still be productive while she is away. She is going furniture and accessory shopping. So fun!
B Brooks and Henrik are going to be at Mom's on Monday. I'm really excited to see them. It's been a LONG time. Can't wait to see Elsabet.
I had dinner with a bunch of my girlfriends at a Moroccan place last night - so yummy.
Can't wait to see you Lizzie!! Love everybody!
My boss is about to go to Africa for 1 month so we are trying to make a bunch of design decisions today before she goes so we can still be productive while she is away. She is going furniture and accessory shopping. So fun!
B Brooks and Henrik are going to be at Mom's on Monday. I'm really excited to see them. It's been a LONG time. Can't wait to see Elsabet.
I had dinner with a bunch of my girlfriends at a Moroccan place last night - so yummy.
Can't wait to see you Lizzie!! Love everybody!
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