Monday, July 24, 2006
Summer Nights
Sunday, July 23, 2006
New Pics!

We got these pics from the surf camp - they emailed them to us. Justin was so pumped that he finally caught a wave backwards. He had been trying the whole week and finally got it on our last day in CR. The other one is me (the white one!) and the rest of the girls that were there (minus Lizzie - she was basking in the sun at the natural springs). It's been nice and hot in San Francisco. We watched the sunset at Baker beach last night for the first time ever. I never knew the sun set there! I thought San Francisco was sunset-less. We are having a dinner party tonight with Josh Wilson and this girl we are trying to set him up with. I hope he doesn't play shy like he normally does. As Lizzie told him when she was visiting me- he has so much game but he doesn't even know it. Lizzie, he needs another pep talk! I am getting really excited for Michigan next weekend - I can't wait to meet Lucas!!! I am also excited to show Justin what Michigan is all about and dinner at the Brown's is always delish. A visit to Chicago is definitely in order now that everyone will be organized in the North Shore. We will look into making a visit. We can come and help you paint one weekend or something Chazzie.
the house
i love that house chazzie. the back yard is spectacular! how nice to have a yard. I am sure oscar and lucas will love that. i can just see you all having a really nice life there. congratulations!!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Really looking forward to seeing most of you next week. We are busier than ever. We are desperately trying to get our place ready to show. I am pretty confident that it will sell at a decent price and without being on the market too long but anything can happen. I haven't bid on the house in Kenilworth yet but we are preparing to. For those of you who haven't seen it, go to: I have had a hell of time with this link. Hope it works this time. I'll keep everyone posted. It's too early at this point. Love you all.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Happy Birthday Pookie
Well, today is my pooknificent's 36th birthday so we are celebrating. Headed to Michigan tomorrow so I am writing you from Carbuffs where they are cleaning my disgusting car so we can start clean on the roadtrip. Looking forward to the Louisville Slugger factory tour tomorrow and to seeing the horse farms in Lexington. Mary Rowe loves horses so it should be fun. Michael warned me though to now let you kids liking horses too much because then they will start dreaming about Ponies for Christmas! Can't wait to see everyone next week. Chaz show us the house.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
can't I just blend......?
Man, I wish I could keep my mouth shut. Good thing there is a high % that I've got another job to leap into b/c my Boston office hates me. Really have the 'us' and 'them' thing going on and would probably have little to no job security with out Sean around. Oh Well. Might as well take more time off! Here's to MI and Cape Cod!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Saltines and Ginger Ale
After a night and day of throwing up, Mary Rowe now seems to be feeling better so cross your fingers! Just watched Hustle and Flow, such an amazing movie. Loved it. Trying to get organized to leave Friday. We are driving to Michigan this year so we are gearing up for a Grizwald family outing of epic proportions. We are for some reason really looking forward to it. 16 hours isn't so bad!!?? Mom got me hooked on the show "House" when I was home. I think one of you watches it. Lizzy? I love it. Can't believe I had never seen it. Getting my hair cut again tomorrow, toes done etc. Luc, your short hair motivated me to go a bit shorter. My hair grows like weeds so I feel like it is already long again. Just finished reading "Under the Banner of Heaven" last night. The John Krakauer book on Mormom fanatisism and the history of Mormonism. Ask me anything. Interesting at first, but then got a little term papery. Sorry for such a scattered blog, but those are the basic updates. Love to all and cannot wait until next week. You all are such troopers for coming.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Lydia, you're kids are so cute it is rediculous. I forwarded your album to all my friends. Your hair looks amazing and your trip looks like a blast. I'm glad you had so much fun. It's hot, hot, hot here....
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Great Choice
I think this is a great thing for you Lizzy. You were terrific to live by yourself in NYC for a year, a wonderful life check-off that I know you will not regret. You will be happier near friends and family in the long run and I know they will be happy to have you back. So live up your last few months in NYC before you come back. We once again extended our stay here. We are really and truly going back on Monday night, since we have to leave for Michigan on friday. Otherwise I would stay longer!! Atlanta in the summertime is to be missed for sure. Love to all.
Great News
I think that sounds like a fantastic plan for you. This new job sounds exciting! Congratulations! I think the next trip I'll make to see you is to Chicago so I can see your new place! I think your quality of life will be better there and you will have family close which is always nice.
I am so tired today - I think I got Justin's sickness. Feeling a little under the weather.
Hope all is well.
I am so tired today - I think I got Justin's sickness. Feeling a little under the weather.
Hope all is well.
Big (maybe not suprising) news
First off, I am officially at quota for pictures on the blogger. Lyd, feel free to chime in with any napa pics! Well, it may come as no suprise to you all (and some of you know already) but I will be moving back to Chicago October 1st. There is a lot that needs to happy between now and then but I have gotten the approval to transfer back and by January I will be leaving Aquent to start a new design firm with my current boss. This job will provide a great career opportunity in a creative field with financial incentives. So, for those of you that want to hit up NYC before that, come on out!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Sunday, July 09, 2006
About to go on week 4 of our California visit and are terribly sad to leave on Wednesday. We have had the most fun and relaxing time ever. Dill ended up extending his stay so he was able to be here for 3 weeks. He just left yesterday. Lizzie, you have some serious competition. We are going to have to have an Iron Chef Dill/Shaw competition. Dill made the best Indian food here. Yummy. You all definately need a cookoff. Excited to watch the World Cup today, Wimbledon and Nascar. Well rounded sports agenda! Then eat and swim. Miss you all.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Sailboat+beer+sun= relaxation
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Extended Vacation
Hello All- Some serious blogging while I've been out. Chaz, I can't wait to see you this weekend. You obviously need to bring me up to speed on things in your world. Lyd, I hope you are enjoying CA. I have returned a native (Tica) of Costa Rica. My tan is deep and dark and I love it. I spent the first half of my trip with Magoo where I got schooled by waves at surf camp and spent the last 7 days with my high school and college partner in crime, Kate. I traveled all over the pacific coast. We rented sailboats, went wakeboarding, snorkeled, stayed a night at a spa on the base of an active volcano, bathed in hot springs and on and on. Needless to say, I am rested and things seem a little more clear to me now. I needed a break to get energized and I am very happy to be back at work and in the office now. This weekend is Simone's birthday and it should be fun. I leave on Sat for a 5 day trip (work/fun) to Chicago. I am just dying to see Kris, Dad and Chaz and boys. Love to all of you.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Worth the wait again Chaz!
It is all about quality not quantity Chaz! Love your update. All sounds so great. Do you think you will put an offer on the house in Kenilworth? We are having a blast here. Lucille and Justin just got here so we are making fajitas tonight then we are headed to the parade tomorrow and yes, the fair. Marine World and the Calistoga Fair within a week. I expect my mother of the year award any day now. Mom introduced us to a great couple yesterday. We went over and swam with them and Baker played with their kids. They are coming over again on Wednesday. Looks like Dill is extending his stay to be here the entire 3 weeks, so we are very fired up about that. Lizzie, I am dying for your blog rendition of surf camp in Costa Rica!! Do not disappoint!!!
Lenaandboys Update
Hi all. Sorry I have been remiss with my blogging obligations. Notice the title. This is our new family email address, Thought that was cute. Everyone is finally getting settled. We have been very busy. We had to do a run to IKEA for groceries and to eat in the restaurant. $12 to feed a family and darn I love those meatballs. I am also proud to say that we are now members of Costco. I don't quite yet see the bargain though. I got outta the place for $350 plus $50 for the membership. Like Lena's father always says, you can still go broke shopping at sales. Yesterday was our anniversary. We had planned to play golf but had our babysitter fall through. Subsequent beach plans fell through due to weather so we looked at houses all day in the suburbs. Actually saw a house in Kenilworth that we love and- what's more- might even be able to afford. Anyway, by the afternoon, the weather was a little better so we took the kids to the waterpark. Oscar is absolutely fearless to the point where it worries me. He will launch himself into the deepend and he doesn't even know how to swim. He was screaming because I wouldn't let him do the water slides because he was too small. He loved the little ones. I am talking about the huge ones that even Lena was scared on. Anyway, we are in no hurry but it looks like we might move to the suburbs. We are looking at houses in Hinsdale tomorrow. Oi Vey. Costco, suburbs...What's next? A mini van? All this on top of my greying, thinning hair. Oh and then this, revelation: I realized yesterday that I am now middle aged. It happened when I saw these cute teenage girls at the water park and I realized that rather than looking at them as girls I would hit on if I were single, I was thinking about them as a father might. Might sound strange but that was it. Last night we had a nice dinner at home. We started with a bottle of Dom Perignon 1986 that was a wedding gift. I grilled lamb chops (my fav), asparagus and pineapple and then we had a nice zin too. It was great. Lucas is doing great as well. He has a little problem with collic that is testing my patience to say the least but he'll get over it. I have spent a lot of time recently trying to find a nanny. We are looking for help on Mondays and Wednesdays. On Tuesdays and Thursday, I am hoping Oscar will go to the new daycare center I have applied to for him. It is supposed to be one of the best in the city. Today, is a quite day at work and I am leaving at 1:15. We are headed to Target this afternoon (what a surprise!). Tonight are the city fireworks but it is raining so I am not optimistic. It gets dark so late that it would be a lot on the kids anyway. Tomorrow we are headed to Pat's in Hinsdale. We are looking at houses as I said and going to a parade. After that, we are watching the World Cup and having a bbq. I love you all. Happy 4th.
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