Well it has been quite the last couple of the days. Got the job as most of you know and had to tell work, which has been a little emotional (didn't expect that). As Justin commented last night...it feels like I am breaking up with someone! I really like the people and the company, just don't like what I'm actually doing. So anyhoo. The weather sucks (sorry mom) but it does. I am so jealous Lizzie that you are at fruit stands and now you're in Atlanta where probably all the tree flowers are blooming. It hasn't stopped raining in weeks. WEEKS!! I'm going out to dinner with my girlfriends tonight and Sunday I'm going to this big antique show that I'm really excited about. Sunday night, Justin's mom and step-dad are coming over. Will be much easier than when his dad and step-mom came over. That was a nightmare! Getting really pumped for NYC. Justin should hear back from law school any day now. Keep those toes and fingers crossed.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Spring has sprung!
Wow, what a day in NYC. It is just beautiful and the best part is on nice weather days the fruit stands are open on the streets. So yummy. Only a couple hours to go and I am off to ATL. Pumped! Lyd and I have date night tonight and are going to grub on some lobster enchiladas (I have been dreaming of eating this again for months, it is soooo good but soooo rich!) and a movie. I went out with my new friend Simone last night. We had fun. Everything is really good here. I am really going to raise the bar and whip up a fatty meal at Lyd's on Sunday. Wish I was a 10s camp, need details mom!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Who is your new friend? That's exciting! As soon as I made my first new friend in SF, everything seemed to take off and I became much happier in SF. The first 6 months are tough I think. Has she lived in NY long? I can't wait to come visit you. I went shopping this week and got some cute new things. Feeling very hip : ) Work is a little slow right now and the continuous rain is starting to get to me. I got my student loan award letter last night and am feeling better about how I will finance the next two years. xoxo,
Don't worry
If I go anywhere, it won't be soon. I am ready for your visit magoo. An, Lyd, I am finalizing the menu for Sunday. Can't wait! Off to hear some live jazz tonight and check out some Korean BBQ. Tomorrow, I have my first dinner with my first new NYC friend. Very excited. The weather here is great. I just paid rent and want to cry.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Lizzie....Part II
You can't move. Who will I have as my tour guide/ couch lender in NY? I know this is a selfish request, but I really hope you don't move. We still have so many fun trips ahead of us!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Get a haircut. You just moved to New York! If that doesn't work, think about something more drastic. I was able to negotiate a better deal last night talking to Cheryl so she is going to call me today after she has thought about my numbers and looks at her books to see if she can do it. I hope so! Keep your fingers crossed!
Catch 22
Hang in there Magoo! I would take Lyd's advice and weigh out all your options. It may be worth it for you to pony up all the perks with your current gig to get some experience down on paper. However, I am NOT cool about no benefits. With your active lifestyle you need coverage. In Chicago and having a good time. I have made my rounds; spent tons of time with Chaz, Oliver, Carrie and Lindsay. I saw all my friends on Friday night and that was really nice for me. Baker looks adorable and I cannot wait to check out his t-ball game when I get to Atlanta. I'm going to go to a bookstore when I get back to NYC and find some inspiration. I'm restless for something but I don't know if it's a haircut, a move, a career change or what.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Lyd, I definitely thought about that. I'm just so bummed that I have to start over at the bottom...again. Right now I'm saving, have benefits, have 401K get a bonus and none of that will come with this next job. I know I will learn a TON from this woman and that is very valuable, but I feel like I am definitely worth more to her than what she offered because she needs help on the financial side and on the organizational side and I think I could be a big help there. So I left her a message to ask if we can negotiate and she said she will call me on Monday. I should know tomorrow whether this is a go. I sure hope it is a go.
I had a great weekend otherwise. Justin and I went to Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park and we rented a canoe to row around in. While we were out there, it started pouring rain so Justin frantically rowed to get us under this bridge and we sat in there until the rain went away. Golden Gate park is so beautiful. I am going to try to spend more time there.
Then I drove to Tahoe last night with two of my girlfriends and we woke up at 6:30 this morning and were one of the the first ones on the slopes in Sugar Bowl. We had a big storm Friday and Saturday and the snow was spectacular. Best snow I've skiied in the last two years. Although, unfortunately I have a triangle of sunburn on my forehead where I didn't put sunscreen. It looks rediculous! I hope to go to bed early tonight because I am really tired. Lydia, the cartwheels in the outfield is adorable. Baker looks so big! Hope you're having a nice time with the Clark's and Lizzie. xoxoxo
I had a great weekend otherwise. Justin and I went to Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park and we rented a canoe to row around in. While we were out there, it started pouring rain so Justin frantically rowed to get us under this bridge and we sat in there until the rain went away. Golden Gate park is so beautiful. I am going to try to spend more time there.
Then I drove to Tahoe last night with two of my girlfriends and we woke up at 6:30 this morning and were one of the the first ones on the slopes in Sugar Bowl. We had a big storm Friday and Saturday and the snow was spectacular. Best snow I've skiied in the last two years. Although, unfortunately I have a triangle of sunburn on my forehead where I didn't put sunscreen. It looks rediculous! I hope to go to bed early tonight because I am really tired. Lydia, the cartwheels in the outfield is adorable. Baker looks so big! Hope you're having a nice time with the Clark's and Lizzie. xoxoxo
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Take me out to the ballgame....

Great day around here. Baker had a T-ball game today and was great. Admittadly he did get a little bored playing outfield so he decided to entertain himself with a couple of cartwheels! Very sweet. They both fell asleep for 3 hours after the game so we took them to a late movie to see Curious George. And yes, Baker's George did come. Just hanging out tomorrow. Miss everyone.
Are they crazy???
Luc, do you think it was because they feel that the experience outweights the money. Like how I worked for worse than that as a tour guide? I know you were excited, but something else will come along.
Friday, March 24, 2006
On the up and up....................
I'll keep this to a minimum but I have got to tell you that I am frickin' lovin' my therapy sessions and I am really, really trying to make some changes. Feelin' good. I leave in a couple hours to hop a flight to Chicago to surprise Lindsay for her birthday. She has NO clue and she is not a very happy camper today so she should be really excited. I am also pumped to see some old college buddies. I started looking at taking writing or cooking classes today at NYU (which is next to my place). Kind of tough to commit to a sessions due to travel but a one-off may be a good idea. I went to a charity auction last night and it was the waspiest, east coast thing I have ever seen in my life. There were some cute boys but I have no game b/c I still feel like a cow. Magoo really sounds in love, it's cute. Cheers!!!
What a great, upbeat blog to wake up to Luc. Sounds great. I know it has been a tough week for Justin. One thing I have learned is that eveyone in the world has family drama!!! Can't escape it. It is freezing here. Colder than any day of the winter. We are going to freeze at T-ball practice today. Things are great here. Lalah and Spencer are coming in from Wednesday-Sunday and then Lizzy is coming Friday. Can't wait. Mary Rowe finally slept in her room last night. She loved it. The stripes aren't up yet, but hopefully this weekend. Dill has been sick for 2 weeks so has not be up for painting. I swear he is staying sick to not paint!! Love to all.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Lovin' Life
Hi Hommies. I just got back from a San Francisco treasure hunt and had the best time. We did it as a 'bonding' thing for work. We were all split into teams, given clues and we had 4 hours to run all over the city (literally run) to try to solve the puzzle. The puzzle was so fun and tough but in the end, our team won (the Shaw competitive gene came in handy)! But I am exhausted. We were in China town, north beach, nob hill, russian hill, and we ran...everywhere! I saw some really interesting things today that I probably would have never noticed. Lots of history. Justin's step-dad was just here to have a drink before Justin and he went to dinner. I really like Justin's step-dad. He reminds me a lot of Mike and kindof plays a similar role in Justin's family. Tomorrow I am having a meeting with two of the designers to finalize and negotiate the new "opportunity". Should be really fun. Can't wait! I'm heading to Tahoe this weekend with my friend Marie for one more weekend of skiing. Friday night we are going to see a friend and her fiance perform (they have a band) in the mission. They are DEFINITELY the most alternative friends we have. The girl does interpretive dancing. We went to one of her performances and it was probably one of the most hysterical things I have ever seen. But it's nice to have friends that are really different from you. Justin has had a very difficult week with his dad. I think Justin handled it really well and I'm proud of him. I thought our family was dramatic! I just filed my taxes and found out I'm getting a serious chunk of a tax refund. Enough to pay for my entire summer session at the Academy of Art! Life is good. Love to everybody.
Monday, March 20, 2006
I am alive
OK. So I haven't been so good at posting recently. My apologies. As we know, I just got back from NY. We had so much fun. Two top restaurants. All of the hottest clubs. It was awesome. Lizzie is being humble when she describes her leg of lamb as pretty good. It was awsome. I think Perry had a great time too. Not much going on back here in Chicago but for work which is really busy. Lena and O are ok. I miss them both so much it is killing me. Lena feels completely worn out and I don't blame her. We will be lucky to survive this long break. I wouln't wish it on any family. Mom, Lyd, funny you should mention restless leg syndrome. I have had it for years and it drives me crazy. I too have been following developments but don't really want to take anything. It is so frustrating sometimes though. Sorry I have been so out of touch recently. With everyone gone, I have just been running around doing a bunch of stuff. I miss everyone. Love you all too.
Need a weekend from my weekend
Well, this weekend Perry and Chaz were in town and it's taking every ounce of energy not to face-plant in my laptop right now. We had an amazing time; seeing sights, eating out and in (I made a leg of Lamb on Saturday night that was pretty damn good) and staying out much too late. The only bummer is that I lost my whole wallet which could be the biggest drag of all time. New York City is cold and I have the winter blues. Looking forward to seeing Lydia and surrounding myself in some southern heat. Mary Rowe is like a little woman, so cute. I've dropped a couple of pounds but nothing to get me worked up about. Not going to let mysef spring shop until I reach my goal.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Beach Weekend
Wow, Mary Rowe doesn't look like a toddler anymore! She's all grown up. Pretty in Pink.
It was gorgeous here this weekend so we tried to spend the entire time outside. We went to Bolinas for part of the day and I fell asleep in the park yesterday. Boy did that feel good. We had a St. Patrick's day party on Friday that was tons o' fun. Justin and I ran around SF this morning looking at apartments to buy which was really fun and exciting, but the liklihood of anything happening there is probably less than 50% so I'm trying to not get my hopes up but then I start thinking about it and get excited, so it's been a little bit of a roller coaster. If it doesn't work out, I still really love the place we're living in so we really have nothing to lose. But if it does work out, we'll have an extra bedroom so you all can come visit!
Justin's been really tired with work lately but great news!......Justin's candidate surpassed his opponent this week in the polls. Big news, although bad news for Costa Rica because if Westly wins, Justin can't come with us : ( Lizzie, three more people are coming to Costa Rica! You are going to love them I think. Where have all the bloggers gone? I am still negotiating the I.D. thing, so hopefully that will get resolved this week. Keep your fingers crossed! I spent forever cleaning the apartment tonight. Ugh. It's supposed to be 65 and sunny all week. Woo Hooo! Love everybody,
It was gorgeous here this weekend so we tried to spend the entire time outside. We went to Bolinas for part of the day and I fell asleep in the park yesterday. Boy did that feel good. We had a St. Patrick's day party on Friday that was tons o' fun. Justin and I ran around SF this morning looking at apartments to buy which was really fun and exciting, but the liklihood of anything happening there is probably less than 50% so I'm trying to not get my hopes up but then I start thinking about it and get excited, so it's been a little bit of a roller coaster. If it doesn't work out, I still really love the place we're living in so we really have nothing to lose. But if it does work out, we'll have an extra bedroom so you all can come visit!
Justin's been really tired with work lately but great news!......Justin's candidate surpassed his opponent this week in the polls. Big news, although bad news for Costa Rica because if Westly wins, Justin can't come with us : ( Lizzie, three more people are coming to Costa Rica! You are going to love them I think. Where have all the bloggers gone? I am still negotiating the I.D. thing, so hopefully that will get resolved this week. Keep your fingers crossed! I spent forever cleaning the apartment tonight. Ugh. It's supposed to be 65 and sunny all week. Woo Hooo! Love everybody,

I finally got a new digital camera today, yippie. Here is a new picture of Mary Rowe. She looks so old!! All is well here. Had our first t-ball game yesterday and Baker loves it. Working on getting Mary Rowe's room done. Spencer and Lalah are coming tomorrow for a little bit before they head off to Chili. North Carolina lost today, so Dill is in Mourning. Miss hearing from everyone. Blog has been a little pathetic lately. Luc, I tried to find the house online and think I may have found it. Liz, hope you had fun with Perry and Chaz and Mom, I want to hear your house update. Mom and I were happy to attach ourselves to a now official disease known as RLS or Restless Leg Syndrome. Saw an ad for it. Thought my kicky legs where some freak of nature. Glad it has a name! Love to all.
Monday, March 13, 2006
In Shock
Just saw Chaz's pictures from the party and I can hardly believe how good and grown up Clark looks. Wow. Good for you Clark. Hot as you can imagine here. 85 degrees. Mary Rowe's room will be finished tomorrow so the only thing left is for Dill to paint the stripes on the walls. Should be ready for Spencer and Lalah's visit. Lizzy, your apt. is by far the most stylish shoebox with the best location ever. You guys will have a blast. When is Lucille coming back. Mom, hope you are back safe and sound. Hopeing to get a new digital camera this week so I can get back into a routine of sending pictures. Mary Rowe is projectile throwing up today. Baker is very grossed out. Wants to ban her from the house and car. Love to all.
Spring time in the big apple
Well, my California blood was pumping really thick this weekend. We had 65 degree weather and I was in open-toe heels and a dress in about a second flat. I'll be very busy the next couple of weeks with all my visitors- Perry, Chaz and Magoo. Not to mention the visit I am making at Lyd's. The Shaw's are really making their rounds! Just booked a tanning appointment to give Lyd a run for her crowned position. Very proud of Lucille and her choice of pursuing her passion. Perry is staying with me starting on Thursday and I don't know where he is going to fit. Hahaha. It's like those scenes in the beginning of Elf where Will Farrell is trying to shower and sleep. That's going to be Perry in my shoebox. Love to all.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
College round two
So I am officially a student at the Academy of Art. Now I have to take a few classes so I can get a portfolio together and then I can apply to the Master's program. I also filled out my financial aid forms so keep your fingers crossed that I will get some low interest government loans. I spent the day today walking around the design center and looking at the different show rooms. You all are going to be so happy that I'll be able to buy this furniture for you at a discounted rate because the stuff is fabulous!
Its raining cats and dogs-- lightening, hail and thunder. It is definitely snowing up on Howell Mountain but Mom and Mike are in the desert so they will probably miss it. Work has slowed down a little bit, so that's good. That's about it around here. Justin's in Bolinas surfing today. I'm watching movies and reading. It's too cold to be out in the ocean today! Love everybody. xoxo.
Its raining cats and dogs-- lightening, hail and thunder. It is definitely snowing up on Howell Mountain but Mom and Mike are in the desert so they will probably miss it. Work has slowed down a little bit, so that's good. That's about it around here. Justin's in Bolinas surfing today. I'm watching movies and reading. It's too cold to be out in the ocean today! Love everybody. xoxo.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Love is in the air
Yes, it is officially spring. Weather in the high 70s and all the amazing trees and flowers are starting to bloom. My tan is already rolling. Have to prepare for my jamoca shake sister Elizabeth's visit. Have a tan off of sorts. Been working in the yard like mom on a crazy day. Mary Rowe's room will be finished on Tuesday, so we are painting in the stripes this weekend. Went to my monthly antique market today with a friend. Always fun. Then went to an early dinner with the kids. We are already fired up for summer. I have been taking the kids swimming at the Y and they can't wait for the outdoor pool to open. Baker starts T-Ball next week. Hopefully we have better luck with this than soccer. Less contact at least. Dill just sat down to watch the Carolina game. Go Heels. Love to all.
yeah! no strike!
It was a great weekend. Good crowd at the party. Lizzie and I played tennis and soaked it up in the steam room at M-wood. We watched lots of movies including Crash and Walk the Line and Lizzie cooked up THE BEST DAMN DINNER EVER. It was incredible. Lucy's parents were adorable and we all had a nice time with her on her birthday. We missed you though!!! It was raining cats and dogs. Justin couldn't believe how much cheese and cream we eat and James was a gem as usual. Love you. Everybody have a nice weekend!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
No Strike!
You were missed Lyd but just know that you were laying out in your suit while we all hid indoors from the rain. The party was great and so was the weekend. Very relaxing. Just cooked and hung out with everyone. Enjoyed meeting Lucy and her family. Looking forward to having Chaz in NYC next weekend and heading to ATL to see Lyd in a couple weeks.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
Thinking of the Fam
Well, I miss everyone terribly and feel like the oddball out. I am so sad not to be there, but am so happy all of you are. Can't wait to hear all about the party. I know it will be so fun and that Clark and Lucy will be amazing. We still have Martha here which has been great since Dill has been gone all week. We saw the movies "Walk the Line" and "Crash". I think Crash may have been the best movie I have ever seen. I highly recommend it and hope it wins on Sunday night. Look forward to year two of the TIVO version of the Oscars. So much easier than sitting through all of the boring awards. Amazing spring weather here right now so lots of outdoor time. The Japanese Magnolia in our front yard is in full bloom and is unbelievable. Martha and I are going to spend the day planting flowers tomorrow before she heads back home. Our next visitors are Spencer and Lalah in a couple of weeks. Mary Rowe's room will hopefully be done by then. It is slowly but surely coming together. Then we are on to Lizzy and then Shannon. Love to all.
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