Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Hello all- I had a long weekend with my friend from Colorado. We hoofed it all around the city and managed to get VERY lost in Brooklyn, to the point that I was a little frightened. We just hopped the subway and got of on a random stop to explore. Bad idea. Period. It's colder than cold and I am praying that the 10 day forecast for rain in CA will change so I can get some sunshine and a couple sets in with Magoo. Looking VERY forward to getting to CA this week. My apartment is officially done as of this evening. I pick up my last framed print and once its hung I am officially broke but not homeless! I am hosting a party at my house tonight for all the people in my office which is only 8 people but I don't know where they are going to fit. I may have to sit in the kitchen sink. I think Chaz is planning a trip out here which would be really nice. I like having company. From CA, I go back to Chicago for 4 days and hope to see dad, kris and chaz while I am home. Still need to get my tix to Costa Rica but it's a fortune and I am still hunting!
Monday, February 27, 2006
cats and dogs
Woh, it's really raining. I have the pots set up in my apartment to catch all the leaks so in the background I hear, ping! ping! I love it when it rains like this, but it makes me nervous for Justin's commute. I had a nice weekend. I spent the day with mom yesterday and we had a nice time catching up. Can't wait for next weekend. I saw Clark and Lucy also and their pool house is starting to look great! We're going out to dinner tonight. I'm definitely not going to do my hair because it will just curl up on me with this rain. Oh, I didn't end up in the hospital this weekend. The curse is over. xoxo
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Weekend Update
Had a nice weekend. Our contractor finally started Mary Rowe's room on Saturday so it should be done within the next 2 weeks. Of all people in the word to appreciate their own space, she is the one. I can't wait for her to have it. Our friend from Charlotte came in on Saturday so it was great to see her and we went to a fun cocktail party on Saturday night. The PETA people are probably on our tail because we got a bark collar for my sweet Satchmo last week. One bark on that thing and he has not barked since. The neighbors were getting a little preturbed by his daytime barking ritual. At least he is so smart that he figured it out right away and we will take it off in a week. Quite an invention. It has also cut down on his Tigger attacks. Good news for our orange furry friend. Martha comes tomorrow so we are very excited about that. Dill will be gone all week so it will be nice to have adult company at night. We are all finally going to the Aquarium before she leaves. I am actually very excited about it. Sorry to miss all of the festivities in California, but can't wait to see everyone this summer. Trying to nail down our summer plans for Michigan. Looks like we won't be there for the Lobster Bake since Grandmother's 90th birthday party is going to be a couple of weeks prior. We may be renting a house in downtown Harbor Springs this year which could be fun. We'll see. Love to all. Oh and I hope the Bachelor picks the Nashville girl tomorrow night!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Flyin' Solo
Justin is out of town this weekend. Much to my surprise this morning, I starting crying when I dropped him off at the airport...why? I'm scared. The last two times the J-man has gone out of town I ended up in the hospital. Penicillen allergy and food poisoning/flu. I'm pretty sure bad things come in threes so I am seriously concerned that something's going to happen. I figure, if I talk about it a lot, it won't happen. Hence my blog. I just got back from the store and only bought veggies (brussell sprouts mom, your favorite) and bread for dinner because I'm convinced I got the food poisoning from the steak I ate and I don't want to risk that. So keep your fingers crossed peeps. I have a new friend at work since my other friend got fired. His name is Orin and he just started. Nice guy who went to Boulder and really really reminds me of Dill. His girlfriend just got back from the surf camp that Lizzie and I are going to in Costa Rica. Tomorrow I am going on a tour of the Academy of Art just to check it out. Should be really fun. I rented the Audrey Hepburn version of Sabrina and am about to veg out and watch it in bed. Justin's step-mom just got back from India and she brought back a beautiful handstitched bedspread that is just fabulous. It makes me really happy that she gave it to me because I was so sad that I lost my luggage from the NY trip and now I've kindof forgotten about it because I've got this beautiful thing to replace it all. I'm reading a GREAT book now : The Ruins of California. It's for my new book club. I love it. It's about growing up in CA in the 70s.
Love everybody and can't wait to see you all next weekend!
Love everybody and can't wait to see you all next weekend!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
lots of updates!
Magoo, I have been to that brewery and the view is great. You will really enjoy it. Way to get out and do fun things every weekend! Lyd- sounds like life in the south is very comfortable. It's great to have a sense of community. My exciting news is that my friend Perty comes today but the weather is kinda crummy. Lindsay Buehler is an unbelievable photographer and I have blown up some of her prints to put in my house and they will look awesome!!! I am counting the days to tennis and authentic mexican at home for Clark's party. As Lucille mentioned, we are headed to surf camp in Costa Rica this summer. So pumped! I could use a hot, blonde surfer in my life (even if it's only temporary). This weekend, Petry and I are going to check out the MET, go to Central Park and do other touristy things. I am going to make him install my shelves so that gets me really excited b/c my books are just everywhere. Love, love.
Woh, it's been a long time
I literally was just sitting at the table and realized, woh, I haven't checked the blog in a really long time! I have been totally consumed by work lately and I am exhausted. I can't wait until this busy season is over. This one seems more busy than ever and I am realizing that I am not cut out for this working late business. We got lamps this weekend. I can finally read in my apartment. It was driving me nuts. Justin is going skiing this weekend in Utah (he is going to try telemarking) and I have a fun girls weekend planned. We are going to hike up Mt. Tam to this little brewery and have lunch, plus I have a tour on Saturday at a design school. I cut a lot of my hair off and it looks much more healthy.
I can make it to St. Helena next weekend on Friday night I think. I have to work out the car situation with J. He can't come until Sunday because of work. His campaign has been very hectic lately because the other candidate put out an attack article. they have been having lots of strategy meetings to figure out how to respond. it's been very interesting to watch and hear about it.
lizzie, i'm so excited about our costa rica trip! surf's up! josh wilson, the guy you met when you came to SF, got fired on Friday from Offit Hall. I'm really sad : ( he was my best friend at work.
love you all and can't wait to see you next weekend.
I can make it to St. Helena next weekend on Friday night I think. I have to work out the car situation with J. He can't come until Sunday because of work. His campaign has been very hectic lately because the other candidate put out an attack article. they have been having lots of strategy meetings to figure out how to respond. it's been very interesting to watch and hear about it.
lizzie, i'm so excited about our costa rica trip! surf's up! josh wilson, the guy you met when you came to SF, got fired on Friday from Offit Hall. I'm really sad : ( he was my best friend at work.
love you all and can't wait to see you next weekend.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
No surprises
Unfortunately, there will be no surprise visit to California for me next week, although I know it will be a wonderful party. Am even more upset about the Oscars. Very rainy and yucky here. Have our friends Jon and Elizabeth coming in this weekend and have our annual neighborhood couples cocktail party on Saturday Night. Dill's mom comes on Monday for a week. Then we have Spencer, Lalah and Perry a couple of weeks later, then Lizzy and then Shannon is coming for 4 days. So looking very forward to all of our visitors. Tomorrow is Donuts for Dads at Baker's school so Baker is so excited that Dill is taking him to school and going to his class etc. Big day. In the process of knitting a sweater for Baker so my reading streak has slowed significantly. Can't read and knit at the same time unfortunatley. Hopefully this nasty weather will end because Baker got a Big Wheel this week and it is so fun to watch him ride it. I know Chaz can remember with me how much we LOVED our Big Wheels. Mary Rowe is as precious and feisty as usual and is apparently in love, with Jesus. So funny. If she sees a star in the sky she points to it and yells "Baby Jesus" at the top of her lungs and before she goes to sleep she has to hear this little song she made up that goes to the Frarajaka (sp?) tune. It just says Baby Jesus, Baby Jesus we love you...... As you can imagine, religion and Christianity in particular is such a given here and all the preschools are through churches so children at the youngest ages begin learning about religion. Church is a very central part of spiritual and social life. It has actually been quite pleasant going to church again and getting involved as an adult and not just as a child who was made to go!! Sorry for straying Lizzy. I swear this won't turn into a bible beating blog. Miss everyone.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
catching up
Morning all, Lydia, we are still hoping that you will be w/ us for Clark' and Lucy's party and then we can tivo the awards and have girl time after. It is cold but gorgeous here. My 10s match got cancelled this morning though so M and I are going to hit this afternoon. Lily Oliver had a 9 lb daughter, Beatrice, yesterday at home w/ a midwife. She is well. Trent and Colleen are expecting twins in Sept, a boy and girl. We are having friends from Florida visit this weekend then M goes to Texas on Mon returning the 4th just before the party. I think we are going to go to "the desert" to see some rounds of the Pacific Life Open and to play a little tennis ourselves. We will leave a few days after the party. I miss all my babies and gbabies. Momma
Monday, February 20, 2006
Cold temps in the northeast
well, mom, you would probably die with the temperatures here. Lots of sun but no warmth. Getting very excited for Clarkie's celebration and to finally meet Lucy. Great to see Chaz last week in Chicago and Oscar is just too cute. Work is busy but I get home on Wednesday and my friend from Colorado is coming to stay with me for a week and I am SO excited. He has just returned from a 6 month trip to South America so I am sure he has some great stories. Going to dinner tonight with my best friend Lindsay Fisher in Boston to talk about wedding details. She gets married this August in Cape Cod and I can't wait. Should be really fun and pretty. Love to all.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Night After
They are actually on Sunday, March 5th, the day after his party. Will you still be there. I am still holding out for some last minute miracle to go.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Oscar party?
I just realized that the Oscar's are the night before Clark's party! We should have a girl's party with champagne and snacks and our own picks! Luc, can you make it up from SF in time???
Monday, February 13, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Spring Skiing
We just got back from a gorgeous weekend of skiing in Tahoe. We went with 8 of our friends and all rented a house together near the lake. It was gorgeous - 60 degrees and no clouds in sight. We skiied Squaw the first day and then headed over to Sugar Bowl on Sunday. Instead of skiing today, I tried snowshoeing and went for a nice walk along a little creek. I was surpised by what a workout it was! We all played Taboo on Saturday night - such a fun game because it didn't involve any trivia, so nobody feels stupid - good fun.
Loved the before and after pictures Lyd - what a difference! Please send us an ofoto album if you have anymore and Lizzie, send us any updated photos. Sounds like your dinner party was a huge success. It's nice that your apartment is nice and cozy now that there's a blizzard! Be safe.
Chazzie, loved the house. I hope it all works out. Lydia, the book sounds great and mom thanks for the movie reviews. Matchpoint is definitely on my netflix list.
I'm exhausted. Got so much good sun this weekend. Good night!
Loved the before and after pictures Lyd - what a difference! Please send us an ofoto album if you have anymore and Lizzie, send us any updated photos. Sounds like your dinner party was a huge success. It's nice that your apartment is nice and cozy now that there's a blizzard! Be safe.
Chazzie, loved the house. I hope it all works out. Lydia, the book sounds great and mom thanks for the movie reviews. Matchpoint is definitely on my netflix list.
I'm exhausted. Got so much good sun this weekend. Good night!
Holy Snow!
Hello everyone. Sorry I have been absent from the blogger but been running around like a madwoman! Had a great trip to LA last week for work and enjoyed some very warm weather. Came back to New York and had an unbelievable dinner with Kevin Brown who was in town on business. Went to a fabulous restaurant had had the meal of a lifetime. Hosted a dinner party last night in my new (and SSSSOOOO close to finished) apartment, complete with champagne, cheese platter, lamb, Stags Leap Cab and Magnolia Cupcakes. My friends had a great time and the loved the apartment. I woke up this morning and the city is covered in snow. I took my snowboard on the subway and went to Central Park to hike any hill in sight. Met a couple of teenagers that were building some kickers and ended up having a lot of fun and getting some good exercise. Off to Chicago on Tuesday for three days and looking forward to seeing Chaz and some friends. Love to all.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
The weather is definately not beautiful here, icy and freezing. A great weekend to catch up on things, watch the olympics, knit, read and cook fun stuff. Love the movie reviews. Will have a review of Curious George for you tomorrow. Ron Howard actually produced it and Will Farrell is a voice etc. Kind of excited to see it. Baker is even bringing his George so he can see his famous relative! Just read a very interesting book called Nickel and Dimed, On Not Getting By in America. It was about a Time/Harper's writer who went for 6 months working only minimum wage jobs and in turn tried to live on that money. She did this in Maine, Florida and Minniapolis. As you may have guessed, she could not do it. Very sad and eye opening. Love to all.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Hi all Chaz, the house looks terrrific. Let me know asap if you get it, Know all of you will be glad to have Lena/Mommy home. Movie reviews: Good night, Good Luck-interesting, Morrow character did a great job, not the greatest movie but enjoyed it. Capote, amazing performance by the Capote actor. He ought to win. Can't say we "loved" it but good casting and good performances. Brokeback, absolutely awful unless you just like photography of "big Sky" scenery. It was so beyond dumb, slow, boring, and predictable. Here is an example of the dialog: mbmgrmh, ubmgh, grumhpr, urm, gwmru, really bad..Match Point is my favorite movie in years. Going to see Memoirs of a Geisha Monday night w/ Rue and John, Tomorrow night we are going to see Steve Tyrell w/ Anne and Roger. CAN'T WAIT!!!! Weather is as perfect as weather can be. Lots of tennis and gardening. I love all of you, Momma
Hi All. Sorry I have been so remiss. I have had a pretty busy week. Oscar and I have really had a nice time together. He even comes to me to give me hugs and kisses. It is so cute. He seems to really like day care. At any rate, it hasn't been any trouble. Lizzie, your place looks great. I hope you feel at least a little more settled. Hope you had a nice trip to LA. I will definitely feel nice to go back to your own place after a trip. Tonight is our company party. We don't do it over the holidays because everyone is so busy. It is at the House of Blues here in Chicago and should be fun. Lena is going to look at that house I showed you guys today. I think she is there with the real estate agent right now. Waiting to hear from her right now. Lena gets back tomorrow. I can't wait to see the look on Oscar's face. Have a good weekend everyone. XOXO.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Welcome back. Looks amazing, can't wait to see pictures. Be careful. We have our chilren's art party for the hospital tonight. I have 40 kids and 25 parents coming to do art projects to give to patients and to also submit artwork to be considered for next years hospital Holiday Cards. Should be fun. Pizza etc. Been very busy since I got back though. Everyone has to go and see Lizzy's amazing neighborhood and now quite incredible apt. Will have before and after pictures soon. Love to all.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Tail between my legs

So if you all don't mind, I'm going to rejoin our blog.
I have to tell everybody about my exciting day tomorrow. The Mavericks surf contest is happening at Halfmoon Bay and Justin and I are taking the day off work and going! We got tickets to get on a boat and head straight out to the line-up. The waves are supposed to be 40+ but don't worry, our boat doesn't sit where the waves are. We sit in this alcove where there are calmer waters and where the view is much better than from shore. This contest is the talk of the town. I'm so excited. We have to be on the boat by 7:30 am tomorrow in halfmoon bay. I'll be careful I promise.
Here is a picture of one of the surfers from last year.
a Florida wedding sounds great, i'll start bathing suit shopping ASAP. All is well here. Sunny but brisk weather but I am heading to LA for work on Wednesday and that should include some warmer temperatures. Great time this weekend with Lyd and Luc. They were troopers. We hardly left the house. Just painted and slept in the fumes! Love to all.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
shawbang: Hola Amigos
The signs of intelligence and maturity are the abilities to exchange opposing views rationally and calmly and be enlighened by others. !shawbang: Hola Amigos can't seem to find the controversial "political blog" from Lucille but everyone should express everything.
shawbang: The point is....
shawbang: The point is....Hi all, Houston was wonderful but didn't go to Mexico cause thought it was time to come home, M had been alone long enough. Been working in the yard pruning roses and just trying to clean out all the dead stuff. We are going w/ anne and roger to see Steve Tyrell next Sat, can't wait!!!!!We are building up for the super bowl this afternoon badd cholesterol full food for one day. Did I tell everyone that in just 9 weeks I got my cholesterol cut from 285 to 159 by cutting back on fat and eating oatmeal/oatbran and taking red yeast rice!!! It's like a miracle plus I have lost 8 lbs!! Its like I have a new wardrobe because of all the clothes I can wear again. !! Sorry to have been out of touch. Hope NYC was great for all the decorators. Loooks like the wedding will be in Fla. Yippee. I love you all, Momma
Friday, February 03, 2006
Have a Good Time Girls
Hi to all my sisters. I hope you guys have a great time together. How fun. Travel safe. Can't wait to hear about your visit. Not much going on here. Lena and I went to a great restaurant the other night where I had the best fois gras I have ever had. Yesterday, I gave Lena her birthday present early so she could use it when she goes back to work. It was a new Gucci purse that I just loved. It is beautiful. She leaves tomorrow and O and I will be hanging by ourselves. O seems to like day care so we will be fine. Not sure what we are going to do for the Super Bowl. I drew Pitts in the office pool and will win $250 if Pitt wins so I am definitely rooting for them. In any other instance, I would root for Sea since they are owned by Paul Allen who is my personal hero. What a stud. Have a great weekend everyone.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
so soon!
I can't wait for my sisters to come tomorrow. Sunny day here but supposed to rain all weekend :( The apartment is moving along VERY slowly so this should speed it up a little. Love to all.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The point is....
I created this blog so we could all hear about eachother and what we are doing and interested in. Whether it is Mom's tennis, Clark's engagement, Lucille's politics, Lizzy's city life, my knitting and kids or Chaz's European adventures and children. It is all interesting. So keep it up. A couple of months ago when Dill got on me about too much knitting on the blog, I started a separate blog as well. Can't wait to catch up on Gidget's take.
Guys. It's a blog. You can write whatever you want. That's the whole darn point. Keep it up Lu. I might disagree at times but I am still interested in what you have to say. Heck, you and Justin have the inside scoop. I am definitely interested. Hope everyone is having a good week. Oscar had his first day of day care yesterday. When I arrived he was crying but I don't know why. Coulda just been something random. Worried me though. He just doesn't cry. He was fine when I got him though. Going out with friends for dinner tonight but not sure where. We were trying to decide what we were going to do for Lena's birthday which is right by the long weekend. We think we are going to go to stay at the ski resort where the World Cup Ski Jumping Competition is. The Finns dominate the sport and over 20K Europeans go every year. I think it would be cool. They fly over 140 meters through the air. Wild.
"Gidget Girl"
I'm going to try to write one blog weely. Check out my blog if you're interested. Bye.
Politics has become a large part of my life. not being able to talk about it is very difficult for me and i think it's unfair. it would be like if lydia couldn't talk about her kids or mom couldn't talk about gardening or tennis. but if it makes everybody uncomfortable, i won't talk about it and i'm going to start my own blog. this is not a bad thing, it's a good thing. i can talk about whatever i want and i won't have to worry whether you will accept it or be okay with what i'm writing. i will definitely still check this blog, because i want to know what's going on with you all and then if you decide you want to hear about what i'm thinking or feeling or doing then you can check my blog - i'll let you know what it is as soon as i set it up. i think that's the best thing so then people aren't forced into hearing what i have to say and i won't have to hold back on telling you about my life. Look forward to reading about you all and I'll post my new blog name soon.
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